Questioning what happened on 9/11 - "Professor believes planes didn't cause all the damage around the WTC." -- Read how Tucker Carleson treats the professor.
Tucker Carlson Says 9/11 Skeptics Should 'Leave the Country', Commits Slander - "...if you really believe the U.S. government killed 3000 of its own citizens for no reason and lied about it and invaded Afghanistan as a result of something it did, you ought to leave the country.. because that's so terrible.. so evil, that your tax dollars go in to support it make you complicit in it. if you really believe that, you ought to leave.. " -- Correct, Tucker. If it is true that the US government committed this crime, then every American is complicit if they remain quiet and don't try to get at the truth. Now shut up and go back to your over-salaried job.
Bush 'Unsigns' War Crimes Treaty - "The Bush administration Monday formally renounced its obligations as a signatory to the 1998 Rome Statute to establish an International Criminal Court (ICC). Critics say the decision to "unsign" the treaty will further damage the United States' reputation and isolate it from its allies." -- And this administration continues to drive this country's reputation into the ground. Idiots.
Bush backs Cheney: says Democratic questioning not patriotic but "irresponsible" - "President Bush says it's not patriotic for Democrats to question his use of pre-Iraq-war intelligence, it's "irresponsible.""
News Too Good To Lead - "“Violent conflict on wane since Cold War era.” That headline appeared recently on page 12 of the New Jersey newspaper where I work. The Washington Post ran this historic account on page 21. ... The BBC cut right to the bottom line: “It found the number of armed conflicts had fallen by more than 40 percent in the past 13 years, while the number of very deadly wars had fallen by 80 percent.” The Associated Press neatly captured the human drama: “The first Human Security Report paints a surprising picture of war and peace in the 21st century: a dramatic decline in battlefield deaths, plummeting instances of genocide, and a drop in human rights abuses.”Do we live on the same planet as CNN and Fox News, where it’s death and destruction 24/7? As former Senator Bill Bradley once caustically said of American television news priorities: “If it bleeds, it leads.”"
Protection for vaccine makers debated - "People injured by a vaccine against bird flu or anthrax would have to prove willful misconduct to bring a claim for damages against drug manufacturers or distributors, according to legislation being drafted behind the scenes by Republicans."
Holocaust denier deported from US - "A man who published a study that he said proved the Nazis did not gas Jews at Auschwitz has been deported from the US to his native Germany to serve a prison term for Holocaust denial." -- Because, as you all now know, questioning anything is a crime.
'Posing a threat to civil aviation' - "She does wear a couple of political buttons, though. When I met with Dawn last weekend she told me she was wearing exactly what she'd been wearing as she entered the security checkpoint at Oakland International Airport Aug. 27 -- a navy blue jacket with two small American flag pins and two political buttons with writing on them. The larger one reads "Dissent is Patriotic." The smaller, red one bears a smiling portrait of President Bush, labeled "Daddy's Little War Criminal." She's convinced that's what started the trouble. ... "TSA told me I would be under that kind of security every time I fly. TSA said I could fill out this big form that you can download from their Web site, it asks for your Social Security number and three separate forms of ID and all this information. ... I said, "You can forget that. You're just data mining. You have no right to all that information.' And they said, 'Well then you're going to have to go through it every time.' ""
Bush's Approval Rating Falls Again, Poll Shows - "President Bush's positive job rating continues to fall, touching another new low for his presidency, the latest Harris Interactive poll finds. Bush's current job approval rating stands at 34%, compared with a positive rating of 88% soon after 9/11, 50% at this time last year, and 40% in August. And he's not alone. Cabinet members, Congressional leaders and both parties in Congress have also seen their ratings slip, with Democrats seeing one of the biggest dips in approval, the telephone poll of 1,011 U.S. adults shows." -- Another "attack" on the horizon?
Jumpstarting Armageddon - "“If Christian fundamentalists are to be believed, America's invasion of Iraq and the consequent brutal slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians in that country are all part of a grand divine plan that will finally culminate in the 'second coming' of Jesus Christ. Establishing an empire that will extend all over the globe, Christ will rule like a powerful monarch, saving those who believe in him and dispatching non-believers, all non-Christians and non-conformist Christians, to everlasting perdition in hell. This is no childish nonsense for millions of Christian fundamentalists, who sincerely believe this to be predicted in the Bible. Not surprisingly, American Christian fundamentalists are today among the most fanatic supporters of Bush's global imperialist wars, in Iraq and elsewhere, which they see as in keeping with the divine mandate."
Mom Makes Daughter Stand on Street Corner - "Tasha Henderson got tired of her 14-year-old daughter's poor grades, her chronic lateness to class and her talking back to her teachers, so she decided to teach the girl a lesson. She made Coretha stand at a busy Oklahoma City intersection Nov. 4 with a cardboard sign that read: "I don't do my homework and I act up in school, so my parents are preparing me for my future. Will work for food." ... Coretha, a soft-spoken girl, acknowledged the punishment was humiliating but said it got her attention. "I won't talk back," she said quietly, hanging her head. She already has been forced by her parents to give up basketball and track because of slipping grades, and said she hopes to improve in school so she can play next year. Donald Wertlieb, a professor of child development at the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development at Tufts University, warned that such punishment could do extreme emotional damage. He said rewarding positive behavior is more effective." -- And what if there is no positive behavior to reward, you idiot? People need to learn there are consequences to their actions.
Machines and objects to overtake humans on the Internet - "Machines will take over from humans as the biggest users of the Internet in a brave new world of electronic sensors, smart homes, and tags that track users' movements and habits, the UN's telecommunications agency predicted."
'Massive empire of surveillance' - "Police would be able to demand all cellphone, Blackberry and Internet subscriber information without a warrant, under a sweeping surveillance bill introduced in Parliament yesterday." -- Seems Canada is just as "free" as the US.

Quote of the Day
"It's intelligence that makes you unhappy."
~ Hive Queen, Xenocide by Orson Scott Card
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