Iraq attacks at highest level in two years - "A bar chart in the Pentagon’s report to Congress gave no exact numbers but indicated the weekly average had approached 1,000 in the latest period, compared to about 800 per week from the May-to-August period. Statistics provided separately by the Pentagon said weekly attacks had averaged 959 in the latest period. American casualties, dead and wounded, rose from 19 to 25 per day, up 32 percent in the last three months."
Gates: Iraq Failure Would Be 'Calamity' - "Robert Gates assumed the helm at the Pentagon on Monday, warning in his first public remarks as defense secretary that failure in Iraq would be a "calamity" that would haunt the United States for years. The former CIA chief pledged to give President Bush his honest advice on the costly and unpopular war, and said he would go to Iraq soon to see what U.S. commanders believe should be done to quell the growing violence."
Hillary Clinton: No regret on Iraq vote - "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way the president used the authority.""
Hillary Clinton Says She Wouldn't Have Voted For Iraq War - "However, she has never gone as far as some of her potential rivals for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination -- who also voted for the war -- and called her vote a mistake or declared that she would have cast her vote differently with all the facts presently available to her -- until now." -- All for politics.
Hillary Clinton, War Goddess - "She wants permanent bases in Iraq – and threatens war with Iran."
It's Either Occupation or Education - "Two in three children in Iraq have simply stopped going to school, according to a government report. ... Just before the U.S.-led invasion in spring 2003, school attendance was nearly 100 percent."
Report: Pentagon planning Navy buildup as 'warning to Iran' - "The U.S. military is "planning a major buildup" of its naval forces in the Persian Gulf region "as a warning to Iran," reports CBS News, as quoted by Reuters."
“Leave Us Alone,” Iranian Reformers Say - "Back in March, the Bush Administration released its new “National Security Strategy of the United States,” and regime change in Iran leaps out of it as a goal. ... Not only is the goal of regime change illegal, it is also unachievable. “Democracy cannot be imported, nor can it be given to a people by invading their nation, nor by bombing them with cluster bombs. It must be indigenous,” says Shirin Ebadi, the Iranian human rights advocate who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003."
U.S. warns time is running out for North Korea - "North Korea insisted yesterday that it be treated as a full-fledged nuclear power as six-country arms talks convened for the first time since its atomic test two months ago."
McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official Story - "A video that shows Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh at a U.S. military base that specializes in explosives and demolition training over a year after he supposedly left the army puts the official story of the April 19 1995 federal building bombing under serious doubt and mandates a re-opening of an investigation into the terror attack that killed 168 people."
Why Smoking Marijuana Doesn't Make You a Junkie - "Two recent studies should be the final nails in the coffin of the lie that has propelled some of this nation's most misguided policies: the claim that smoking marijuana somehow causes people to use hard drugs, often called the "gateway theory.""
All-time high for homegrown as pot becomes top cash crop in US - "Marijuana is now the biggest cash crop grown in the US, exceeding traditional harvests such as wheat, corn and soy beans, says a new report."
Why Teens Do Stupid Things - "But it's not that they don't ponder the the potential consequences. In fact, a new study finds teens spend more time weighing risk than adults and in fact often overestimate the odds of a bad outcome. But the desire for acceptance among peers wins out in the decision-making process of a young mind."
Study criticizes anti-smoking ads - "An Oregon State University study suggests that anti-smoking ads by the tobacco industry targeted at youths and their parents do not work and might actually encourage some teens to smoke."
Jungle secrets: 52 new species found in Borneo's 'Lost World' - "Among them are two tree frogs, a whole range of plants and trees and 30 brand new types of fish including a tiny one less than a centimetre long and a catfish with an adhesive belly that allows it to stick to rocks. ... They said its previously remote and inaccessible forests are one of the "final frontiers for science". Yet they are under threat from developers wanting to create new rubber and palm oil plantations." -- Check out the pics.
Pluggd: A Google for Podcasts - "Pluggd has found a way to index podcasts, talk shows and other spoken-word content. The company's service then allows users to search the audio files for specific words."
Fantasy Love Hotels - "For decades Japan's love hotels have provided a place for couples to enjoy anonymous, uninterrupted sex. Politician and secretary, teacher and student, husband and hooker -- all are welcome, as long as they pay in cash and leave when the time limit is up. But 2006 spawned a new type of love hotel. Decorated with theme park interiors and equipped with game consoles, karaoke boxes and sex machines -- these establishments provide kinky fun for all types, from fetishists and sadomasochists to the ordinary couple seeking sexual adventure."
Rock's living history, streamed online - "Since 2002, Sagan has owned the full archives of legendary promoter Bill Graham, whose concerts featuring performers such as the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix and others helped define the late 1960s and early '70s. Late last week, Sagan began putting excerpts from these concerts, many of which have never been released, online by way of a free Internet radio station on his company's Wolfgang's Vault site."
Rock legends sue over online concert streams - "Some of rock 'n' roll's biggest names have teamed up to sue the owner of a Web site that specializes in streaming rare concert recordings."

Quote of the Day
"The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people."
~ Noam Chomsky
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