September 2, 2005

Survival 101

What image has Iraq, Katrina, and the events in New Orleans projected to the rest of the world?

That maybe the United States isn't as united, or as powerful, as those countries think.

While it is true America could quickly obliterate any place on the planet, it is also true that America does not think past the here and now. No thought is given to the consequences of actions, or inactions. This philosophy comes from the top down. For years, the government was warned about the situation that is now currently happening in New Orleans. And what happened? The budget to upgrade the levees was cut year after year. The thought must have been, "that won't happen here. And besides, we need more money to fight our wars."

That's right. Don't think about the future. Let our children find a way to survive on their own. After all, we won't be around, so why should we care. Well guess what? At some point there WILL be a generation that IS around, and I'm betting they will care.

Doesn't anyone think of prevention? I don't think so. There is more money to be made from rectifying situations than there is in trying to prevent those situations from happening. The American society is not one to promote preventive measures, unless of course it means obliterating countries that pose no threat whatsoever.

While Katrina could not have been prevented, it is true the floods from the levee breaks could have been. And the lawlessness? FEMA is surprised by it? What do they think happens when people are at their wits end. Now, not all the looting was done by people taking advantage of the situation. No. Many people were/are just trying to survive.


Can you fathom that? I can't. The only reason FEMA is surprised is because, "that won't happen here."

Don't they get it? We are all humans on this damn planet. We all want essentially the same thing: health, love, and the opportunity to be a productive member of society. Once those are taken away, then all we want is to survive.

Can they fathom that?

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