August 17, 2007

The dogs of war

Since Beauchamp's tales of dog-squashing and skull desecration aroused so much outrage from conservatives, it's worth noting that the Nation's account, by Chris Hedges and Laila Al-Arian, includes similar stories. For instance, a platoon leader is described as shooting the jaw off a dog for no particular reason; the hapless creature yelps and spurts blood while the family whose home was being raided looks on in horror

On another occasion, an American soldier poses alongside a dead Iraqi man with the top of his head blown off, and pretends to be eating his brains with an Army spoon. "Take a picture of me and this motherfucker," the soldier reportedly said. Apparently someone did: the Nation claims to have photographic evidence of the incident, alleged to have been witnessed by members of the victim's family.


"Damn, they really fucked you up, didn't they?" laughed the spoon-wielding soldier as he surveyed the extent of the dead man's injuries.

Indeed they did. But long after the Iraqi was laid to an uneasy rest, his tormenter will be dealing with the reality of his own fucking-up. That's not propaganda. That's the entirely predictable consequence of a war that never should have been fought.

Read the rest.

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