Al-Qaida warning: Muslims leave U.S. - "The new al-Qaida field commander in Afghanistan is calling for Muslims to leave the U.S. – particularly Washington and New York – in anticipation of a major terror attack to rival Sept. 11, according to an interview by a Pakistani journalist. Abu Dawood told Hamid Mir, a reporter who has covered al-Qaida and met with Osama bin Laden, the attack is being coordinated by Adnan el-Shukrijumah and suggests it may involve some form of weapon of mass destruction smuggled across the Mexican border."
What war with Iran would look like - "The fact that all sides would risk losing so much in armed conflict doesn't mean they won't stumble into one anyway. So what would it look like? Interviews with dozens of experts and government officials in Washington, Tehran and elsewhere in the Middle East paint a sobering picture: Military action against Iran's nuclear facilities would have a decent chance of succeeding, but at a staggering cost." -- Based on the "experts" opinion on invading Iraq and what actually has happened in Iraq, we should expect this "sobering picture" to be much worse in reality.
U.S. holds AP photographer in Iraq 5 mos - " The U.S. military in Iraq has imprisoned an Associated Press photographer for five months, accusing him of being a security threat but never filing charges or permitting a public hearing."
Bush hints at use of force in Darfur - "Mr Bush suggested that the world body would simply send troops "in order to save lives". Britain also upped the rhetoric, promising a "carrot and stick" approach to solving the three-year crisis, which has seen about 300,000 black Africans killed and 2.5 million displaced."
Experimental drug given to British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan - "Soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq are being treated with an experimental blood-clotting drug that has not been fully tested. Because randomised controlled trials have not yet been carried out into the drug's effectiveness, it is impossible to know whether it is doing more harm than good to patients."
Rumsfeld Unveils New Justification For Iraq War: High Gas Prices - "The fact of the matter is - if Saddam Hussein were still in power in Iraq, he would be rolling in petrol dollars. Think of the price of oil today. He would have so much money."
Become an Insurgent - Vote Anti-War - "We have less than two months to turn this baby around. So, we've got to work tirelessly to spread the word and VOCALLY support the men and women who don't just promise to - but WILL fight for our rights and against the lies."
Big Brother is shouting at you - "Big Brother is not only watching you - now he's barking orders too. Britain's first 'talking' CCTV cameras have arrived, publicly berating bad behaviour and shaming offenders into acting more responsibly."
Police blotter: When can cops run license-plate searches? - "The U.S. Attorney's office appealed, saying that Americans have no reasonable expectation of privacy in their license-plate numbers, and therefore police need no probable cause to conduct computer checks."
The myth of fair elections in America - "The debacle surrounding the Republican victory in 2000 demonstrated to the world that America's electoral process is wide open to abuse. But as Paul Harris discovers, the system has actually worsened since then."
Major Problems At Polls Feared - "An overhaul in how states and localities record votes and administer elections since the Florida recount battle six years ago has created conditions that could trigger a repeat -- this time on a national scale -- of last week's Election Day debacle in the Maryland suburbs, election experts said."
77% Believe Iran is Likely to Have Nukes "Soon" - "Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Americans believe that Iran is likely to develop nuclear weapons in the near future. Most doubt that anything can be done to prevent such a development."
77% in U.S. Unable to Learn a Lesson - "77% of the people of this country believe that Iran will have nukes soon. So there’s your fake cassus belli, folks, it’s already done. (Not that Iran having nukes is any of America’s business, but neither I nor the Constitution set the premises around here.) Congratulations America! Your stupidity and child-like willingness to follow the leader will continue to get untold thousands of people killed."
Kansas schools take drug testing to extreme - "It is instituting random drug screening for all middle and high school students participating in — or even just attending — any extracurricular activity. That includes sports, clubs, field trips, driver’s education, even school plays. Those who don’t sign consent forms cannot attend games, go to school dances, join a club or so much as park their car on school property."
American Buddhism on the rise - ""People feel that Buddhist figures like the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh of Vietnam are contributing something, not trying to convert people," says Lama Surya Das, a highly trained American lama in the Tibetan tradition. "They are not building big temples, but offering wisdom and ways of reconciliation and peacemaking, which are so much needed." Even a larger factor, he suggests, is that Buddhism offers spiritual practices that Western religions haven't emphasized."
One preacher's message: Have hotter sex - "So I’m anticipating condemnation of American culture — especially America’s sexual culture — that has made conservative Christians feel besieged. But then Beam, a portly, silver-haired basso profundo dressed in khaki slacks, a sweater vest and brown tasseled loafers that make him look like a retired country-club golf pro, walks to the front of the room and proceeds to tell the men in the audience how to make their semen taste better. Sweet stuff works, he says, which provides a built-in excuse because "then you can say, 'I'm eating this cake for you, baby!'" Welcome to the world of hot Christian love."
Jesus Camp (PG-13) - "Jesus Camp explores American evangelical culture and the intersections of innocence and indoctrination, religion and politics. It offers no judgment on its subjects — and that's why it works. Fischer, after watching the film, told that she thought the filmmakers did a great job "captur[ing] the beautiful concepts of what we represent." Devil-worshipping pagans, political liberals and their ilk will likely see it differently."
Bush and the 'Third Awakening' - "Baker writes: "President Bush said yesterday that he senses a 'Third Awakening' of religious devotion in the United States that has coincided with the nation's struggle with international terrorists, a war that he depicted as 'a confrontation between good and evil.'"
Study says many Bible classes in Texas schools are biased - "The Texas Freedom Network does not oppose the teaching of Bible courses, but the group argues that most promote a narrow perspective and fail to meet minimum academic standards for teacher qualifications, curriculum or academic rigor."
Tourism slump worries US - "Moves are afoot to market America and regain valuable revenue from overseas visitors."
Pak girl raped for 'acquiring education' - "The News International on Saturday reported the case of one Mumtaz Mai and her daughter, Ghazala Shaheen Bathi, who were abducted, held in captivity and gang-raped for 12 days because daughter Ghazala dared to become educated. "
Students see sex attack footage - "GRAPHIC footage of a gang sex attack on a schoolgirl is being passed around Victorian students via mobile phone video messages."
My computer made me sick - "Don't visit that site, though. You might get swept up in what some people believe is a case of mass hysteria. If that's what Morgellon's is, it would be the first apparent case to spring from the Internet."
Fear over the 'lunchtime facelift' as experts say Botox is addictive - "The first study of its kind, carried out by a psychologist and plastic surgeon, suggests that four in 10 people who use Botox have a compulsion to do so repetitively, prompting fears that it is addictive."
Pose Like the Star You Are - "Most of these folks don't bleach their anuses, remove every last body hair or spend their working hours naked. The thrill is in the shared sexual energy among ordinary people, in starring in your own erotic film, and in awakening or reawakening your sex drive by remembering just how hot you really are."
Why is me time such a big deal? - "There are more than physical benefits to getting off this treadmill. Taking a break will actually make you discharge your responsibilities better. Galinsky's surveys show that people who are happiest at work are those who take time for themselves. "If you shift your focus, you go back to the other areas of life with more energy," she says. "You're less stressed, more satisfied with life in general.""

Quote of the Day
"Beware the leader who bangs the drum of war, in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch, And the blood boils with hate, And the mind has closed, the leader will have no need of seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader, and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
~ Julius Caesar
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