Busted Bamboozlability: Bush Has Lost the War on Terrorism - "George W. Bush proclaimed himself to be a wartime president. In the aftermath of 9/11, he declared a war on terrorism. People are now furiously debating and challenging the particulars of his Iraq policy, whether to leave sooner or later. But it is time to put that conflict into a larger perspective and to realize a more encompassing truth: George W. Bush has lost the war on terrorism."
Gallup: Many Americans Harbor Strong Bias Against U.S. Muslims - "Almost four in ten, 39%, advocate that Muslims here should carry special I.D. That same number admit that they do hold some "prejudice" against Muslims. Forty-four percent say their religious views are too "extreme."" -- Absolutely disgusting. We have learned nothing from history.
Dishonesty by the right on terrorists and eavesdropping - "This point is so obvious, so self-evidently clear, that it should be unnecessary to point it out. The NSA eavesdropping scandal has never been about whether the government should eavesdrop. It is about whether the president has the right to break the law. Those who object to the president's illegal NSA program do not object to eavesdropping on terrorists. To the contrary, everyone favors eavesdropping on terrorists. The objection is to the president's illegal eavesdropping (i.e., in secret and without warrants) rather than eavesdropping in compliance with the law (i.e., with judicial oversight and approval)."
Red Alert For Staged Government Terror Attack - "Developments today indicate that the governments of the US and the UK are engaging in a process of announcing the prevention of numerous terror plots, in order to prepare the groundwork for a real attack, under protest that they did all they could to defend the people, but that one attack slipped through."
Hungry For World War III - "To some of the leading lights of the right-wing commentariat, what we’re seeing unfold is no mere crisis. Instead, it is literally World War III, a clash of civilizations in which everyone everywhere will have to take a side and take up arms. And they couldn’t be happier about it. ... So just why is it that so many conservatives are so eager to characterize the current conflict as another world war? The answer lies in a deep, abiding need among conservatives to exist in a state of war, the bigger the better. It need not be a war in which actual shots are being fired, but it must be defined as a war so that our political reality, both in practical terms and with regard to our discourse, can be ordered in a particular way."
The politics of terrorism - "It took no time for the war on terrorism to become the hot political issue of the week, three months before voters head to the polls and choose which party is going to control Congress next year."
Americans not fazed by latest threat - "Both Wall Street and Main Street have grown accustomed to the idea that the United States is a favored target of extremists since the September 11 terrorist attacks, analysts say, and Americans are inclined to react only if something bad really happens."
Why Do They Want To Kill Us? - "Today, George W. Bush said, "Islamo-facists are trying to use any means to kill us because they hate the freedom we all love." Yes, Islamic terrorists are trying to kill us. But why? Islamic terrrorists are trying to kill us because our government has been funding and arming Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine for decades now. Islamic terrorists are trying to kill us because our government insists upon militarily occupying Muslim soveriegn nations, installing U.S. military bases on their land and stealing their natural resources; namely, oil and gas. Islamic terrorists are trying to kill us because each time Israel kills a muslim with American-made and provided weapons, the entire Muslim world, especially Muslim terrorists, squarely and rightfully blame us for Israel's wholesale murder of Muslims."
Proposed War Crimes Act protection for Bush administration would apply retroactively - "The Bush administration drafted amendments to the War Crimes Act that would retroactively protect policymakers from possible criminal charges for authorizing any humiliating and degrading treatment of detainees, according to lawyers who have seen the proposal. The move by the administration is the latest effort to deal with treatment of those taken into custody in the war on terror." -- And we let them get away with doing this shit.
US Army seen reaching recruiting goal despite war - "The U.S. Army, which fell short in recruiting last year, made its 14th straight monthly goal in July and is expected to hit its 2006 target despite the Iraq war making recruiting harder, officials said on Thursday."
Center for war-related brain injuries faces budget cut - "Congress appears ready to slash funding for the research and treatment of brain injuries caused by bomb blasts, an injury that military scientists describe as a signature wound of the Iraq war."
Homeland Security's worm alert - "The US Department of Homeland Security is urging users of the Windows Operating System to apply security patches released by the company this week as quickly as possible."
Young turning off TV for the Internet - "The 'networked generation' - those aged 16 to 24 - are increasingly turning to the Internet for entertainment and information, said communications regulator Ofcom."
Fewer high school students having sex - "Some 46.8 percent of students said they engaged in sexual intercourse in a 2005 survey, down from 54.1 percent in 1991, according to the report. Some 14.3 percent of students in 2005 said they have had multiple partners, defined as sex with four different people during one's lifetime. That figure is down from 18.7 percent in 1991."
Police: Mother gives daughter to boyfriend for sex - "A woman who feared she would lose her boyfriend while she recuperated from surgery arranged for her 15-year-old daughter to have sex with him, authorities said." -- Do I really need to comment here?
Researchers chase goal of nonhijackable plane - "Can technology create a nonhijackable plane? By 2008, European researchers aim to bring that vision closer to reality through an ambitious security program to combat on-board threats in an industry left reeling this week by a security scare that raised the specter of Sept. 11, 2001."
Arctic thawed in prehistoric global warming - "The last time massive amounts of greenhouse gases were released into the atmosphere, the North Pole was an ice-free expanse of open ocean that was teeming with tropical organisms, a study has found. Scientists have discovered that the complete disappearance of the Arctic sea ice, 55 million years ago, coincided with a dramatic increase in concentrations of carbon dioxide or methane in the atmosphere - which must have caused global warming."
Gene researchers find more clues to human individuality - "Scientists at Emory University have developed a new type of map of the human genome that could one day lead to breakthroughs in personalized medicine."
Obesity epidemic hits U.S. infants - "Young children, especially infants, are now more likely to be overweight than two decades ago, according to a U.S. study."
Organic molecules found in diverse space places - "A two-year survey of enormous interstellar dust clouds has turned up eight organic molecules in two different regions of space. One is a stellar nursery awash in light while the other is a cold, starless void."

Quote of the Day
"Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms."
~ Groucho Marx
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