Intel study: Iraq challenge 'daunting' - "Iraqi leaders will be hard pressed to achieve sustained political reconciliation in the next 12 to 18 months, a collaborative report by 16 U.S. spy agencies says, raising uncertainty about the prospect for withdrawing American troops that are shoring up the government."
U.S. Says Iran Meddles in Iraq but Is Delaying Release of Data - "The decision was described by officials who were struggling to explain why American officials in Baghdad have twice canceled plans to present the evidence, delays that have raised questions about the quality of the intelligence. Some administration officials said there was a continuing debate about how well the information proved the Bush administration’s case."
U.S. Cautions Europeans to Avoid Oil, Gas Deals With Iran - "In the past two weeks, the administration has met with European oil company executives about the Middle East, and during one session a senior State Department official cautioned that the situation with Iran was "hot and is going to get hotter," one executive said."
U.S. not planning for war with Iran, Gates says - ""The President has made clear, the Secretary of State has made clear, I've made clear ... we are not planning for a war with Iran," he told reporters."
Hillary Clinton calls Iran a threat to U.S., Israel - "Calling Iran a danger to the U.S. and one of Israel's greatest threats, U.S. senator and presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said "no option can be taken off the table" when dealing with that nation."
Diplomats: Iran working on uranium plant - "Hundreds of workers in Iran have set up piping, control panels and electric cables for Tehran's underground uranium enrichment plant, diplomats said Friday — the final step before installing equipment that countries fear could be used to make nuclear arms."
Iran: Here We Go Again, Mainstream Media and All - "In case you hadn't noticed, we're being manipulated toward another war. The run-up to an attack on Iran is in full swing, and the justification for it is shifting as fast as the justification for invading Iraq did. And it appears that the media is being as compliant in echoing the Bush administration's message on Iran as it was in supporting their Iraq propaganda."
The Iran factor - "For now, the rules of engagement appear to limit U.S. forces to confronting Iranians caught helping the insurgency in Iraq. But before this seeming proxy war between Iran and the United States spirals out of control, Congress needs to start pressing the Bush administration for evidence to support its allegations of various Iranian threats. This administration's credibility on such matters has been seriously undermined by its array of deceptions and miscalculations -- delivered with such certitude by the president and some of his most senior confidants -- in agitating for the invasion of Iraq."
Arms race fears as Putin attacks missiles plan - "Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, prompted fears of a renewed arms race yesterday after he described American plans to move missiles into eastern Europe as an act of aggression against Moscow."
No 10 kept Blair's questioning by police secret for a week - "Tony Blair’s premiership was on the verge of complete paralysis on Thursday night after it emerged that he was interviewed a second time in secret by police investigating the cash for honours scandal."
The real story of what happened in Najaf - "Accounts of the fierce fighting that erupted near Najaf earlier this week aroused many questions and raised fears about Iraqi security forces' performance."
Pictures of dead Saddam used to 'stimulate' Hicks - "THE photos and articles depicting Saddam Hussein's execution shown to inmates at Guantanamo Bay, including David Hicks, were provided for their "intellectual stimulation", the US military said. ... Mr Hicks's lawyers said the pictures and message amounted to coercion and intimidation."
Substance vs. Presentation. - "What's more important to you, substance or presentation? Are you sure? ... If you are one of the VERY few that still believes any one of the above falsehoods, immediately seek help, you are dangerously delusional."
Clinton, Edwards Will Square Off At Aipac Tonight - "Two of the leading Democratic candidates for president will compete head-to-head tonight for money and support from the same pro-Israel group."
Shell reports record profits - "The figure, which is 21% higher than a year earlier, included a better-than-expected performance in the final three months of the year, when the company's earnings figure rose 11% to 6.01 billion US dollars (£3.06bn)."
Top Ten Reasons Why the US Should Not Marry Mexico - "Below, my list of cultural reasons why the United States should avoid further entanglement with Mexico. Please remember that these are societal averages only; there are many admirable Mexican citizens—particularly those living in Mexico. Also, ten should be understood as an arbitrary number. It does not imply that there are only ten reasons to shun a Mexican merger."
Texas deputy to pay price for defending self - "A Texas deputy sheriff who fired shots at a fleeing vehicle after the driver tried to run him down faces 10 years in prison for injuring one of the passengers, a Mexican national being smuggled illegally into the United States."
National Health Insurance Now, Not Later - "Health care costs continue to skyrocket, and 47 million people remain uninsured. Sooner, if not later, the system will crash. Must we wait for that to happen?"
Global warming man-made, will continue - "The scientists said global warming was "very likely" caused by human activity, a phrase that translates to a more than 90 percent certainty that it is caused by man's burning of fossil fuels. That was the strongest conclusion to date, making it nearly impossible to say natural forces are to blame. It also said no matter how much civilization slows or reduces its greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and sea level rise will continue on for centuries."
Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study - "Scientists and economists have been offered $10,000 each by a lobby group funded by one of the world's largest oil companies to undermine a major climate change report due to be published today."
Global warming sees polar bears stranded on melting ice - "The plight of the bears was highlighted as the prospect of a gloomy future emerged from leaks of the most comprehensive report into global warming yet undertaken, which is to be published on Friday."
Report: Chirac says U.S. could be taxed if it does not sign climate accord - "The United States could face possible European carbon taxes on its exports if it does not sign global climate accords, French President Jacques Chirac was quoted as saying in an interview published Thursday."
And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to ... Al Gore? - "Former Vice President Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world’s attention to the dangers of global warming, a Norwegian lawmaker said Thursday."
Drug company 'hid' suicide link - "Secret emails reveal that the UK's biggest drug company distorted trial results of an anti-depressant, covering up a link with suicide in teenagers."
1867 nanomachine now reality - "Nearly 150 years ago it was no more than a concept by a visionary scientist, but researchers have now created a minuscule motor that could lead to the creation of microscopic nanomachines."
911 images could mean info overload - "Now the city wants to broaden the 911 system to accept digital photos and video clips of accidents and crimes. But the expansion of the massive 911 system, which already handles roughly 11 million calls a year, raises questions about what to do with all that data. Now the city wants to broaden the 911 system to accept digital photos and video clips of accidents and crimes. But the expansion of the massive 911 system, which already handles roughly 11 million calls a year, raises questions about what to do with all that data."
Image Search Goes Tagless - "Online image search has traditionally relied on text tags and a keen eye. But new technologies can help find pictures of your boyfriend, Leonardo DiCaprio or even a perfectly worn-in pair of jeans -- regardless of the photograph's lighting or angle."
The Richer You Are, the Better Your Sex Life, Survey Finds - "And rich women, it seems, enjoy sex the most. "In seeking a higher-quality sexual experience the number of well-heeled women that lead more adventurous and exotic sex lives, have had an affair, or joined the mile-high club far outdistances that of men — and the affluent gender gap in views on sex doesn't end there," Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince, two well-known researchers on the habits of the rich and famous, found."

Quote of the Day
"Today, the tyrant rules not by club or fist, but, disguised as a market researcher, he shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort."
~ Marshall McLuhan
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