Ritter: We Went To War Based On A Lie - "Bob Martinez, chair of the Colorado Republican Party, was outside Ritter's speech in Boulder. He said Ritter's comments were irresponsible."We're at war with Islamo-Fascists who have vowed to destroy our way of life," Martinez said. "The students should remember the scenes that they watched on September 11th and what really happened that day."" -- The 9/11 excuse is getting old.
Newly released document links Saddam to al-Qaida - "The letter indicated Osama bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan were in contact with Iraq – noting a specific visit to Baghdad – and said the U.S. had proof Saddam's regime and al-Qaida were cooperating to hit a target in the U.S."
No Evidence of Poisons Found in Milosevic - "An autopsy and preliminary tests on Slobodan Milosevic's blood found no evidence of poison or medicines in concentrations that could have killed him, the U.N. war crimes tribunal said Friday."
Pentagon 'hedge' strategy targets China - "The Pentagon is moving strategic bombers to Guam and aircraft carriers and submarines to the Pacific as part of a new "hedge" strategy aimed at preparing for conflict with China, Pentagon officials said yesterday." -- "Preparing for conflict with China"?
Democracy Push by Bush Attracts Doubters in Party - "Even as it presents an updated national security strategy, the Bush administration is facing fresh doubts from some Republicans who say its emphasis on promoting democracy around the world has come at the expense of protecting other American interests."
US evangelicals warn Republicans - "Prominent leaders from the Christian right have warned Republicans they must do more to advance conservative values ahead of the US mid-term elections." -- Jesus.
U.S. War Spending to Rise 44% to $9.8 Bn a Month, Report Says - "U.S. military spending in Iraq and Afghanistan will average 44 percent more in the current fiscal year than in fiscal 2005, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service said." -- So, if more needs to be spent, then the situations can not be getting better. Yet, we are told they are.
Senate poised to approve $92 billion for wars, hurricane relief - "The Senate probably will give President Bush most of the money he wants for the Iraq war and Gulf Coast hurricane reconstruction while setting aside bipartisan worries about the enormous costs of both."
Stop Bush's War - "Not everyone agrees that Iraqi deaths have reached six figures. President Bush gave an estimate of 30,000 not too long ago. That's probably low, but horrendous nevertheless. In any event, there is broad agreement that the number of Iraqis slaughtered has reached into the tens of thousands. An ocean of blood has been shed in Mr. Bush's mindless war, and there is no end to this tragic flow in sight."
America's nuclear hypocrisy undermines its stance on Iran - "Even as he was telling Iran not to produce nuclear weapons, President Bush was urging Congress to pay for a new nuclear weapon designed to destroy underground military facilities."
Airline screeners fail government bomb tests - "In all 21 airports tested, no machine, no swab, no screener anywhere stopped the bomb materials from getting through. Even when investigators deliberately triggered extra screening of bags, no one discovered the materials."
California gang members to be tracked by GPS - "California prison officials have begun using Global Positioning System anklets to track known gang members."
Human medical experiments go terribly wrong in "nightmare" TGN1412 drug trial - "The scene was a living medical hell, say witnesses. After being injected with the anti-inflammatory drug TGN1412, patients began tearing their shirts off, screaming that their heads were going to explode. One patient's head swelled to triple its normal size, and patients were soon passing out, vomiting, or screaming in sheer terror. Within minutes after the injections, patients were suffering from severe breathing attacks, convulsions and excruciating pain. And now, after the incident, they are fighting for their lives after having their organs permanently damaged. Only the two who were given placebos escaped the horrors."
The Truth on TV? -- A speech given by James Spader's character on Boston Legal.
Egg-donor business booms on campuses - "Advertisements in campus newspapers and on websites plead daily. “Egg Donors Needed. $10,000,” says one in The Daily Californian, the student newspaper at the University of California, Berkeley. The ad, from a San Diego broker called A Perfect Match, seeks women who are “attractive, under the age of 29” and have SAT scores above 1,300."
US asks Japan to pay 75% cost for moving marines - "The United States has asked Japan to shoulder 75 percent of the cost for relocating U.S. Marines from Okinawa to Guam, Kyodo news reported here on Wednesday, quoting a U.S. Defense Department official in Washington." -- Huh?
Dozens of teachers resign amid cheating scandal - "A growing scandal over teachers who paid to get credit for courses they never took has cost nearly three dozen educators their jobs, and hundreds of others are being investigated."
The big bang's 'smoking gun' - "By the faint cosmic glow of the oldest known light, physicists say they have found evidence that the universe grew to astounding proportions in less than the blink of an eye."
Inside Move: 'South Park' feeling some celeb heat? - "Cable net abruptly pulls repeat of Scientology episode."
No More Salty Balls - "Hayes describes a line between satire and intolerance. Amid all this cartoon fury- where is that line? Are there things too sacred, too special, things we hold so dearly that they should NOT be the subject of a joke? Are we becoming desensitized, immune to outrage and decency- have we lowered the bar too much on whats funny? We say the more we can make fun of, frankly, the better. See, we think satire is a valid means of expression around here. So long, Chef. Let us hope your selective sensitivity serves as a beacon for peripheral animated characters everywhere."

Quote of the Day
"The high office of the president has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight."
~ President, John F. Kennedy (10 days before he was assassinated.)
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