May 7, 2007

Smart teens don’t have sex (or kiss much either)

High intelligence is the best protection against early sexual activity during adolescence, research has shown. Can it be that intelligent kids don't need free condoms to be convinced they shouldn't have sex? Well, yes, that may be, but it may also be that smart kids just can't get dates.


Their results showed a distinct bell curve. Teens at the upper and lower ends of the intelligence distribution were found less likely to have had sex. And even once they started being sexually active, the more intelligent ones postponed the full range of partnered sexual activities until later than the rest.

So it's really only the average intelligence kids we have to worry about.


What the study leaves out is whether or not the kids in this study could have had sex. It's easy to correlate intelligence with not getting sex if you don't ask about willingness.

And then:

Mr. Malloy also notes this survey from Wellesley that says 72% of biology majors were virgins.

Do you believe 72% of biology majors could have sex but still don't? Granted, I think biology students are enlightened ( though not as enlightened as math students, with 83% virginity ) but they can't be that enlightened.

83% virginity? Good to see I was in the minority once again. ;-)

But don't forget:

Girls, even among biology majors, can get sex whenever they want - and they're all intelligent enough to know it.

Learn more.

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