July 16, 2007

Commentary: Pope's comments irrelevant to non-Catholics

Non-Catholics who are up in arms of the proclamation by Pope Benedict XVI that the only true church in the world is that of Catholicism shouldn't even bother getting upset. Just chalk it up to an old man trying to get a little attention.

For him to even suggest that only the Catholic Church can provide true salvation to believers in Christ shows that he is wholly ignorant of the Scriptures that I have known all my life.

Sorry, let me take that back. I've really only known the Bible for the last 13 of my 38 years. That's because those first 25 years were spent as a die-hard Catholic.

Fight amongst yourselves please. ;-)

Read the rest.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fight??? I'm in!!!

*insert tongue firmly in cheek*

I have to say that I agree with this statement:

"It is these kinds of missives by Pope Benedict XVI that do nothing to support or build the community of faith. All it does is divide."

If it weren't for the Pope speaking of the importance of communion with Rome, Christians would be united as one... the "united Catholic-Orthodox-Baptist-Lutheran-Anglican-Presbyterian-Methodist-Pentacostal-And-All-The-Rest Church".

I guess this is the "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic" Church described in the Nicene Creed... a creed that almost all Christians accept. But according to the argument given in the article, "apostolic" isn't a big deal... so we're really just interested in "one, holy and catholic".

But then again, the Nicene Creed creed was composed mainly to counter the Arian heresy. That is, a bunch of bishops got together for the purpose of "owning" Jesus and telling us that their interpretation was correct and that Arianism was heretical. Pffft. How dare they?!?! We should rename this "one" church as the "united Arian-Catholic-Orthodox-Baptist-Lutheran-Anglican-Presbyterian-Methodist-Pentacostal-And-All-The-Rest Church". Damn the man. Whateva, I do what I want.

Mr. Martin quoted John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the life."

I'll accept this, just so long as "the way" is my way, and "the truth" is what I decide. After all, if I was made in God's image, why shouldn't I return the favor and recreate him in mine?

*return tongue to normal position*
