Source: Killing of Iraqi may have been 'premeditated' - "Investigators have concluded U.S. Marines dragged the man from his house and shot him before placing the shovel and AK-47 next to his body, implicating him as an insurgent, the official told CNN."
Gay marriage ban headed for certain defeat - "A constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage is headed toward certain Senate defeat, but supporters say new votes for the measure represent progress that gives the GOP's base reason to vote on Election Day."
Big business, not religion, is the real power in the White House - "Bush is again pandering to the Christian right over gay rights. But Democrats should not be distracted from the main enemy."
Senate won't quiz telecoms about NSA spying - "A prominent Republican senator backed away on Tuesday from his pledge to question executives from telecommunications companies that have allegedly been cooperating with the government's secret wiretapping program."
Scientists to try to clone human embryos - "Stepping into a research area marked by controversy and fraud, Harvard University scientists said Tuesday they are trying to clone human embryos to create stem cells they hope can be used one day to help conquer a host of diseases."
Chill out over global warming - "The only inconvenient truth about global warming, contends Colorado State University's Bill Gray, is that a genuine debate has never actually taken place. Hundreds of scientists, many of them prominent in the field, agree."
The worst bill you’ve never heard of - "Simply put, SIRA fundamentally redefines copyright and fair use in the digital world. It would require all incidental copies of music to be licensed separately from the originating copy. Even copies of songs that are cached in your computer's memory or buffered over a network would need yet another license. Once again, Big Copyright is looking for a way to double-dip into your wallet, extracting payment for the same content at multiple levels."
Senate to consider letting Hawaiians pursue sovereignty - "Hawaii Sen. Daniel K. Akaka thinks Hawaiians should be allowed to govern themselves as Native Americans and Alaskans do, and after seven years of pushing a bill to start the process, the Senate is expected to take it up this week."
Wal-Mart's data center remains mystery - "Behind a fence topped with razor wire just off U.S. Highway 71 is a bunker of a building that Wal-Mart considers so secret that it won't even let the county assessor inside without a nondisclosure agreement. The 125,000-square-foot building, tucked behind a new Wal-Mart Supercenter, is only a stone's throw from the Arkansas line and about 15 miles from corporate headquarters in Bentonville, Ark. There is nothing about the building to give even a hint that Wal-Mart owns it."
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic - "National reading tests show that 46 percent of Arizona public school 4th graders can’t read. Such a catastrophe has no single cause, but the teacher preparation programs at our colleges and universities cannot avoid some amount of responsibility."
Many teenage girls feel pressured into sex: study - "Teenage girls commonly have sex not because they want to, but because they feel pressured into it - and the result may be a higher risk of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, a new study suggests."
Strange New Worlds Could Make Miniature Solar Systems - "Planet-like objects floating alone through space harbor disks of material that could make other planets or moons, something like miniature versions of our solar system, astronomers said today."
Top Scientists Validating the Supernatural Universe - "A bit like finding there is such a thing as ‘The Force in Star Wars’. The Field tells the story of respected frontier scientists all over the globe who have produced extraordinary evidence to show that an energy field -The Zero Point Field - connects everything in the universe, and we ourselves are part of this vast dynamic cobweb of energy exchange."

Quote of the Day
"Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along to the age of paranoia."
~ Green Day
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