Iran's Leader Declares Intent To Speak at U.N. - "Diplomats at the United Nations were sent into disarray yesterday when President Ahmadinejad of Iran declared that he intended to attend the General Assembly of the world body on September 19 and to debate his country's nuclear program with President Bush, who is due to address the Assembly that day."
France rejects "war on terror" - ""Against terrorism, what's needed is not a war. It is, as France has done for many years, a determined fight based on vigilance at all times and effective cooperation with our partners. "But we will only end this curse if we also fight against injustice, violence and these crises," he said."
Poll: Many Americans Feel Less Safe - "Fifty-four percent of Americans say they generally feel safe, but 46 percent say they feel somewhat uneasy or in danger."
How the Bush Haters are Hurting America - "All over the world, millions of people believe America is evil, worse than the terrorists. And the unrelenting hate-Bush media in this country fuels that ridiculous concept. Quite simply, the Bush haters are out of control and are hurting the country. It is patriotic to responsibly disagree with the president or with any administration. But it is wrong to smear public servants in any party."
Election 2006 & World War III - "As Americans go to the polls in two months, they should have one thought fixed in their minds: they will be voting on whether to commit the nation to fighting World War III against large segments of the world’s one billion Muslims. Beyond the cost in blood and treasure, this war will mean the end of the United States as a democratic Republic."
Poll: Giuliani, Clinton favorites for 2008 nominations - "Republicans favor former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008, while Democrats are looking toward Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York for their nominee, according to a CNN poll released Thursday." -- Well, those choices are depressing.
9/11 five years on - still chasing shadows - "It doesn't get more ridiculous than this - not a shred of evidence against any of these so-called terrorists that they pick up here and there, claiming success in their 'war on terror.' Five years after 9/11, they've got nothing. Not a single person has been tried for those crimes, yet hundreds - if not thousands - have been detained indefinitely and over a hundred thousand people have lost their lives."
Post-9/11 antiterror technology: A report card - " examines five useful technologies for improving security--and five that should raise eyebrows."
Attention, Shoplifters - "There are 6 million video cameras mounted in stores across the U.S., according to market researcher J.P. Freeman Co. Their unblinking eyes are everywhere, watching exits and peering down aisles. You already knew that. But you probably had no idea how smart some of these cameras are getting. Some Macy's (FD ), CVS (CVS ), and Babies 'R' Us stores have installed a system called the Video Investigator, whose advanced surveillance software can compare a shopper's movements between video images and recognize unusual activity."
Government to Review Rules Allowing Human Testing Without Consent - "The federal government said it will now reconsider a controversial loophole that allows human medical experiments without the subjects' consent."
Energy Capture - "In spite of some popular misconceptions, oil doesn't come from dead dinosaurs. In fact, most scientists agree that oil comes from creatures the size of a pinhead. These one-celled creatures, known as diatoms, aren't really plants, but share one very important characteristic with them - they take light from the sun and convert it into energy."
Louisiana man drilling for oil in his 'front yard' - "He hopes to strike oil in about 10 days on a prospect that wouldn't have been worth drilling when prices were lower, he said. "I'm not trying to prove anything," Jordan said in a telephone interview. "I'm trying to make money.""
Most states flunk in college affordability - "A new, independent report on higher education flunks most states when it comes to affordability. It gives better but still mixed grades in other areas, such as college participation and completion rates."
More 'Intersex Fish' Found in Potomac - "Some species of male fish in the Potomac River and its tributaries are developing female sexual traits at a frequency higher than scientists have seen before, raising concerns about pollutants in a waterway that provides drinking water for millions of people."
Experts warn of total amphibian extinction, fearing cataclysm - "Predicting a mass extinction of the world's frogs, toads, newts and salamanders, 50 international amphibian experts are sending out an unprecedented call for an urgent global mission to avert a cataclysm."
Thirty-something women 'should freeze their eggs before it's too late' - "Otherwise they may reach an age when they find that their best childbearing years have already passed them by. Critics, however, have questioned the value of freezing eggs to beat a woman's biological clock. They say women should be encouraged to have their children younger instead of putting off starting a family for 'lifestyle reasons'."
Drug use up for boomers, down for teens - "Some moms and dads might want to take a lesson from their kids: Just say no. The government reported Thursday that 4.4 percent of baby boomers ages 50 to 59 indicated that they had used illicit drugs in the past month. It marks the third consecutive yearly increase recorded for that age group by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health."

Quote of the Day
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
~ Benjamin Franklin
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