December 6, 2009

The Fiction Of Climate Science

Many of you are too young to remember, but in 1975 our government pushed "the coming ice age."

I remember.

Read more.

November 20, 2009


But perhaps the most damaging revelations  – the scientific equivalent of the Telegraph’s MPs’ expenses scandal – are those concerning the way Warmist scientists may variously have manipulated or suppressed evidence in order to support their cause.

Read the rest.

November 11, 2009

Vatican looks to heavens for signs of alien life

"Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God's creative freedom."

What a cop-out. "...we cannot put limits on God's creative freedom"?

I see this as religion "evolving" (after all, Galileo was imprisoned and Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for their thoughts.) so as to try and stay relevant. To try and keep its power and influence over people.

Funes maintained that if intelligent beings were discovered, they would also be considered "part of creation."

Interesting, no? Now what if those intelligent beings look nothing like us humans? Did "god" really create us in "his" image then? I'm betting that "logic" (if you can call it that) will evolve too once they realize it can no longer hold water.

Read more.

November 6, 2009

Report: 237 millionaires in Congress

Two-hundred-and-thirty-seven members of Congress are millionaires. That’s 44 percent of the body – compared to about 1 percent of Americans overall.

And how can they possibly understand the issues of average Americans? That's right. They can't.

Read more, then replace Congress with people who actually represent the American people.

October 29, 2009

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

But it raises a number of moral and ethical concerns. These include the possibility of children being born through entirely artificial means, and men and women being sidelined from the process of making babies.

October 2, 2009

Scientists find path to fountain of youth

The fountain of youth may exist after all, as a study showed that scientists have discovered means to extend the lifespan of mice and primates

Read more.

September 23, 2009

India’s lunar mission finds evidence of water on the Moon

Dreams of establishing a manned Moon base could become reality within two decades after India’s first lunar mission found evidence of large quantities of water on its surface.

Data from Chandrayaan-1 also suggests that water is still being formed on the Moon. Scientists said the breakthrough — to be announced by Nasa at a press conference today — would change the face of lunar exploration.

Read more.

August 29, 2009

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

Translation: If your company is deemed "critical," a new set of regulations kick in involving who you can hire, what information you must disclose, and when the government would exercise control over your computers or network.

Read more.

August 26, 2009

DNA swap could cure inherited diseases

The prospect of a human baby with three biological parents has moved closer after scientists created monkeys using a technique that one day could stop children from inheriting severe genetic diseases.


The technique is controversial, however, because the children it creates would inherit genetic material from three parents. The mother and father would contribute most of their child’s DNA but a small amount would come from a second woman donating healthy mitochondria.

Read more.

August 22, 2009

Artificial life will be created 'within months' as genome experts claim vital breakthrough

The first artificial lifeform is likely to be a simple man-made bacterium that proves that the technology can work.

But it will be followed by more complex bacteria that turn coal into cleaner natural gas, or algae that can soak up carbon dioxide and convert it into fuels.

They could also be used to create new vaccines and antibiotics.

Read more.

August 17, 2009

Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll

At the same time, more Americans nationwide are saying this year that they are conservative than have made that claim in any of the last four years.


Read more unless you're over at Fox News.

Building block of life found on comet

The amino acid glycine, a fundamental building block of proteins, has been found in a comet for the first time, bolstering the theory that raw ingredients of life arrived on Earth from outer space, scientists said on Monday.

Read more.

August 15, 2009

The brutal truth about America’s healthcare

They came in their thousands, queuing through the night to secure one of the coveted wristbands offering entry into a strange parallel universe where medical care is a free and basic right and not an expensive luxury.


In the week that Britain's National Health Service was held aloft by Republicans as an "evil and Orwellian" example of everything that is wrong with free healthcare, these extraordinary scenes in Inglewood, California yesterday provided a sobering reminder of exactly why President Barack Obama is trying to reform the US system.

Healthcare is a basic right, not a luxury.

Read more.

August 14, 2009

Senators exclude end-of-life provision from bill

Key senators are excluding a provision on end-of-life care from health overhaul legislation after language in a House bill caused a furor.


A health care bill passed by three House committees allows Medicare to reimburse doctors for voluntary counseling sessions about end-of-life decisions. But critics have claimed the provision could lead to death panels and euthanasia for seniors.

Reality is fiction. Education is ignorant. Fear sells.

Read more.

August 11, 2009

Are we on the brink of creating a computer with a human brain?

Instead, most neuroscientists believe that our feelings of self-awareness, pain, love and so on are simply the result of the countless billions of electrical and chemical impulses that flit between its equally countless billions of neurons.

