April 27, 2007

Essay arrest baffles experts

Unfortunately, the fact that you can not freely speak or write about certain topics continues to flourish even today.

Police Thursday released portions of an essay used to charge a Cary-Grove High School student with disorderly conduct, leaving several experts puzzled at an arrest based on such schoolwork.

Asked to write about whatever he wanted in a creative writing class, would-be Marine and honors student Allen Lee, 18, described a violent dream in which he shot people and then "had sex with the dead bodies.''

Then there's this:

Lee said Thursday he was "completely shocked'' to be arrested Tuesday for his essay, especially because written instructions told kids not to "censor'' what they wrote.

"In creative writing, you're told to exaggerate,'' said Lee. "It was supposed to be just junk. . . .

"There definitely is violent content, but they're taking it out of context and making it something it isn't.''

Told to write whatever they want and to not censor themselves only to be arrested for writing what the "thought" police didn't approve of. Seems like a sting operation.

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