July 30, 2007

Company Rents Pets to Animal Lovers

I can't quite put my finger on why this bothers me.

From the state that popularized purse puppies, drive-thru dog washes and gourmet dog food delivery comes the latest in canine convenience—a company that contracts out dogs by the day to urbanites without the time or space to care for a pet full-time.

But it does.

Read more.


Anonymous said...

It bothers me because there is a major connection between a dog and a human. Having a dog is not about convience to people. It is a mutual friendship in which they both rely on eachother. I own a retired racing greyhound whom I love dearly. A dog is not an accessory to spice up your outfit or lifestyle for a day. It is a living, breathing, creature with a personality and needs. I hardly think that having an endless number of "gigs" is fair to a dog. As people we become restless when traveling from place to place nonstop and long for a place we call home. A dog is no different.

Randy Anderson said...

I completely agree.

It's the "renting" of another living animal, just like renting a movie, that bothers me.

Unfortunately, most humans believe they own all other animals on the planet. They see the other animals as just objects to make money or do things humans deem as too dangerous for humans to do. Whether it's renting animals, training them to blow up bombs, or dog fighting, the point is always the same: we can use these animals because we're intelligent and they are not.

That's a bunch of crap.