So if you build something that works exactly like a brain, consciousness, at least in theory, will follow.

In fact, several teams are working to prove this is the case by attempting to build an electronic brain.


Read more.

August 7, 2009

August 6, 2009

Rest in Peace John Hughes


Thank you, Mr. Hughes. Rest in peace.

Read more.

For Today’s Graduate, Just One Word: Statistics

The rising stature of statisticians, who can earn $125,000 at top companies in their first year after getting a doctorate, is a byproduct of the recent explosion of digital data. In field after field, computing and the Web are creating new realms of data to explore — sensor signals, surveillance tapes, social network chatter, public records and more. And the digital data surge only promises to accelerate, rising fivefold by 2012, according to a projection by IDC, a research firm.

Read more.

August 4, 2009

Britain To Put CCTV Cameras Inside Private Homes

As an ex-Brit, I’m well aware of the authorities’ love of surveillance and snooping, but even I, a pessimistic cynic, am amazed by the governments latest plan: to install Orwell’s telescreens in 20,000 homes.

£400 million ($668 million) will be spend on installing and monitoring CCTV cameras in the homes of private citizens. Why? To make sure the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating their vegetables. The scheme has, astonishingly, already been running in 2,000 family homes. The government’s “children’s secretary” Ed Balls is behind the plan, which is aimed at problem, antisocial families. The idea is that, if a child has a more stable home life, he or she will be less likely to stray into crime and drugs.

It gets worse. The government is also maintaining a private army, incredibly not called “Thought Police”, which will “be sent round to carry out home checks,” according to the Sunday Express. And in a scheme which firmly cements the nation’s reputation as a “nanny state”, the kids and their families will be forced to sign “behavior contracts” which will “set out parents’ duties to ensure children behave and do their homework.”


Read more.

July 29, 2009

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (or, the Privatization of the English Language)

I find it unbelievable that a common phrase (that was used way before it was the title of any book) can be trademarked. We’re not talking about the names of products … we’re talking about the English language. You know, the words many of us use for such things as … talking, and writing, and general communication? Perhaps I’m a little behind the times, but is it really possible to claim whole chunks of the language, and force people to get permission to use the language, just in everyday speech?

What if this were taken to an extreme? What if some billionaire (say, Bill Gates) decided to start trademarking thousands and thousands of phrases, so that he could charge us for each use, or so that we’d have to link back to the Microsoft homepage with each reference? The language, in this scenario, could be entirely privatized if we allow this sort of thing.

Read more.

Astronomers Discover Rare 'Green Pea' Galaxies

The galaxies, which are between 1.5 billion and 5 billion light years away, are 10 times smaller than our own Milky Way galaxy and 100 times less massive. But surprisingly, given their small size, they are forming stars 10 times faster than the Milky Way.

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Five Hours

After calculating that I wasted 6500 hours in church the first 25 years of my life, I vowed to spend 6500 hours doing volunteer work that would actually make a difference in the world.

It was just too good not to post.

July 28, 2009

Oldest Animal Fossils Found in Lakes, Not Oceans

Conventional wisdom has it that the first animals evolved in the ocean.

Now researchers studying ancient rock samples in South China have found that the first animal fossils are preserved in ancient lake deposits, not in marine sediments as commonly assumed.

Read more and realize we don't really know all that much.

A Modular Robot That Puts Itself Back Together Again

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a walking robot constructed from modules that are designed to separate on impact, find each other and reassemble into a working robot.

Read more.

July 25, 2009

Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man

Impressed and alarmed by advances in artificial intelligence, a group of computer scientists is debating whether there should be limits on research that might lead to loss of human control over computer-based systems that carry a growing share of society’s workload, from waging war to chatting with customers on the phone.

Their concern is that further advances could create profound social disruptions and even have dangerous consequences.

Read more.

July 8, 2009

Copyright laws threaten our online freedom

Copyright was meant to encourage culture, not restrict it. This is reason enough for reform. But the current regime has even more damaging effects. In order to uphold copyright laws, governments are beginning to restrict our right to communicate with each other in private, without being monitored.

File-sharing occurs whenever one individual sends a file to another. The only way to even try to limit this process is to monitor all communication between ordinary people. Despite the crackdown on Napster, Kazaa and other peer-to-peer services over the past decade, the volume of file-sharing has grown exponentially. Even if the authorities closed down all other possibilities, people could still send copyrighted files as attachments to e-mails or through private networks. If people start doing that, should we give the government the right to monitor all mail and all encrypted networks? Whenever there are ways of communicating in private, they will be used to share copyrighted material. If you want to stop people doing this, you must remove the right to communicate in private. There is no other option. Society has to make a choice.

