Cheney accused on prisoner abuse - "Col Lawrence Wilkerson accused Mr Cheney of ignoring a decision by President Bush on the treatment of prisoners in the war on terror. Asked by the BBC's Today if Mr Cheney could be accused of war crimes, he said: "It's an interesting question." "Certainly it is a domestic crime to advocate terror," he added. "And I would suspect, for whatever it's worth, it's an international crime as well." This is an extraordinary attack by a man who until earlier in the year was Mr Cheney's colleague in the senior reaches of the Bush team, the BBC's Justin Webb in Washington says. Col Wilkerson has in the past accused the vice-president of responsibility for the conditions which led to the abuse of prisoners. But this time he has gone much further, appearing to suggest Mr Cheney should face war crimes charges, our correspondent adds.
Miami Police Take New Tack Against Terror - "Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant. Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats." -- This doesn't sound like America. In addition, is this tactice being used just to keep the public terrified? Because, as we all know, a scared populace is much easier to control than one that is not.
Fat heinies causing problems for doctors - "That traditional shot in the heinie may be doing less and less good as people become plumper, according to a new study presented Monday. "Our study has demonstrated that a majority of people, especially women, are not getting the proper dosage from injections to the buttocks. There is no question that obesity is the underlying cause," said Dr. Victoria Chan, a researcher at the Adelaide and Meath Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Her study found that as few as one in 10 women and six in 10 men may be getting proper doses from injections because the needle can't reach the target zone."
Storm Clouds Gathering - "Last week's guilty plea by Abramoff's onetime partner, a former top aide to the beleaguered Rep. Tom DeLay, darkened the skies further. Michael Scanlon's admission he had conspired to bribe public officials and defrauded four Indian gaming casinos of millions in fees effectively makes him the government's star witness in a probe that threatens to ensnare officials throughout the nation's capital."
6 EASY STEPS to Burying America's Students In Debt - "STEP 4: make education SO EXPENSIVE that in order to LEARN students must BURY themselves in DEBT (Repeat STEP 2)"
TV viewers tune out govt control -- study - "Americans overwhelmingly want Big Brother to butt out of their TV watching, according to a new study of U.S. viewing habits set for release Tuesday."
Blu-ray/HD DVD Could Become Irrelevant as HVD Nears - "When it comes to the format war, all the talk has been about Blu-ray and HD DVD, but another more advanced technology could actually replace both before they even really have a chance to make their respective marks. Holographic disks can store a ton of data and can read and write data faster as well..."

Quote of the Day
"An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide."
~ Arnold Toynbee
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