AFP/Nicolas Asfouri
Israel rejects pressure to end Lebanon war - "Israel rejected mounting international pressure on Monday to end its war against Hizbollah and launched a new incursion into Lebanon, as world powers squabbled over the urgency of a ceasefire."
The End of the Holocaust - "How is it that Israel can persist in massacring people while the world stands by? What justification does it give itself, and what gives the world pause? The answer is as obvious as it is absurd: the Holocaust. The Jewish state receives dispensation for the crimes committed against the Jewish people. It was nearly exterminated, and now it must protect itself. How many massacres can Israel commit before this dispensation runs out? Kibya, 1953; Sabra and Shatila, 1982; Jenin, 2002; Qana, 2006, and all the others in between. (Let us not forget that for Qana, this is the second time around. In 1996, Israel massacred 100 people there.) One is tempted to suggest that Israel has overdrawn its credit on the Holocaust. It is perhaps time to reject the appeal to German barbarity in order to engage in barbarity of one’s own. Historians, many of them Israeli, have shown us that the history of Israel is not one of defense against aggression. It is instead a litany of aggressions in which civilian life, as long as it is not Jewish, is expendable. And yet the Israeli state and much of its citizenry continue to cloak themselves in mantle of victimhood and the discourse of self-protection. It is time, indeed it is past time, to break the discursive link between Israel and the Holocaust. There is no moral relation between the two, unless betrayal counts as a moral relation. The sustaining narrative for Israeli atrocities must be recognized for what it is."
Israel: To the gods of war, a sacrifice - "A teenage mother clutches her two-month-old baby to her chest. Both are dead and mutilated. Beneath them, in what has become their concrete and steel tomb, are dozens more; body after broken young body, tangled and as yet unreachable in the ruin of a single house. This was Qana, where more than 60 civilians, mostly women and children, are thought to have been killed in an Israeli missile strike in the early hours."
VIDEO - Ad: 'For Zion's Sake, I Will Not Keep Silent' - "Israel is under attack." -- I heard this ad appeared on Fox News but have no confirmation.
Why Do They Hate Us? Listen to Qana (Again) - "To the Lebanese, and most in the Arab world, the United Nations now symbolises everything that is corrupt about the international community and its "conscience". The world body, it has become clearer by the day, is a mere plaything of the United States and, by default, of Israel too. It is nothing more than a talking shop, one so enfeebled that it lacks the moral backbone even to denouce unequivocally the murder of four of its unarmed observers by the Israeli army last week. How can Lebanon expect protection for its civilians from an international body as emasculated as this?"
AIPAC's Dangerous Grip on Washington - ""The Bush Administration is bad enough in tolerating measures they would not accept anywhere else but Israel," says Henry Siegman, the former head of the American Jewish Congress and a Middle East expert at the Council on Foreign Relations. "But the Congress, if anything, is urging the Administration on and criticizing them even at their most accommodating. When it comes to the Israeli-Arab conflict, the terms of debate are so influenced by organized Jewish groups, like AIPAC, that to be critical of Israel is to deny oneself the ability to succeed in American politics.""
Gitmo Guards Often Attacked by Detainees - "The prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay during the war on terror have attacked their military guards hundreds of times, turning broken toilet parts, utensils, radios and even a bloody lizard tail into makeshift weapons, Pentagon reports say."

US begins building treaty-breaching germ war defence centre - "Construction work has begun near Washington on a vast germ warfare laboratory intended to help protect the US against an attack with biological weapon, but critics say the laboratory's work will violate international law and its extreme secrecy will exacerbate a biological arms race."
Shanghai Constructs Underground Bunker Capable Of Sheltering 200,000 People - "Shanghai has constructed a massive underground bunker complex capable of sheltering 200,000 people from a nuclear attack, a local newspaper reported."
Bush briefed on global warming's impact on storms - "Officials tracking the approach of the peak hurricane season told President Bush on Monday that data linking a series of devastating storms to global warming was inconclusive."
WORST EVER SECURITY FLAW FOUND IN DIEBOLD TS VOTING MACHINE - "Upon examining the inner workings of one of the most popular paperless touch screen voting machines used in public elections in the United States, it has been determined that with the flip of a single switch inside, the machine can behave in a completely different manner compared to the tested and certified version."
Readers Write: The Growing Threat of Right-Wing Christians - "Does faith have a role in politics? AlterNet readers react to an article about right-wing Christians -- and end up questioning the legitimacy of religion itself."
Museum uses bible to tell earth's history - "Like most natural history museums, this one has exhibits showing dinosaurs roaming the Earth. Except here, the giant reptiles share the forest with Adam and Eve. That, of course, is contradicted by science, but that's the point of the $25 million Creation Museum rising fast in rural Kentucky. Its inspiration is the Bible — the literal interpretation that contends God created the heavens and the Earth and everything in them just a few thousand years ago.
Death at the Supermarket - "A disgruntled and bullied Safeway employee is the latest to commit a workplace massacre. The press and coworkers are blaming the attacker -- but the real culprit is a corporate culture gone bad."
Scientist thinks invisibility possible in future - "It's unlikely to occur by swallowing a pill or donning a special cloak, but invisibility could be possible in the not too distant future, according to research published on Monday."