Patrick J. Buchanan: Bush has no authority to launch a war on Iran - "There are powerful forces in this country and Israel that wish the United States to launch a massive preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, and her military and naval assets as well. They will push the president hard to do this before he leaves office. These forces include the Israelis, their strong lobby in the United States, the neoconservatives, some conservative and centrist newspapers, and GOP prospective presidential candidates. They see Iran as an existential threat to Israel and a grave threat to the United States and its interests in the region. The President appears to believe Iran is an intolerable threat, should it acquire a nuclear capability. Sooner rather than later is the argument pressed upon him, as it was upon the Kaiser by the German General Staff in late July 1914."
War is not a solution for terrorism - "THERE IS SOMETHING important to be learned from the recent experience of the United States and Israel in the Middle East: that massive military attacks, inevitably indiscriminate, are not only morally reprehensible, but useless in achieving the stated aims of those who carry them out."
Al-Qaida's list of favorite, least favorite Westerners - "In the latest video from al-Qaida warning of an imminent terrorist attack on the U.S., five specific "Zionist crusader missionaries of hate" are named, while three Westerners, including one American, are actually praised for their efforts toward "peace.""
Airline-security incidents seen as terrorist feints - "The rash of airline-security incidents since the London terror arrests -- which has diverted or delayed more than 20 flights all over the world -- has more to do with flukes, red herrings or terrorist probes than with actual, imminent threats, intelligence observers and security officials say."
Study finds fewer terror prosecutions - "Despite a sharp increase in the prosecution of terrorism cases just after Sept. 11, 2001, only 14 of the defendants have been sentenced to 20 years or more in prison, according to a study based on Justice Department data."
THE NEW CENSUS: An All-Out Assault On Your Privacy - "The ways the government could use this information to harm you are mind-boggling. For instance, any financial discrepancy with IRS or Social Security records could result in your criminal prosecution. Knowing when you leave for work could enable police, acting under the Patriot Act, to secretly enter your home. The American Community Survey also demands that you to report on the activities of relatives, employers and roommates. Joseph Stalin could hardly ask for more surveillance powers. You can download the survey at Article I of the Constitution allows the government to conduct a count of the American people once every ten years to determine voting districts. Nothing in the Constitution gives government the power to continuously spy on the people or probe every intimate detail of their lives. As Congressman Ron Paul observes, questions on the American Community Survey are "both ludicrous and insulting," and this information is simply none of the government's business. I fervently hope that millions of Americans will burn their forms or accidentally lose them."
Holocaust Industry - "What compelled you to write Holocaust Industry? Basically, there were three reasons. One, I’ve been involved in the Israel/Palestine conflict for a long time. It was obvious to anybody who was involved that the Nazi Holocaust was constantly being evoked and exploited in order to justify Israel’s violations of human rights. And, more currently, from a political point of view, to expose the lies and the misuse and the exploitation of the Nazi Holocaust. That was the political motive; it was the main motive."
'Deluded': Extraordinary attack on Blair by Cabinet - "Tony Blair will be served notice to quit Downing Street at a meeting of the Cabinet next week when senior ministers plan to confront him over his refusal to commit to a departure timetable. One described Mr Blair this weekend as "deluded", while another said he was being "self-indulgent". They are among a growing number of cabinet ministers, some formerly loyal to Mr Blair, who have concluded he must leave office sooner rather than later if Labour is to have a chance of winning a fourth term." -- So, it's not because they believe he has done anything wrong. It's because he is a liability.
New ABC Docudrama Blames Clinton For 9/11, Praises Bush - "On September 10 and 11, ABC will air a “docudrama” called “The Path to 9/11.”" -- I will not be watching this piece of propaganda.
CIA an intelligence incubator - "A relatively unknown branch of the CIA is investing millions of taxpayer dollars in technology startup companies that could map the future of spying. Some of their products can pry into Americans' personal lives, not just for the government but for big business as well."
G.O.P. Seen to Be in Peril of Losing House - "After a year of political turmoil, Republicans enter the fall campaign with their control of the House in serious jeopardy, the possibility of major losses in the Senate, and a national mood so unsettled that districts once considered safely Republican are now competitive, analysts and strategists in both parties say."
U.S. Education Department shares data with FBI - "Under the program, called Project Strikeback, the Education Department, which collects information from 14 million applications for federal student aid each year, received names from the FBI and checked them against its student aid database, and then forwarded information to the FBI. The agencies said the program had been closed, but neither of them would say whether any investigations had resulted, The New York Times reported." -- Would terrorists use their real name?
Going For Broke - "Elizabeth Warren discusses how ordinary families wind up bankrupt and why new legislation could be hurting those at risk."
Pope and former students ponder evolution, not "ID" - "Fessio said Benedict took part in the discussions but said nothing different from previous public statements, in which he has recognized evolution as a scientific fact but argued that God ultimately created the world and all life in it."
Christian college ready to start fresh after Bible battle - "A Christian college in Northern Virginia hopes this semester will be a new start, after a dispute last year over the Bible's place in academics resulted in the departure of nearly one-third of its full-time faculty."
Evolution, not just gluttony, led to obesity pandemic - "Evolution and the environment, not just gluttony, has led to a global obesity pandemic, with an estimated 1.5 billion people overweight -- more than the number of undernourished people -- an obesity conference was told on Monday."
Fears of 'extreme' TB strain - "'This new strain leaves us facing a nightmare,' said Paul Nunn, coordinator of the WHO's drug-resistance unit. 'It is resistant to nearly every drug in our arsenal. We are now on the threshold of the appearance of a strain of TB that is resistant to every medicine known to science.'"
Study Raises Questions on Aging Surgeons - "A new study raises questions about when older surgeons should quit the operating room and how they can stay at the top of their game in the final years of their careers. With the percentage of working doctors older than 65 climbing, the questions hold growing importance for patients."
3-in-1 heart pill could save millions - "The so-called "polypill" would target developing countries, where rates of heart disease are climbing dramatically."
Team to drill below ocean earthquake zone - "Japanese scientists will lead a multi-year international project to place seismographic instruments below the ocean`s floor, where earthquakes occur."
Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' - "Irwin, 44 was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest, according to Cairns police sources. Irwin was filming an underwater documentary at the time.

Quote of the Day
"And the people keep saying that I'm miles from my home."
~ Cowboy Junkies
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