August 25, 2006

News (Page 2) -- August 25, 2006

Bush and Saddam Should Both Stand Trial, Says Nuremberg Prosecutor - ""Nuremberg declared that aggressive war is the supreme international crime," the 87-year-old Ferenccz told OneWorld from his home in New York."

Bush can reinstate the draft, or lose the Iraq War - "Fast on the heels of yesterday's Defense Department involuntary call up of Marine reserves, an Iraq veterans group tells RAW STORY that if a draft is not the next step, President Bush must choose to accept a loss in the war."

Video Discloses Alleged Plot To Target Sears Tower - "Undercover video acquired by CBS 2's Miami sister station, WFOR-TV CBS 4, reveals an inside look at a suspected terror group leader accused in a plot to target U.S. landmarks, including the Sears Tower." to Replay 9/11 Attacks Coverage - "CNN will mark the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks by replaying on the Internet the cable network's coverage of that day's events. Viewers can watch how events unfolded starting at 8:30 a.m., minutes before the first reports of an airplane hitting the World Trade Center. The feed will run in real time, as the network showed it five years ago, until midnight."

Let's Not Make This an Emergency - "Funny how contraception methods that men control—condoms—are rarely disputed and readily available. Funny how contraception methods that women control—the pill, emergency contraception, etc.—is grounds for a civil war."

Election of Alabama lesbian overturned by committee - "The committee disqualified Todd and her opponent, Gaynell Hendricks, because they had not filed a required campaign finance report on time. The same rule has been ignored by all candidates since 1988 and the Associated Press has reported that this year's party nominees for Governor and Lieutenant Governor have not filed the reports as well."

No Way In Hell President Bush Has Read 60 Books - "And those of you with similarly insane schedules might be able to relate to my feelings of shock and dismay when I learned the following news. President Bush is currently responsible for two ground wars; a crisis in Israel and Lebanon; a midterm election; a sagging housing market; the upcoming hurricane season; a laundry list of scandals; an on-going attempt to avoid coming off like a retarded frat-boy bully; and the day-to-day struggle to basically run the nation -- that is, pretend to run the nation. Looking back on 2006, he's faced numerous other critical events at home and abroad including gas prices, immigration, the Dubai ports deal, the Plame investigation, and his vice president shooting a lawyer in the face. Yet, he's somehow found time to read not one, not five, not 20, but 60 books this year alone (via Crooks & Liars). According to US News & World Report, he's in a competition with Karl Rove to see who can read more books over the course of the year. Rove is trailing by 10 books, until November when Diebold will put him up by three." -- Do Dick and Jane have 60 books?

Family Time at Kennebunkport - "President Bush returned to his parents' century-old oceanfront retreat here Thursday for the first time in his second term, putting aside the troubles of the world to some extent for a brief spell of fishing and family." -- Ah, priorities. How do you read 60 books and still have time for fishing?

Is Bush a Clear & Present Danger? - "Faced with George W. Bush’s disastrous policies in the Middle East and his adamant refusal to change course, the question now arises whether the President has become a “clear and present danger” to the security of the United States and, indirectly, to Israel."

Teenager tells of her eight years as dungeon sex slave - "A girl held captive as a sex slave in a dungeon for eight years told police of her dramatic escape from the man she was forced to call 'Master'. Natascha Kampusch, who was ten when she was kidnapped on her way to school, was imprisoned in a tiny pit dug into the floor of her captor's garage."

No Escaping Sexualization of Young Girls - "True, the statistics suggest that an American child is about as likely to share JonBenet's fate as she is to be killed by lightning. The abduction and murder of children by people outside their families is exceedingly rare.But as the mother of preschool girls, I know how easy it is to succumb to irrational panic in the face of this week's 24/7 media obsession with pedophilia."

WHO OWNS YOUR CHILD? - "This case should send a deep chill through the heart of every parent ... This case caught the attention of the national media because it strikes at the heart of every parent who should be asking the following questions: “Who really has control over my child?” “When is a child mature enough to participate in his own healthcare decisions?” “How did we get to the place where doctors, judges and social workers have more rights than parents over the healthcare decisions of a child?”"

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