THE SCIENCE OF CREATING KILLERS - "What exactly does it take to kill someone? Here's how 21-year-old West Texas Army Pvt. Steven Green described shooting a man who refused to stop at an Iraqi checkpoint: "It was like nothing. Over here, killing people is like squashing an ant. I mean, you kill somebody, and it's like, 'All right, let's go get some pizza,' " he told the military newspaper Stars & Stripes. "I mean, I thought killing somebody would be this life-changing experience. And then I did it, and I was like, 'All right, whatever.'"
Stop the Madness. Refuse to Fly - "Regarding the "plot", well, I'm not buying it. Every other terror plot that has been exposed since and including 911 has had "false flag" written all over it, and with Bush in big trouble for encouraging Israel to continue murdering innocent civilians in Lebanon and Palestinian, this smells like the old "bait and switch" trick again. Bush and Blair are best buddies. Cheney has disappeared again. Mid-term elections are coming up. Lieberman lost this week.It's no surprise that this plot was uncovered now. It's all about timing."
Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda" - "Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray says the alleged transatlantic liquid bomb plot is staged-managed propaganda on behalf of Bush and Blair - who yearn for a "new 9/11" to absolve them of domestic political trouble."
Panic As Policy - "The rising number of attacks, failure to capture bin Laden in five years and the persistent and unabated threat of terror underscores the fact that our nation is not safer than it was before 9/11. Bush has relied too heavily on military action and panic planning in the aftermath of attacks rather than addressing the root causes of terrorism, supporting effective prevention strategies and investing in the domestic infrastructure needed in case of an attack. Instead of hiding behind the rhetoric that the terrorists “hate us because of our freedom,” our leaders should examine U.S. policies that inflame radicalism."
Olbermann Exposes Nexus Of Politics And Terror - "During a prime time segment on his MSNBC show last night, anchor Keith Olbermann presented ten clear examples where the Bush administration had issued terror alerts days after politically damaging revelations and questioned the credibility of each of the alleged plots' authenticity in light of astounding evidence to the contrary. ... Click play below to watch the video segment. (Google and You Tube, those bastions of free speech, removed the video, so here it is in Windows Media format)." -- Check out the video. I'm glad to see this was aired.
Dobbs: It's good to be a superpower - "Looking back, I'm grateful that we didn't celebrate our emergence as the World's Only Superpower those many years ago. In our current exalted state, it's clear we were wise not to do so."
No Plot To Bomb Bridge, FBI Says - "A day after saying it was investigating a possible plot by three men to blow up the Mackinac Bridge, federal officials now say the men have no link to terrorism and there is no plot."
Exploding the 'terrorist' neuron bomb - "What do Nelson Mandela, Michael Collins, Archbishop Makarios, Menachim Begin, Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Shamir, Eamon DeValera and Jomo Kenyatta have in common, apart from having being heads of state? As everybody knows, but few remember, they were all vilified as "terrorists" by the British or American authorities. ... This is not merely sloppy use of vocabulary. It is precisely targeted phrasing and intended to terrorize dissent. Especially in the binary, Manichaean mindset of the US and Likudnik Israel, once a group has been labeled "terrorist" it becomes the epitome of evil and to suggest that any of their arguments have any justice makes one a terrorist supporter. Using these words shuts down the higher cerebral functions of many of the listeners."
Plame lawyer plans to force Cheney, Rove testimony - "A lawyer plans to use a legal precedent that allowed President Bill Clinton to be sued while in office to force Vice President Dick Cheney and presidential adviser Karl Rove to testify in a lawsuit brought by former CIA operative Valerie Plame and her husband. ... The civil lawsuit accuses them and others of conspiring to publicly identify Plame as a CIA agent to punish her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, for writing in an op-ed piece that the Bush administration twisted intelligence about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction in the run-up to the Iraq war."
TSA Concept Video Shows Future RFID-Enabled Airport - "In the video, citizen "Bob" is remotely identified and tracked via Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices as he enters an airport and navigates to his gate. The video ends with chilling frames of a government agent surreptitiously scanning Bob and his belongings as he sits in the waiting area."
"Star Wars" agency helps Israel on rocket threat - "It is building a multibillion-dollar shield designed to thwart all classes and ranges of incoming ballistic missiles."
Border Agents: 'We're Never Going to Stop Them, Never' - "Though politicians and regular folks all over America agree that stopping illegal immigration starts with sealing the border, agents on the front line are under no illusions that they can catch everyone — even with the 6,000 extra agents that President Bush plans to put on the border over the next two years."
Mexican riot police seal Congress - "Hundreds of riot police in black body armour sealed Congress with roadblocks and a metal wall on Tuesday to keep leftist protesters away after a violent clash over Mexico's disputed presidential election."
Poll: Christians 'addicted to pornography' - "A poll conducted by what bills itself as "the world's most visited Christian website" indicates a surprising number of Christians are addicted to pornography."
Cops: Sex ring employed 240 call girls - "Two men were arrested on suspicion of running a massive prostitution ring that employed more than 240 women across several Western states and generated millions of dollars, authorities said." -- And if prostitution was legal they could have taxed that money.
Overweight 'top world's hungry' - "There are now more overweight people across the world than hungry ones, according to experts. US professor Barry Popkin said all countries - both rich and poor - had failed to address the obesity boom."
Teen With Cancer Can Forgo Chemotherapy - "A 16-year-old cancer patient 's legal fight ended in victory Wednesday when his family's attorneys and social services officials reached an agreement that would allow him to forgo chemotherapy."
ACT scores highest since 1991 - "The high school class of 2006 posted the biggest score increase on the ACT college entrance exam in 20 years, and recorded the highest scores of any class since 1991."
Proposal would increase planets from 9 to 12 - "Much-maligned Pluto would remain a planet -- and its largest moon plus two other heavenly bodies would join Earth's neighborhood -- under a draft resolution to be formally presented Wednesday to the International Astronomical Union, the arbiter of what is and is not a planet."
Blacklight Tattoos - " Tattoo artist Richie, who lives and works in Colorado, has been offering UV blacklight reactive ink to his clients for most of his 4-year career."

Quote of the Day
"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."
~ Malcolm S. Forbes
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