Read the rest.

July 5, 2009

New Class of Black Holes Discovered

Only two sizes of black holes have ever been spotted: small and super-massive. Scientists have long speculated that an intermediate version must exist, but they’ve never been able to find one until now.

Get sucked in here.

Video: Pentagon’s Robo-Hummingbird Flies Like the Real Thing

So far, the mock bird, built for Pentagon mad-science division Darpa, has only stayed aloft for 20 seconds at a time. But that short flight was enough to show the potential of a whole new class of miniature spies, inspired by nature.

Check out the video.

US manned space flight in doubt 40 years after moon walk

The commission chairman, respected former Lockheed Martin chief executive Norman Augustine, said it comes down to money.

"With a few exceptions, we have the technology or the knowledge that we could go to Mars if we wanted with humans. We could put a telescope on the moon if we wanted," he said.

"The technology is by and large there. It boils down to what can we afford?"

Which really means it boils down to priorities.

Read more.

July 2, 2009

When your phone rings, the copyright police may come calling

A digital rights group is contesting a U.S. music industry association's assertion that royalties are due each time a mobile phone ringtone is played in public.

The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) filed suit against AT&T asserting that ringtones qualify as a public performance under the Copyright Act.

Fucking leeches.

I read more.

ASCAP’s suit highlights efforts by the music industry to aggressively assert its influence in dealing with new digital media. ASCAP wants mobile operators to pay royalties or be held liable for the so-called public performances of the ringtones. The organization has indicated that it would not pursue claims against individual consumers but rather the operators.

I guess that's supposed to keep the wrath of the individual consumers off their asses. Well, quite frankly, it's not fair to the "operators".

A public performance?

A Fucking. Public. Performance.?

These bastards sure know how to alienate the consumers that made them rich.

Read more.

‘Toy universe’ may solve mystery of life’s origins

Enter the Evogrid, a computer creation concept that would be a digital version of the primordial soup.

Read more.

June 29, 2009

Toyota technology has brain waves move wheelchair

Toyota Motor Corp. says it has developed a way of steering a wheelchair by just detecting brain waves, without the person having to move a muscle or shout a command.

Read more.

June 25, 2009

Yes, I Had The Poster ...

... hanging on my wall in the '70s. RIP Farrah.

May 30, 2009

US lab debuts super laser

A US weapons lab on Friday pulled back the curtain on a super laser with the power to burn as hot as a star.

The National Ignition Facility's main purpose is to serve as a tool for gauging the reliability and safety of the US nuclear weapons arsenal but scientists say it could deliver breakthroughs in safe fusion power.

Read more.

May 19, 2009

Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution

"The link they would have said up to now is missing - well it's no longer missing."

Now, that's, cool.

Read the rest.

May 16, 2009

How Cool Is That?

Well, Wolframalpha has launched and it looks pretty cool. It (and the future copy cats) will only get better as time goes on. I, for one, am excited about it.

Check it out here.

May 13, 2009

Obama opposes detainee abuse photo release

In a reversal, President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he would fight the release of dozens of photographs showing the abuse of terrorism suspects, over concern the images could ignite a backlash against U.S. troops.

How disappointing.

Get more disappointment here.

May 6, 2009

Get Ready Humanity, Because Space Is a Freak Show

In October, NASA discovered the universe was sliding inexplicably toward, well, something massive. They called the phenomenon "dark flow," and it's but one example of the creepy, unexplained awesomeness that awaits humanity in space.

Explore the rest.

May 3, 2009

An invention that could change the internet for ever

Wolfram Alpha will not only give a straight answer to questions such as "how high is Mount Everest?", but it will also produce a neat page of related information – all properly sourced – such as geographical location and nearby towns, and other mountains, complete with graphs and charts.

The real innovation, however, is in its ability to work things out "on the fly", according to its British inventor, Dr Stephen Wolfram. If you ask it to compare the height of Mount Everest to the length of the Golden Gate Bridge, it will tell you. Or ask what the weather was like in London on the day John F Kennedy was assassinated, it will cross-check and provide the answer. Ask it about D sharp major, it will play the scale. Type in "10 flips for four heads" and it will guess that you need to know the probability of coin-tossing. If you want to know when the next solar eclipse over Chicago is, or the exact current location of the International Space Station, it can work it out.

Now, you can't tell me that's not cool.

