May 3, 2007

HD DVD Battle Stakes Digg Against Futility of DRM

After initially complying with a cease-and-desist order to remove posts citing the encryption key for the HD DVD format, the site was deluged with protests and Rose quickly reversed course. But the outpouring of nerd outrage has continued, and Digg has suddenly found itself leading the charge against the full might of the movie studios, even as it fends off sellout charges from its own members.


Posts citing the offending code, the hexadecimal series "09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0" that unlocks AACS encryption used on HD DVDs, have multiplied across the web.

Read all about the lawsuits and the fight agains DRM here.

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