June 6, 2007

Court hears appeal in teen oral sex case

In January 2007, the FOH linked to this ESPN story about Genarlow Wilson. He was sentenced to prison for, at 17-years old, having consenual oral sex with a 15-year old girl who initiated the act.

Now we have an update:

Wilson has served more than 27 months in prison. His case has become something of a cause celebre, largely because of the legal loophole that ensnared him.


Wilson's case shows how a law designed to go after child sex predators can have unintended consequences and criminalize consensual sexual activity between teens, said Karen Worthington, director of the Barton Child Law and Policy Clinic at Emory Law School.

You think? This is why 'mandatory sentences' can not just be thrown around without much thought given to them. An honor student and promising athlete has now had his life ruined by such near-sighted agendas.

Read the rest.

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