Why Is Bush Waiting On Military Commissions Act? - "Olbermann outlined the fact that the act expeditiously nullifies nine of the first ten freedoms clarified in the bill of rights. It seems the McCain "compromise" at least left us with one remaining "bill of right." Many of the members of Congress who voted in favor of the bill to officially end America didn't even read it. The big question at the moment is why Bush has delayed signing the legislation even in the midst of fast-tracking other bills of little significance?"
Militarism - "According to the Federation of American Scientists, since the beginning of WW II, America has used military force in other nations, 201 times, and in most cases we were the instigator of the use of force. We have never succeeded in creating a single democratic institution in any of these forays. This leads the rest of the world to believe that we are an imperialist power, a new Rome, an out of control military society, fully determined to dominate the rest of the world."
Saddam Verdict Is Expected on Nov. 5 -- Only 2 days before the US midterm elections.
What happens if Saddam Hussein is acquitted? - "We won't find out until the end of this month, but whether he's found guilty or innocent, only two things can happen, and they're both bad. One, if Saddam is found guilty and given a death sentence there will be hell to pay in the streets of Tikrit. Two, if he's found innocent, then our excuse for occupying Iraq after finding no weapons of mass destruction goes up in smoke."
Americans Question Bush on 9/11 Intelligence - "Only 16 per cent of respondents say the government headed by U.S. president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks, down five points since May 2002."
2nd warning for Muslims to leave U.S. before attack - "Another Pakistani journalist is reporting receiving another threat – this one from a senior Taliban leader – warning all Muslims to leave the U.S. in anticipation of a major terrorist attack before the end of Ramadan."
Padilla Update: Bush has been Torturing American Citizens since 2002 - "For the next 4 years he was isolated, tortured and used as a lab-rat in drug experiments with LSD and other mind-altering hallucinogens. To date, the government has never produced a scintilla of evidence proving that Padilla is guilty of anything. Still, no attorney, no court, and no law have been able to set him free. The entire system has buckled under the load of imperial power leaving every American exposed to the capricious actions of the president. What happened to Padilla can happen to any of us and no one is truly safe until the case is fairly resolved."
"You Shall Not Kill" Has No Meaning In the Real World of Religion - "One of the shortest and most simple of the Ten Commandments is "You shall not kill." Pretty simple. "You shall not kill." Any questions? ... The entire Old Testament is filled with the exploits of a god that demands that these special people "do not kill," and yet do nothing but kill all those that get in the way of them and their God. If your last name ended in "kites or ites," you were pretty much going to get anhilated sooner or later by the people of the God who said, "You shall not kill." If you were the wives, daughters, sons and babies of the same, you also had had it...oh and your animals too."
Poll: Foley scandal ranks low among election issues - "Only about a quarter of Americans say the scandal over former Rep. Mark Foley will be "extremely important" in how they vote in November's congressional elections, according to a CNN poll released Tuesday. That figure falls far below issues such as Iraq, terrorism and the economy."
STATE BY STATE GOP SCANDAL SCORECARD -- Check out the connections to your state.
MySpace Predator Caught by Code - "The automated script searched MySpace's 1 million-plus profiles for registered sex offenders -- and soon found one that was back on the prowl for seriously underage boys. That's something that MySpace has said it cannot do. Rather, it is seeking new laws that would make it easier to ban sex offenders from the site through an e-mail registry."
Schoolgirl arrested for refusing to study with non-English pupils - "A teenage schoolgirl was arrested by police for racism after refusing to sit with a group of Asian students because some of them did not speak English."
Nurse sues over ticket for anti-Bush bumper sticker - "Denise Grier, 47, of Athens, Georgia, got a $100 ticket in March after a DeKalb County police officer spotted the bumper sticker, which read "I'm Tired Of All The BUSH**."" -- WTF?
U.S. Population Hits 300 Million Mark - "It's not easy estimating the exact number of people in a country the size of the United States. It gets even more complicated when you take into account illegal immigration, another reason for the federal government to let the milestone pass quietly."
The Water Boom Is Over - "Global freshwater supplies could start to determine whether or not we can feed ourselves."
FDA Is Set To Approve Milk, Meat From Clones - "Three years after the Food and Drug Administration first hinted that it might permit the sale of milk and meat from cloned animals, prompting public reactions that ranged from curiosity to disgust, the agency is poised to endorse marketing of the mass-produced animals for public consumption. The decision, expected by the end of this year, is based largely on new data indicating that milk and meat from cloned livestock and their offspring pose no unique risks to consumers."
Denmark an Example After Transfat Ban - "Denmark's experience offers a hopeful example for places like Canada and the U.S. state of New York, which are considering setting limits on the dangerous artery-clogging fats."
The greater your weight, the lower your IQ, say scientists - "It is bad for your blood pressure, knocks years off your life and is a strain on your heart. Now scientists have discovered that gaining weight lowers your intelligence."
Study: Parents low ball college costs - "Financial aid administrators said 92 percent of parents overestimate the amount of scholarship money their children will receive. Meanwhile, parents are not saving much on their own for their kids' educations, the study found."
Digital age may bring total recall in future - "Have you ever wished for a backup brain -- a device that could remember everything in your life from the smallest of details to your most memorable moments? Computer engineer Gordon Bell, a researcher for Microsoft Corp., is working on just such a mechanism. He's trying to devise what amounts to a digital diary, a searchable database that contains digitized versions of nearly everything in his life."
Amazing Mars picture show planet's 'dramatic climate changes' - "It's good to see from other planets a reminder that there is no such thing as stable climate. We have been lucky on Earth to have been living through a very stable 10,000 year warm period in the middle of a series of ice-ages."

Quote of the Day
"Patriotism ... is a superstition artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit."
~ Emma Goldman
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