The Boys Are Back in Town - "Cheney and Rumsfeld are on the outs. Scowcroft, Baker and Gates are in. Can they get America out of Iraq?"
Iraqi Official: 150,000 Civilians Dead - "A stunning new death count emerged Thursday, as Iraq's health minister estimated at least 150,000 civilians have been killed in the war - about three times previously accepted estimates."
Chávez attacks Bush as a 'genocidal' leader - "In a speech Tuesday, Chávez criticized the decision of an Iraqi court to sentence former dictator Saddam Hussein to the death penalty. ''If sentencing is to be done,'' Chávez said, ``the first one to be given the most severe sentence this planet has to offer should be the president of the United States, if we're talking about genocidal presidents.''"
A Staggering New Bill For Iraq? - "The U.S. armed services have requested a $160 billion supplemental appropriation to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the remainder of fiscal year 2007--a staggering amount that, if approved by the Defense Department, may hasten the showdown between resurgent congressional Democrats and the Bush administration over the budget-busting War on Terror."
The Secret World of Robert Gates - "The 63-year-old Gates has long faced accusations of collaborating with Islamic extremists in Iran, arming Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship in Iraq, and politicizing U.S. intelligence to conform with the desires of policymakers – three key areas that relate to his future job."
Just how cozy is Pelosi with AIPAC? - "Now that Pelosi is slated to become Speaker of the House, let's take a closer look at just how much she supports the zionist cause and vice versa.
Key Republican joins Dems opposing Bolton nomination - "This is probably not what President Bush had in mind when he stressed bipartisanship after the Democratic Party's midterm elections sweep. A key Senate Republican has joined Democrats in opposing one of Bush's initiatives for the lame-duck Congress: John Bolton's nomination as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations."
What Vote-Theft Conspiracy? - "The big losers on Election Day were of course President Bush and the Republican Party, but there was another loser too: the conspiracy theory that had it that a slick operation run out of Karl Rove’s office, and working in cahoots with the makers of the electronic voting machines increasingly being installed by voting districts around the country would steal the key elections electronically."
'Aliens could attack at any time' warns former MoD chief - "When he began his job, he too was sceptical about UFOs but access to classified files on the subject and investigation of a series of spectacular UFO sightings gradually changed his mind."
Students at Calif. College ban Pledge of Allegiance - "Student leaders at a California college have touched off a furor by banning the Pledge of Allegiance at their meetings, saying they see no reason to publicly swear loyalty to God and the U.S. government."
The DVD War Against Consumers - "Even more extreme is a scheme called BD+ that deals with the problem of what to do when someone cracks the encryption scheme. The players can automatically download new crypto if the old one is broken. But there's an ominous feature buried in this so-called protection mechanism: If a particular brand of player is cryptographically "compromised," the studio can remotely disable all of the affected players. In other words, if some hacker halfway across the globe cracks Sony's software, Sony can shut down my DVD player across the Net. ... What do consumers really want? We want high-quality video and sound, of course. These days we also want interoperability. When we buy content, we expect to play it on every gadget that we own. The newest video servers require content to be copied to the hard drives, so that they can stream video throughout the house. Soon, we'll also want to take the movies that we paid for with us on small multimedia players like video iPods."
Vaccine for Girls Raises Thorny Issues - ""We haven't even talked about the birds and the bees yet," Groff said. "She needs to be innocent a little bit longer.""
New York doctor given go-ahead for world's first womb transplant - "The technique could be a godsend for infertile women who have no womb and so whose only chance of having children currently is through IVF and surrogacy."
Mums can lie about paternity: High Court - "Mothers are not always legally obliged to tell their husbands the truth about their children's paternity, the High Court has ruled."
Would you wear a face bra? - "A new type of bra which is strapped on the face to reverse signs of ageing is the latest wacky beauty fad in America. So, does it really work? We asked three curious writers to test it out - with hilarious results..."

Quote of the Day
"If you're tired of the same old story, then turn some pages."
~ REO Speedwagon
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