A majority of Americans believe that gays and lesbians could not change their sexual orientation even if they wanted to, according to results of a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday.
It's the first time in a CNN poll the majority has held that belief regarding homosexuality.
Read the rest.
Update: Since this posting was getting quite a discussion going I thought I'd repost it.
July 4, 2007
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I am truly concerned about this issue. I am a devout Christian and I have many wonderful gay friends and family. Most of them are Christian too. The argument is the 'choice'. One side believes there is a choice, the other not. Well lets talk about all these pedafiles out there. What if they started making a noise about there sexual orientation towards children? Will we as a society accept this behavior? Just because society accepts something, doesnt make it right? This worries me because people who are truly sick can make the same argument that the homosexual community is making. So how do we determine right from wrong?
For you to compare homosexuality with pedophilia is dispicable!!! This is the type of baseless comparison that continues to keep homosexuality in a completely unfair and unnecessary light in our society!
Your immediate diversion to pedophilia is inappropriate and just plain off base.
Is the issue here whether homosexuality is by choice or by biology or whether it is acceptable or not?
From the standpoint of neuroscience, more and more evidence points toward a neurological basis of homosexuality. Regions of the brain in gay males and straight females show close similarities in size, position, and level of engagement during sexual arousal. Much more so than comparing gay and straight males.
If you have any friends that are gay, like I do, ask them if they consider it a choice. Most will ask in return, "why would I chose to be ridiculed and harrassed all my life? this isn't a choice." I tend to agree.
I have to wonder why we care whether sexuality is a "choice" or whether it's biological - especially when the reality is probably far more of a grey area than either side would care to admit. I have many friends who are in loving, supportive and frankly admirable committed relationships with members of their same sex. Are they to be despised because of their choice? Or pitied because they didn't have the option of being "normal"? The simple answer: respect all human beings and all forms of adult, consensual love. If you want to debate choices, try focusing on the choice to wage war and kill people, or the choice to hate others...these are the types of behavior we ought to be concerned about, not peaceful loving individuals trying to live their own lives.
I have a homosexual friend who says he remembers the day he decided to become homosexual...so I believe it is a choice people make.
Love is more than just a feeling, it is also a choice.
Anonymous said...
I have a homosexual friend who says he remembers the day he decided to become homosexual...so I believe it is a choice people make.
Love is more than just a feeling, it is also a choice.
So, explain to me how your friend just decided one morning that he's gay. WTF? How do you choose something like sexual orientation? "Hmm... I'll wear black pants, this Ozzy shirt, and... hey, I'm going to be homosexual today."
Speaking from personal experience, it's not a choice to be gay, or straight, any more than you choose your genes. The only "choice" I have is a simple one: To be myself, and enjoy my life; or to deny who I am, and be miserable.
A question for the cowardly "Anonymous" who posted above: Did you choose to be hetero? If so, when did you decide this?
It's a good bet that you never 'chose' to be a narrow-minded hetero victim of the 'Christian' ministry in your area that brainwashes its... members... into believing absolute and utter crap. Christ was all about love, man, not this "Us" vs "Them" crap.
The truth is, we are all children of the Great Mother. All of us, no matter our race, nation, sexual orientation, or belief system. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. We are failing. Miserably. We have done nothing but destroy Her gifts. We are the only creature on this planet that goes about creating devices whose sole purpose is to kill large numbers of our species.
It may well be human nature to put things in categories, and apply meaning to those categories. Unfortunately, this often leads to one 'category' claiming supremacy over the others. [i.e. Christians wiping out the Old Ways wherever they went, because they perceived the traditions as some kind of threat to their 'divine' rule.] This false sense of 'supremacy' [and a nagging fear of 'sin' and 'heretics'] led to the Inquisition and the Crusades. Hitler killed millions of people: Jews, homosexuals, women who used birth control, Gypsies, the mentally ill, the disabled, and anyone who was perceived as being 'against' Hitler [whether they were or not]. I fear that, in the hands of the so-called "Christian" leaders of the US, we are not far from repeating the past.
