Torturing the truth - "It should come as no surprise to any of us that the Republican-led Congress passed Bush's "Torture Me, Elmo" legislation; trashing habeas corpus, further shredding the Constitution and opening up the possibility of American citizens being "disappeared" for their political beliefs forever without any charges brought against them. Republicans like to torture. Look what they've done to the truth for the last five and a half years."
How Does a Nation Lose Its Soul? - "The received wisdom informs us that the American public has tired of George Bush and his use of lies and other deceptions to fashion a war-crazed police-state. According to this view, voters will go to the polls this November and exchange a sufficient number of Republican scoundrels for Democratic ones to deprive Bush of a GOP-controlled Congress. Then, we are further led to believe, the sociopathic madness that has metastasized from inside the “beltway” will have come to an end, and – like members of any lynch mob who later reflect on their deed – most Americans will rediscover their lost sense of sanity and decency. I accept none of this foolish thinking."
Prisoners 'sold to' Guantanamo Bay for $5,000 each - "Amnesty said that Pakistani courts have refused to offer protection for hundreds of the country's citizens who were taken prisoner in mass arrests and "sold" to the United States as terrorists with only the word of the captors as proof." -- That's winning hearts and minds. Disgusting.
Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean - "If war is to be waged or not against Iran and Syria, there is still the undeniable build-up and development of measures that confirm a process of military deployment and preparation for war."
Inside Iran - City Life - "Click on pictures to enlarge." -- Take a look at Iran before the bombs begin. It sure looks familiar, doesn't it?
US may accept Iranian nuclear bomb - "AMERICA is going to have to learn to live with a nuclear Iran, US intelligence analysts have concluded at a secret meeting near Washington. Senior operatives and outside experts from the intelligence community were almost unanimous in their view that little could be done to stop Iran acquiring the components for a nuclear bomb, The Sunday Times has learnt." -- Every country has the right to obtain such weapons. Prohibition never works.
Bush to sign bill to prevent Internet gambling - "Bush was expected to act quickly after Congress approved the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act making it illegal for financial institutions and credit card companies to process payments to settle Internet bets. It also created stiff penalties for online wagers." -- Stiff penalties for spending their own money?
Why did Congress kill a measure to keep felons out of U.S. ports? - "Congress is patting itself on the back for passing the Port Security Act last Saturday. But the day before, a House-Senate conference committee stripped out a provision that would have barred serious felons from working in sensitive dock security jobs. Port security isn't just about checking the contents of cargo containers, it also means checking the background of the 400,000 workers on our docks."
Foley's Exchange With Underage Page - "The following is an instant message exchange a former page says he had with Rep. Foley in 2003. Warning: sexually explicit language, reader discretion is advised." -- Here's the transcript.
Republicans knew about pedophile congressman - "Now Foley faces prosecution under the laws he helped write. But there's more to the story. The top Republicans in the House - Speaker Dennis Hastert and Majority Leader John Boehner - knew about Foley's activities for months. In 2005, a page told them that Foley's messages "freaked (him) out" and called Foley "sick sick sick sick sick." Pretty unambiguous. But did the Republican leadership reprimand Foley? No. Instead, they left him in charge of the House's Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus. Michael Jackson must have been busy that day." -- Birds of a feather?
Former page: We knew about Foley 'for years' - "Sexually explicit messages from former Rep. Mark Foley to one former congressional page might be just the tip of the iceberg, the leader of an alumni association for former congressional pages told Scripps Howard News Service on Saturday."
The Franklin Coverup Scandal - The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse - This was the biggest scandal in the history of the U.S.A history. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it." -- Just in case you have never heard of this case or have forgotten about it.
Flamed Out GOP Star Arrested For Child Sex Assault - "Randal D. "Randy" Ankeney, the convicted sex offender who just a few short years ago was a rising GOP star in Colorado, is being held on a $1 million bond in Larimer County."
Documentary claims Pope in child abuse cover-up - "A BRITISH documentary claimed today that Pope Benedict XVI was implicated in the systematic cover-up of child sex abuse by Catholic priests. Over 20 years, the man formerly known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger enforced a secret 1962 document on how bishops should deal with allegations of child abuse which included a code of secrecy, enforceable by excommunication, the BBC Panorama investigation said."
Why are the ranks of nuns declining? - "In fact, the number of American women taking vows for any order has been steadily declining for decades and nuns have left the convents in greater numbers. The ranks of women in religious orders hover around 70,000 today, down from about 185,000 in 1965 In his new book ''Double Crossed: Uncovering the Catholic Church's Betrayal of American Nuns'' Lafayette College instructor Kenneth Brigg s, a former religion editor at The New York Times and Newsday , he indicts what he characterizes as the clergy's use of control and convoluted tradition to ''make fools'' of the women who have served with dedication in roles from teaching to caring for the sick. Many active nuns dispute Briggs' characterizations and reject his prediction. They demur at pointing fingers at the Catholic hierarchy and point instead to the vast number of career options as the reason fewer women now take vows."
North American Union threat gets attention of congressmen - "While several members of Congress have denied any knowledge of efforts to build "NAFTA superhighways" or move America closer to a union with Mexico and Canada, four members of the House have stepped up to sponsor a resolution opposing both initiatives."
America is living beyond its means - "China and India will be calling the shots when the US is no longer top dollar." -- It's a matter of time.
Decoding Neoconservative Propaganda Terms - " 8. freedom = neocon-controlled Soviet-style police state."
Local song swept up in immigration fireworks - "Just ask Johnny Bradshaw and Mike and Rita Jones, whose humorous yet serious take on illegal immigration, “So Long, Texas — Hello Mexico!” has found fans from here to Canada to New Zealand. The song imagines a Texas cowboy packing up to move south of the border after illegal immigration has transformed his home state."
Schools punishing kids for what they say online - "While educators worry that postings on Web sites such as MySpace can disrupt learning, students see controlling what they post outside school as a threat to their right of free speech. Civil rights advocates are on their side, worrying that the new policies extend government's reach too far into the personal lives of students."
Study backs parents who say "No TV on a school-night" - "Middle school students who watch TV or play video games during the week do worse in school, a new study finds, but weekend viewing and gaming doesn't affect school performance much."
Gene found that helps combat MS - "They believe in the future the gene's symptom-fighting features could be exploited for potential treatments."
Survey: Many in Europe Confused on AIDS - "Almost half of the European Union population continues to have misconceptions about the ways in which HIV/AIDS can be spread, the European Commission said Monday."
Consumer spending plunges in August to lowest in a year - "Facing weak income growth and rising inflation, consumers trimmed their spending in August by the largest amount in nearly a year."
EU welcomes autonomy plan for Net governance - "The European Commission welcomed on Monday U.S. government moves to make the company that manages Internet domain names independent by 2009, but said it would monitor the process carefully."
In this movie, the audience picks the scene - "One idea behind the venture is that no two viewers may see the movie unfold in the same way, yet its basic facts, characters and message will permeate the experience."

Quote of the Day
"You know, one of the most shocking things about it is to realize how easily we have lost a world that seemed so safe and certain."
~ Josella, The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham
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