July 3, 2007

Libby: Force a Dictator to Act Like One

I mean Paris Hilton gets 45 days in jail for a traffic violation and people in Virginia can now get $3,000 fines for a speeding ticket, But Lewis Libbyy who helped lie this country uinto war and slipped information about Intelligence opratives to Zionist yellow journalist resulting in the dismantling of America's ability to track nuclear weapons proliferation (allowing Korea to get the bomb) does not get one day in jail not even one hour. Mordechai Vanunu is going back to jail (he was the whistle blower who took pictures of Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal) and yet Libby who helped dismantle the US's ability to track nuclear weapons, gets off scott free. So if you blow the whistle on Israeli nuclear criminals you go to jail. If you lie about someone else's WMDs that they didn't even have you get a commuted sentnce from the president. Tell the truth about Israel go to jail. Lie about Arabs and start a war and you get saved by the president. Speaking of presidents, Israel's president Katz can litterally get away with Rape and law suits from 8 different women and Libby can go free. What kind of despot nation do we live in when traffic tickets can cost you more than multiple rapes and starting wars.

Stay pissed off here.

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