America Did Not Make Iraq’s Violence “Worse”; We Made it “Happen!” - "No matter how hard the media works to keep Americans stupid the people of this great nation remain smarter than they think; only they don’t know it. The current message coming out of our media via the people who really run our government is that our presence in Iraq is making the violence in Iraq worse. This is clearly a pre-packaged excuse for bringing troops home and blaming the violence on the Iraqis, al Qaeda, Iran, Syria, the devil, liberals, Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Susan Sarandon, NY Yankee Alex Rodriguez and anyone who did not want to launch this war based on lies. I forgot one…the Dixie Chicks!"
U.S. military's October death toll reaches 100 - "U.S. military deaths in Iraq in October reached 100 Monday, making this the deadliest month for American troops in a year."
Striking the US where it hurts - "It is like key acupuncture points in ancient Chinese medicine. Puncture one vital point and the whole anatomy is affected. If America ever goes to war with China, say, over Taiwan, then America should be prepared for the following "acupuncture points" in its anatomy to be "punctured". Each of the vital points can bring America to its knees with a minimum of effort."
No fast U.S. shift on Iraq if Democrats win -Dean - ""The president will still be in charge of foreign policy and the military ... I don't imagine we're going to be able to force the president to reverse his course," he told the CBS "Face the Nation" program. "But we will put some pressure on him to have some benchmarks, some timetables and a real plan other than stay the course," he added."
Why Nancy Pelosi is Wrong - "House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), in an interview with Lesley Stahl of CBS News, said impeachment would be "off the table" if Democrats take over the House of Representatives in November, calling it a "waste of time." She couldn't be more wrong, and most Americans know it."
Swedes think US 'greatest threat to peace' - "Nearly one in three Swedes, 29 percent, think that the US is the biggest threat to peace on earth, the poll, commissioned by Axess Television, reveals. ... North Korea was a close runner up to the United States - 28 percent of respondents thought that the secretive communist dictatorship was most dangerous."
Poll: Majority believes government doing too much - "The poll released Friday also showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans perceive, correctly, that the size and cost of government have gone up in the past four years, when Republicans have had a grip on the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House."
How to Stop the November Elections from Being Stolen - "The hope of many Democrats for success on November 7th is sharply tempered by still-fresh memories of perceived Democratic victories turned into defeat in 2000 and 2004. Even more disconcerting is the fact that since 2004, there has been overwhelming documentation of voter repression and fraud. The result is that many believe that past elections have been stolen, and efforts to prevent people from voting -- especially minorities -- have been successful."
Limbaugh's Savage Crusade - "Rush Limbaugh is not just making an issue of Michael J. Fox's campaign ads for Democratic candidates who support stem-cell research. The conservative talk-radio personality is making it the issue of a fall campaign that gets stranger by the day. ... In Limbaugh's warped assessment of the political process, it's fine for him to try and influence the votes of Americans. But woe be it to anyone else who attempts to do so."
The Thirteen Scariest People in America - "From the scariest presidential candidate to the scariest billionaire to the scariest cop, these truly are the worst America has to offer."
And The YouTube Purge Begins, Starting With Comedy Central - "It's an interesting move on the part of Comedy Central, which has seemed to turn a blinde eye until now, to their benefit: Not everyone gets cable, or is home to see every show religiously in the 11 - 12am block."
Britons 'could be microchipped like dogs in a decade' - "The prospect of 'chip-citizens' - with its terrifying echoes of George Orwell's 'Big Brother' police state in the book 1984 - was raised in an official report for Britain's Information Commissioner Richard Thomas into the spread of surveillance technology."
Feds Leapfrog RFID Privacy Study - "The story seems simple enough. An outside privacy and security advisory committee to the Department of Homeland Security penned a tough report concluding the government should not use chips that can be read remotely in identification documents. But the report remains stuck in draft mode, even as new identification cards with the chips are being announced."
Ranking of Most, Least Dangerous Cities - "The list starts with the safest cities and ends with the most dangerous."
Chevron 3Q Profit Soars to $5 Billion - "A $5 billion third-quarter profit from Chevron Corp. lifts the cumulative results of the five major oil companies that reported July through September earnings this week to more than $31.5 billion."
Global warming could devastate economy - "Unchecked global warming will devastate the world economy on the scale of the world wars and the Great Depression, a British government report said Monday, as the country launched a bid to convince doubters that environmentalism and economic growth can coincide."
Pay up ... or the planet gets it - "HARD-WORKING families face crippling new bills as the Government fights global warming with a raft of stinging taxes. But critics accused ministers of forcing the public to pay for their failure to react earlier to the crisis."
Climate Science Coalition says Al Gore's claim in movie 'Inconvenient Truth that Pacific Islands sinking incorrect - "The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition does not accept arguments about man-made global warming. Spokesman Owen McShane claims Gore has been liberal with the truth in his film, when he says Pacific Islanders have been evacuated because their islands are drowning. "There are no such refugees and what's more, the Pacific Islands are not sinking below the waves. It's a very active area. In some islands the sea level is falling and in others it's rising.""
At 2 TV Stations in Maine, What Al Gore’s Movie Says Isn’t News - "Michael Palmer, the general manager of television stations WVII and WFVX, ABC and Fox affiliates in Bangor, has told his joint staff of nine men and women that when “Bar Harbor is underwater, then we can do global warming stories.” “Until then,” he added. “No more.”"
Scientist finds 100 million-year-old bee - "A scientist has found a 100 million-year-old bee trapped in amber, making it possibly the oldest bee ever found."
Honeybee Genome May Shed Light on Social Evolution - "Insects are the most diverse group of animals on Earth, with about 925,000 identified species. The genetic exploration may eventually shed light on the biology of togetherness and cooperation, which bees and people both discovered in the 600 million years since they last shared a common ancestor."
Soil minerals point to planet-wide ocean on Mars - "An ocean of water once wrapped around Mars, suggests the discovery of soil chemicals by NASA’s rovers. But the same chemicals also indicate that life was not widespread on the planet at the time the ocean was present."

Quote of the Day
"It may take centuries, but humanity will pay for its arrogance."
~ T'Pol, Star Trek Enterprise
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