June 6, 2007

More of the Same

The United States, in case you haven't matured enough to figure it out, is not a special country. It is one of the most warlike on the face of the Earth. Our ancestors were greedy and ruthless enough to grab the best slice of the North American continent. Protected by two oceans, we ruthlessly exploited the land and its resources. We didn't become prosperous because we were free. We became prosperous because the land contained so much wealth – vast forests, fertile soil, amenable climate, oil, iron ore and coal. Canada got stuck with mostly tundra; Mexico got mostly desert.


Don't look for peace and prosperity in the future. It will be just more of the same – war, taxes, debt and human misery. But don't worry. You'll be kept fully informed about Lindsay Lohan and other celebrities.

Read the rest. He makes a good point about the Sudan and the Congo.

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