Why the American dream is one of the biggest lies - "So what are those lessons to be learned from a destroyed city with thousands dead, little or no relief for survivors, and lawlessness taking over from wind and water as the greatest threat to life? Not very nice lessons unfortunately. As the bodies of the poor, black, disenfranchised southerners bob to the surface of the rat-infested and sewage-infused waters, we’re reminded that America’s position as a big, safe, morally decent democracy with opportunity for all is one of the world’s biggest lies. The American dream that is being held up as the cause worth dying for in the Middle East is as rotten to the core as its demonic administration. When Bush is temporarily propped up on two legs by his people, out of his natural position on all fours with knuckles resting gently on the White House carpet, to tell the world that his country’s values and people are worth fighting for, he omits to mention that he doesn’t mean poor people or black people. Not only is this huge slice of the American public kept largely invisible, in case it ruins the image of the culture which Bush’s administration demands countries in “the axis of terrorr” adopt, but even when such poverty is exposed to the world the US elite has little shame in publicly holding these stricken citizens in contempt."
Chertoff's Reading Habits - "On Sunday, DHS chief Michael Chertoff told "Meet the Press's" Tim Russert that one reason for the delay in getting federal aid to Katrina victims was that "everyone" thought the crisis had passed when the storm left: "I remember on Tuesday morning picking up newspapers and I saw headlines, 'New Orleans Dodged The Bullet.'" We're wondering what papers the Chertoff household gets, because these are the headlines that greeted most people Tuesday morning:"
Rice Defends Bush's Katrina Response - "Later, during a service at the Pilgrim Rest AME Zion church outside Mobile, Rice nodded in agreement as the Rev. Malone Smith Jr. advised the congregation, "Wait for the Lord." "There are some things the president can do; there are some things the government can do," Smith told about 300 worshippers during a rollicking two-hour service. "But God can do all things. I want you to know he's never late. He's always on time." Rice later echoed the call for patience. "The Lord is going to come on time — if we just wait," she said." -- Is this the official White House response to everything? Who cares if the world is going to hell in a handbasket, we're waiting for the Lord! Christ on a cross, these people!
Bush Administration Puts Katrina PR Campaign Into Overdrive - "Responding to accusations of racial insensitivity, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said, "Nobody, especially the president, would have left people unattended on the basis of race."" -- Maybe not, but Bush has no understanding of the common folk. Therefore, he never gave a second thought to those who had to stay behind in New Orleans. It may not be about race, but it most certainly is about social status.
Barbara Bush: Things Working Out 'Very Well' for Poor Evacuees from New Orleans - ""And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."" -- See comments above.
Five dead 'were army workers' - "At least five people shot dead by police as they walked across a New Orleans bridge yesterday were contractors working for the US Defence department, according to a report by The Associated Press. A spokesman for the Army Corps of Engineers said the victims were contractors on their way to repair a canal, the new agency said, quoting a defence Department spokesman.",5744,16494579^12377,00.html
Washington's evil and sinister foreign policy - "Just as Africa was getting ready to propose two nations to join the UN Security Council as permanent members to sit alongside China, France, Russia, the UK and the USA, just as Brazil and India were getting their hopes up, just as the international community was working through the documents to present on 14th September to the General Assembly and just when momentum was carrying the process forward and progress was being made, Washington slams down on the table seven hundred different proposals to be discussed to change the document. This sinister and callous disregard for the rest of the international community is nothing new, and anyway everyone knows that Washington's foreign policy is intrusive, criminal at times, murderous and self-serving, even to the extent at which acts of mass murder are committed. What is so shocking is the cold-blooded arrogance, which once again proves that George Bush's United States of America has a total disregard for the rest of the international community and is not committed to any real changes in the UNO."
A Death Threat - "Who is this Calderon jerk? He is a public school teacher at Rockville High School in Maryland: this maniac, who has homicidal fantasies of "mowing down" those he deems "anti-American," instructs teenagers in U.S. history. Now, there are all kinds of kooks in this world, and public school teachers are hardly exempt from falling into that category: but most of them are harmless. A few act out their homicidal daydreams, and, when they do, not many give out such explicit warning signs as making a public written record of their murderous malevolence. Calderon, however, has gone a step further: given a platform by Horowitz, he has translated his psychopathology into a political program, openly inciting sympathizers to go out and commit murder – for a righteous cause, of course."
Toyota Computer Makes You Watch the Road - "An image-processing computer system developed by Toyota Motor Corp. and a Toyota affiliate uses a camera near the steering wheel to detect when the driver stops looking straight ahead. The system flashes a light on the dashboard display and emits a beeping noise when the eyes start to wander. If the driver still doesn't respond, brakes kick in, Toyota said Tuesday."

Quote of the Day
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."
~ Barbara Bush
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