US Soldiers Accused of Burning Taliban Alive - "While the US military is busy investigating media reports that its troops put bodies of two Taliban on fire in Kandahar province in October, there are now fresh allegations that American soldiers burnt alive two more Taliban fighters in Zabul."
Wake up and smell the Fascism - "Laurence Britt identifies 14 characteristics common to fascist regimes."
Cheney wants to give free rein to prison interrogators - "Dick Cheney, the US vice-president, is fighting a rearguard action to stop Congress imposing more humane rules on interrogating prisoners."
Bush Borrowed More Than All Previous Presidents Combined, Group Says - "President Bush and the current administration have borrowed more money from foreign governments and banks than the previous 42 presidents combined, a group of conservative to moderate Democrats said Friday. ... According to the Treasury Department, from 1776-2000, the first 224 years of U.S. history, 42 U.S. presidents borrowed a combined $1.01 trillion from foreign governments and financial institutions, but in the past four years alone, the Bush administration borrowed $1.05 trillion." -- Think about how much money that is.\Nation\archive\200511/NAT20051104b.html
Congress May Curb Some Patriot Act Powers - "A budding House-Senate deal on the expiring USA Patriot Act includes new limits on federal law enforcement powers and rejects the Bush administration's request to grant the FBI authority to get administrative subpoenas for wiretaps and other covert devices without a judge's approval. Even with the changes, however, every part of the law set to expire Dec. 31 would be reauthorized and most of those provisions would become permanent." -- So much for sunsets.
FBI may be checking on you, but you have no way to know - "These days, Americans suspected of no wrongdoing can suddenly find themselves caught up in FBI surveillance operations. It's as easy as saying "national security letter." Using this little-noticed but potent tool, the FBI can demand, for example, that an Internet provider, bank or phone company turn over records of who you call and e-mail, which websites you visit, how much you spend, where you work, fly and vacation, and much more. No judge has to approve the demand, a common check required on more typical subpoenas. You'd never learn about the secret intrusion, either. It's all classified."
Sen. Graham Introduces Amendment to End Habeas for Detainees - "Senator Lindsay Graham is introducing an Amendment to the defense appropriations bill pending in the Senate (S. 1042) that would strip those designated by the Administration as enemy combatants of the ability to seek habeas review in federal courts. This is an end-run around the Supreme Court's decision in Rasul v. Bush which held Guantanamo detainees have the right to challenge the legality of their detentions."
Bush's "War on Poverty" - "Ya know- remember about a month ago, back when Bush's approval ratings were at around 45%? Remember when he made that speech in front of the Andrew Jackson statue in New Orleans, promising a new "war on poverty" that was almost reminiscent of Roosevelt? ... In a move that will bring to an end the shortest "war on poverty" in US history. Long story short, the republican congress is getting set to axe a huge chunk out of medicaid, welfare, headstart, and food stamps (kicking thousands off the program, entirely), and, on the same day, will vote to extend Bush's tax cuts to the richest 1% of the uber-wealthy. The promised aid to the victims of this record-breaking hurricane season is being terminated, effectively creating another 1,000,000 homeless people, in this country."
Agent: Feds told of threats to blow buildings - "Unearthed by a Salt Lake City, Utah, attorney, statements made by a Tulsa Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agent in a federal courtroom confirm that a confidential informant did warn the agency of plans to bomb federal buildings before the attack in Oklahoma City that left 168 dead and hundreds more injured. Moreover, a federal judge in Oklahoma ordered that the information be kept sealed because of its potential impact on the trial of bomber Timothy McVeigh, records show." -- Conspiracies happen.
CDC May Distribute 1918 Killer Flu - "Federal scientists say they will consider requests to ship the recently recreated 1918 killer flu virus to select U.S. research labs." -- "Accidents" happen.;_ylt=Am8CbJMqXynYZWesU_hStmtH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE
Couple accused of turning teen into sex slave - "A couple held a runaway teen captive in a hollow bed frame for weeks and forced her to have sex for money with people they found on the Internet, police said. ... They took her to a park, bound her and had her gang raped for hours, police said. At a west Phoenix apartment, they imprisoned her in a dog kennel for about a week and threatened her with a gun, Hill said. They sold her for sex dozens of times on the Internet, he said, and forced her to hide in a hollowed-out bed frame covered with plywood."
A theme park for the Holy Land? - "The center, to be built on approximately 125 acres that the Israeli government is offering free of cost, would be a Christian theme park and visitors' center, one that would be particularly attractive to Evangelicals and other Christians who want to spend more time in the places where Jesus walked."
Voters oust US school board that backed intelligent design - "The Pennsylvanian school board that is attempting to introduce the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution was yesterday ousted in local elections by anti-creationist campaigners. All eight Republican members of the board, the body that sets education policy for Dover, Pennsylvania, lost their seats to Democrat challengers.",12271,1638584,00.html
Are You a 'Public Figure'? - "Can being mentioned on the net turn an ordinary citizen into a public figure with severely limited abilities to fight libel and defamation lawsuits? According to a Florida judge's ruling -- perhaps the first of its kind in the United States -- the answer is yes.",1283,69511,00.html?tw=wn_story_mailer
Study: Preschool harmschildren's development - "A new study on the effects of preschool on children, which finds attendance harms kids' emotional and social development, is being used by a homeschool organization to help encourage parents to educate their children at home."
Mixed response to toddler plans - ""From the minute you are born and your parents go back to work, as the government has encouraged them to do, you are going to be ruled by the Department for Education.""
Eat, Sleep, Work, Consume, Die - "Just because technology makes it possible for us to work 10 times faster than we used to doesn't mean we should do it. The body may be able to withstand the strain -- for a while -- but the spirit isn't meant to flail away uselessly on the commercial gerbil wheel. The boys in corporate don't want you to hear this because the more they can suck out of you, the lower their costs and the higher their profit margin. And profit is god, after all. But what's good for them isn't necessarily good for you, no matter how much filthy lucre they throw your way.",1282,68742,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2
Sen. Obama Warns TV to Clean Up or Congress Will Act - "If the industry doesn't take significant steps to make it easier for parents to control what their children view on television, Congress will step in and legislate. That was a warning shot fired by Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in a speech Wednesday in Washington."
Study Says There Is More Sex on TV - "The proportion of shows with sexual content in prime-time on the major broadcast networks _ ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox _ also increased, the study said. Nearly eight in 10 network shows, or 77 percent, included sexual content. That's up from 67 percent in 1998 and 71 percent in 2002."
Opening the door on a CD-less music label - "More eyebrow-raising from the traditional big labels' perspective, artists get to keep ownership of the master recordings they release under Cordless. If they want to release their music elsewhere after a short contract is up, more power to them."

Quote of the Day
"No matter how paranoid you are, what they're actually doing is worse than you can possibly imagine!"
~ Ralph J. Gleason
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