Where Bush's Arrogance Has Taken Us - "An illegal war, a long list of eroded rights, and a country run by and for the benefit of corporate campaign donors -- all courtesy of the imperial presidency."
Health Care: It's What Ails Us - "An estimated 50 million Americans lack medical insurance, and a similar and rapidly growing number are underinsured. The uninsured are excluded from services, charged more for services, and die when medical care could save them—an estimated 18,000 die each year because they lack medical coverage. But it’s not only the uninsured who suffer. Of the more than 1.5 million bankruptcies filed in the U.S. each year, about half are a result of medical bills; of those, three-quarters of filers had health insurance. ... The shocking facts about health care in the United States are well known. There’s little argument that the system is broken. What’s not well known is that the dialogue about fixing the health care system is just as broken. ... And most Americans know why: the United States leaves the health of its citizens at the mercy of an expensive, patchwork system where some get great care while others get none at all. The overwhelming majority — 75 percent, according to an October 2005 Harris Poll — want what people in other wealthy countries have: the peace of mind of universal health insurance."
US to Israel: No financial aid for war - "Washington has let Jerusalem know that for now Israel should not expect any financial aid to help defray the cost of the war in Lebanon, The Jerusalem Post has learned."
Poll: Most think bin Laden planning another U.S. attack - "As the five-year anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks approaches, nearly three-fourths of those responding to a CNN poll said they believe Osama bin Laden is planning another significant attack against the United States." -- The real-life Emmanuel Goldstein has worked brilliantly.
Bush OKs involuntary Marine recall - "Though the initial recall is for 2,500 troops, there is no cap on how many could be called up in the future."
Lieberman secures spot on November ballot - "The certification means that Lieberman, who lost the Democratic primary to a political newcomer, will run for re-election as the candidate of the new Connecticut for Lieberman party. He will face Democrat Ned Lamont and Republican Alan Schlesinger." -- Politics was never meant to be a profession.
New WTC Complex Photos Highlight Bizarre Building 7 Collapse - "Previously unseen photos provided to us by a fireman who was at ground zero on 9/11 highlight the implausible implosion of WTC Building 7 in comparison with buildings closer to the towers that sustained significantly more fire and debris damage yet did not collapse."
NY City may sue former cop over 9/11 photo book - ""He was taking pictures while on duty, at the direction of the department and while he was in the employ of the city," Singleton told Reuters."
The Fertility Gap - "But the data on young Americans tell a different story. Simply put, liberals have a big baby problem: They're not having enough of them, they haven't for a long time, and their pool of potential new voters is suffering as a result. According to the 2004 General Social Survey, if you picked 100 unrelated politically liberal adults at random, you would find that they had, between them, 147 children. If you picked 100 conservatives, you would find 208 kids. That's a "fertility gap" of 41%. Given that about 80% of people with an identifiable party preference grow up to vote the same way as their parents, this gap translates into lots more little Republicans than little Democrats to vote in future elections. Over the past 30 years this gap has not been below 20%--explaining, to a large extent, the current ineffectiveness of liberal youth voter campaigns today. Alarmingly for the Democrats, the gap is widening at a bit more than half a percentage point per year, meaning that today's problem is nothing compared to what the future will most likely hold."
It Is Easier to Be Green, but Does It Matter? - "Part of the problem is it isn't just the environment that's at stake. Green products and services, including organic foods and fashion, are among the fastest growing retail categories, putting tens of billions of dollars up for grabs."
Venezuela’s Economy Continues Booming as Growth Hits 9.2% - "This means Venezuela remains one of the world’s fastest growing economies. It has grown consistently for almost three years now."
Defaults rise in California - "Foreclosure activity in California in the second quarter jumped by 67 percent over the year-earlier period, according to figures released Monday by Foreclosures.com, a Central Valley-based real estate investment advisory firm and publisher of foreclosure property information. ... The once hot housing markets in Las Vegas and Phoenix are cooling off rapidly and defaults there are on the rise as well, she says."
Existing Home Sales Drop in July - "Sales of previously owned homes plunged in July to the lowest level in 2 1/2 years and the inventory of unsold homes climbed to a new record high, fresh signs that the housing market has lost steam."
Don't Marry Career Women - "Guys: A word of advice. Marry pretty women or ugly ones. Short ones or tall ones. Blondes or brunettes. Just, whatever you do, don't marry a woman with a career. Why? Because if many social scientists are to be believed, you run a higher risk of having a rocky marriage. While everyone knows that marriage can be stressful, recent studies have found professional women are more likely to get divorced, more likely to cheat, less likely to have children, and, if they do have kids, they are more likely to be unhappy about it. A recent study in Social Forces, a research journal, found that women--even those with a "feminist" outlook--are happier when their husband is the primary breadwinner. Not a happy conclusion, especially given that many men, particularly successful men, are attracted to women with similar goals and aspirations. And why not? After all, your typical career girl is well-educated, ambitious, informed and engaged. All seemingly good things, right? Sure…at least until you get married. Then, to put it bluntly, the more successful she is the more likely she is to grow dissatisfied with you. Sound familiar?"
Nearly half of women fear life as a bag lady - "They may have money in their purses and a decent salary, but many women fear they'll lose their income and end up a bag lady, forgotten and destitute."
Self-harm 'most pressing health issue for teenage girls' - "One in 10 teenage girls harms herself each year according to the largest study of self-harm among teenagers in England. The problem is far more widespread than previously thought and often associated with a child being bullied at school, physically or sexually abused, or worried about being gay, say academics."
Study: Even a few extra pounds risky - "Being a little overweight can kill you, according to new research that leaves little room for denial that a few extra pounds is harmful. Baby boomers who were even just a tad pudgy were more likely to die prematurely than those who were at a healthy weight, U.S. researchers reported Tuesday."
Drivers' bad calls draw fines in Georgia - "Drivers who cause a wreck while yakking on a cellphone will face a fine of up to $500 under a law that took effect Tuesday in DeKalb County, Ga."
Calif. to hike minimum wage to $8 per hour - "California lawmakers have agreed on a minimum wage increase of $1.25, the Los Angeles Times reports."
Bush's Last Day - "Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 was a day that surprised the 59,439,413 of us who did NOT vote for George W. Bush. Together we can minimize the damage of this administration and ensure that a positive change begins on Bush's Last Day, January 20, 2009." -- They have a countdown.
Music Makes Your Brain Happy - "A neuroscientist explains why women want rock stars to father their children, and how melodies can work like Prozac."
Dylan says modern recordings "atrocious" - "Noting the music industry's complaints that illegal downloading means people are getting their music for free, he said, "Well, why not? It ain't worth nothing anyway.""
Miami school board wants to remove books on Cuba - "The district wants to remove "Vamos a Cuba" ("A Visit to Cuba") following a parent's complaint that it failed to accurately depict the reality of life under Cuba's communist government."
Ancient biblical waterworks discovered - "Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed an ancient water system which was modified by the conquering Persians to turn the desert into a paradise."
German 'Superpapa' Busted After Adopting Over 300 Kids - "A man known as "Superpapa" who says he took advantage of a quirk in German laws to adopt more than 300 children worldwide has been arrested on suspicion of violating laws on child rearing in Paraguay, authorities said Tuesday."
Groups urge FBI to target hotel room porn - "Pornographic movies available in the rooms of some of America's best known hotel chains have caught the attention of conservative activists." -- These "activists" need to get laid.

Quote of the Day
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
~ J. Edgar Hoover
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