Read more and try to wait patiently for the arrival of Wolfram Alpha.

May 1, 2009


In one of the few stumbling moments that I get, I came across the following graphic. I found it amusing, but that's just me.

April 25, 2009

The Geomagnetic Apocalypse — And How to Stop It

Needless to say, shorting out the electrical grid would cause major disruptions to developed nations and their economies.

Worse yet, the next period of intense solar activity is expected in 2012, and coincides with the presence of an unusually large hole in Earth's geomagnetic shield, meaning we'll have less protection than usual from the solar flares.

The report received relatively little attention, perhaps because of 2012's supernatural connotations. Mayan astronomers supposedly predicted that 2012 would mark the calamitous "birth of a new era."

But the report is credible enough that some scientists and engineers are beginning to take the electromagnetic threat seriously.

Read more.

April 17, 2009

Obama Releases Torture Memos, Vows Not to Prosecute

The Obama administration on Thursday released top secret memos outlining the legal rationale used to justify the CIA's torture of terror suspects, but vowed not to prosecute the torturers.

And anything else was expected?


It appears some animals are more equal than others.

Read more.

When it comes to the human race...

...yeah, I'm a pessimist.

But every once in awhile I find something that makes me smile.

March 30, 2009

Once-a-day heart combo pill shows promise in study

The experimental combo pill was as effective as nearly all of its components taken alone, with no greater side effects, a major study found. Taking it could cut a person's risk of heart disease and stroke roughly in half, the study concludes.


No price for the polypill has been disclosed, but its generic components cost only a total of $17 a month now and doctors expect the combo would sell for far less.

Read the rest.

March 27, 2009

Criticism over Obama invite mounts at Notre Dame

Chris Carrington, a political science major from the Chicago area, said he doesn't see how Obama's appearance at Notre Dame contradicts Catholic values.

"To not allow someone here because of their beliefs seems a little hypocritical and contradictory to what the mission of the university and church should be," he said.

Read more.

March 25, 2009

The Great Lake Swimmers

Nice find out of Canada. Here are a couple of beautiful songs:

Moving Pictures, Silent Films

Song for the Angels

'Three Stooges' coming together at MGM

As a big fan of Moe, Larry, and Curly, (and yes, even Shemp) I have to say this saddens me a bit.

MGM and the Farrelly brothers are finally slapping together their high-profile cast for "The Three Stooges," a comedy project the filmmakers have been developing for years. Sean Penn is set to play Larry, and Jim Carrey is in negotiations to play Curly. Benicio del Toro is a rumored possibility for the brothers' taciturn leader, Moe.

I see this as having too good of a chance at diminishing what the original Three Stooges accomplished. If it sucks even half as bad as I'm thinking it will, then the new generations will quickly forget about the Three Stooges. Why, in their view, should they waste their time exposing themselves to the original shorts if this movie with Penn, Carrey, and del Torro sucks?

Again, original brilliance is relegated to a modern re imagining with too good of a chance of being destroyed in the process.

Read more.

March 18, 2009

Vatican defends pope condoms stand, criticism mounts

The Vatican on Wednesday defended Pope Benedict's opposition to the use of condoms to stop the spread of AIDS as activists, doctors and politicians criticised it as unrealistic, unscientific and dangerous.

I can't believe this is still even an issue. Yeah, even for the Pope and the Catholic Church.

Read more.

March 17, 2009

National debt hits record $11 trillion

The eye-popping national debt surpassed $11 trillion Monday, the largest in U.S. history.

That's "trillion". With a "t".

At $1 a second, which is $3600 an hour, it would take about 32,000 years to reach $1 trillion.

And the U.S. owes eleven of them.

Fiscally irresponsible idiots.

Read more.

March 16, 2009

UW-Milwaukee Study Could Realign Climate Change Theory

Now the question is how has warming slowed and how much influence does human activity have?

"But if we don't understand what is natural, I don't think we can say much about what the humans are doing. So our interest is to understand -- first the natural variability of climate -- and then take it from there. So we were very excited when we realized a lot of changes in the past century from warmer to cooler and then back to warmer were all natural," Tsonis said.

Read more.

March 13, 2009

A Little Humor

Q: How do you pick-up chicks in a Calculus II class?


That's funny.

Found at

March 8, 2009

Scientists meet to dispute global warming theory

"What we are trying to accomplish with this conference is to present to the politicians and to the public that the debate is not over about global warming or climate change; that there is plenty of room for disagreement; and that sound science shows that the earth is not warming," says Miller.

Read more.