I may be a witch, and a practicing Wiccan, but I know this much: When Christ said to love your neighbor, he didn't put any qualifiers on that statement. He meant "Love Thy Neighbor UNCONDITIONALLY." He was also known for hanging out with the outcasts of his day -- lepers, beggars, prostitutes, non-believers -- and accepted them as they were. Where'd the love go?
For the Wiccan, you should probably read a bible. Instead of listening to fanatical speakers who spit hateful and degrading statements at people who think differently than you, you should probably do your own research. In fact, you should read the Koran as well. Both text declare a JUST and HOLY God that has set standars for us to live by. It is the fallacy of man, it is the sinful nature of man that twists the truth to fit its own person or political agenda. Before you start blaming God for our stupidity and ignorance, you should probably do more research rather than being close minded. It's funny because the homosexual community says that Christians are close minded, but I see it the other way around. Christians weren't always Christians, they made a choice to follow God. They used to believe the way the world believes. I see it as Christians have been enlightened, they have seen the truth and only desire to share it with you. Granted some are very stupid in the way they want to share the truth. People who become Christian, choose to drop their old lifestyle and dedicate it to God. What happens is they develop a moral code, a standard way of living. Just like homosexuals do. Both sides are arguing about this and I think it is stupid for Christians to even enter into a debate with the homosexual community. We were instructed to LOVE, not force people into changing their ways. God never forced Himself on us! Back to Islam, Islam is truly a loving religion. Because a handful of idiots want to take what they percieve to be true out of the Koran and twist it to fit psycho pathic agendas, Islam is painted as a destructive religion.
Do your research for yourself before you start name calling. If you are Wiccan, then you are violating your own moral code of living. You need to be at peace with all things, especially all mankind. Yes, I know a little bit about everything.
If Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin, then let them. You obviously don't believe it so why let it bother you. If they are wrong, you have nothing to lose, if they are right, you better do some soul searching before its too late.
You call or political leaders Christian, you better think again. You call Hitler a Christian, you better think again. Just because someone calls him or herself a Christian doesn't make them one. A true Christian will love you for who you are and will say nothing to degrade you. I see these political leaders as men and women who want a specific vote. Just like Constantine, the Christian population is vast, and that is a majority vote. I hate politics!
Please do your research before you start slandering others.
I have asked nonchristian gays, and christian gays the same question. "Do you believe being gay is a choice or is it biological?" Some nonchristians said that it was a choice because they love who they are and will not change for no one. And they also believe that they were born this way. When I asked gay christians the same question, they all agreed that it was a choice and that they all were born this way. From what I gathered from the gay christians was that they identified homosexuality as a sin. They said the bible teaches that we are all born with sin no matter how cute and innocent one looks. The next step for them was were they going to choose a sinful lifestyle or live a selibate life for God. They chose to LOVE God more than themselves.
I guess its how one will look at homosexuality. Is it a sin like the bible says it is? Or not? From there two parties are manifested, gay and nongay; democrat and republican, shiite and sunni, pharisee and saducee. Just an example. We as mankind have to belong somewhere or to something. The majority don't want to belong to God because His standards are way too high, and we don't want to belong to the devil because he is too psycho. So what we do is create our own and begin to fight amongst ourselves for dominion. We are power hungry.
I think homosexuals should have the same rights as hetero people do. What I don't agree with is that homosexuals should not be so open to display their affections in public. I mean a kiss here and there is fine, holding hands is cool. Leave that stuff for the bedroom, the same goes for the hetero.
I'm curious, what's the big deal about getting married? All this for a peace of paper. What does this prove that you love your partner? It shouldn't! Your love for your partner should expressed in far greater ways than a peace of paper. The only reason I see a desire for this is political. It's not about love, because marriage doesn't stand for that anymore. If it did, then the divorce rate would not be soo high.
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