Top Republicans say banks should be allowed to fail

John McCain and Richard Shelby, two high-profile Republican senators, said Sunday that the government should allow a number of the biggest U.S. banks to fail.

I agree.

Obama made clear in an interview published Sunday in The New York Times that he did not want big banks to fail, saying his administration "would take more significant action to deal with those institutions."

"But the point is that our commitment is to make sure that any actions we take to maintain stability in the system, begin to loosen up credit and lending once again so that businesses and consumers can borrow," he said. "And if they can, then you're going to start seeing businesses invest once again and you're going to see people hired once again, but it's going to take some time."

And since these banks really did not suffer any consequences for their actions (after all, we taxpayers allowed congress to use our money and bail them out) what incentives do they (as well as all other big organizations) have so as not to make such stupid decisions again?

The answer: none.

Why?: Because they will be bailed out again.

If they're allowed to fail, then other organizations will take notice and not make similar stupid decisions.

Read more.

Famed pastor predicts imminent catastrophe

"It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires – such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago," he explains. "There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting – including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?"

Jesus, this guy.

He's preying on people's fears and the current global economic crisis (which was a man-made crisis) and claiming this will be "God's wrath." I read on...

"God is judging the raging sins of America and the nations," claims Wilkerson. "He is destroying the secular foundations." Wilkerson urges everyone to stockpile a 30-day supply of food and other necessities to deal with the catastrophe he foresees.

"I do not know when these things will come to pass, but I know it is not far off," Wilkerson concluded in his message. "I have unburdened my soul to you. Do with the message as you choose."

Of course you don't "know when these things will come to pass". For some strange reason this "God" of yours is never able to disclose such details.

There's a pretty good chance that a disaster like this could happen, but that's just because of the crisis that a few humans have put the world in, not because your "God" is pissed off at America and other nations.

You're doing a little preemptive strike here. In case something like this does happen, then you will have many sheeple following you. Good move on your part, but "God" has nothing to do with it.

Read more, if you really want to, here.

Kepler Launches

The Kepler Space Telescope is the first human tool that will be able to find planets capable of supporting life as we know it.

Read more.

Wolfram Alpha: Next major search breakthrough?

It follows the Google principle, with a simple input box, but takes a different approach to rendering search results. Nova Spivack, CEO of Radar Networks, which developed Twine, an ambitious "interest network" Web application based on semantic Web technologies, , said that Wolfram Alpha may be as "important for the Web (and the world) as Google, but for a different purpose."

Read more.

February 27, 2009

America's Stupid Health Care Debate: Keeping Some Ideas Off the Table

It is a sad commentary on the pinched and strictly censored level of political discourse in this nation that any serious consideration of Canada's successful approach to health care is simply out of bounds in America.


There has for years been a huge ongoing propaganda campaign by US health care companies and their lobbies to denigrate Canada's system, but the big truth that they cannot deny is that it is loved by Canadians. The best evidence of this: Despite years of conservative governments in Canada, and in the various provinces, no political leader has ever tried to re-privatize health care in Canada. Clearly such an effort would be political suicide, so popular is the system there. As Canadian resident Joe Sotham explains, "In Canada we complain about wait list length, and the reality is that there is rationing, but everyone gets care and nobody is bankrupted , no HMO clerk stands in the way of treatment. We treat health care like a fundamental right.


The truth is that every other modern country in the world has long ago figured out that you can't have cost-effective, universal health care unless the government is the paymaster, with prices set by the government. The truth too is that no country that has moved to such a single-payer system has later rejected it--a good indication that the people of these countries are satisfied with the results and with what they're getting for what they're paying.

Read more.

Things That Make Me Smile

When my two and half year old walks up to the computer, points (because he wants to hear a song), and then says, "Black ... Diamond."

That's my boy.

February 18, 2009

Big Three Automakers

The Big Three Auto makers

Pretty funny. Check out the rest here.

February 16, 2009

Pirates and Emperors

Amazon Kindle = Privacy FAIL

Leaving aside for a moment that the Kindle’s very name is weirdly evocative of book burning, consider that for everything we gain with a Kindle—convenience, selection, immediacy—we’re losing something too.


In the past, restrictive governments had to ban whole books whose content was deemed too controversial, inflammatory or seditious for the masses. But then at least you knew which books were being banned, and, if you could get your hands on them, see why. Censorship in the age of the Kindle will be more subtle, and much more dangerous.


The original version was never printed, and now it’s like it didn’t even exist. What’s more, the government now has a list of everyone who downloaded both the old and new versions of the book.

Read more. Thanks, Luis!