Blogger credited in discovering identity - "Kerr, of Moore, is the author of the blog Passionate America, which is being credited with discovering the identity of the former House page who may have exchanged inappropriate instant messages with former Rep. Mark Foley, and that the former page now works for Oklahoma gubernatorial candidate Ernest Istook."
Al Qaeda Tapes: Direct Link To Military Psyops And Donald Rumsfeld - "Following on from our three features on the latest dubious Al Qaeda video, We can reveal that further investigation into the origin of Al Qaeda video and tape release leads straight back to US military intelligence and Donald Rumsfeld."
Cheney: GOP ‘will retain control’ - "“I’m a huge Denny Hastert fan — I think he’s a great speaker,” Cheney said in his private cabin aboard Air Force Two. “And it makes no sense at all for him to think about stepping down.”... Cheney flatly rejected predictions by pundits that Democrats will take control of the House and Senate in November. “We will retain control of both houses,” he said." -- Diebold anyone?
Cheating the machine / The perils of electronic voting go on display - "Appearing before the House Administration Committee, Edward W. Felten, a professor of computer science and public affairs at Princeton University, showed how he could put a virus on an electronic voting machine -- a Diebold AccuVote-TS -- so that it would wrongly record votes."
Poll: Democrats have a shot at capturing the Senate - "Democratic Senate candidates are tied, have a slight edge or an outright lead in every one of 10 pivotal battleground states. No Democrat trails in those races; no Republican leads. Democrats must gain six seats to capture control of the 100-member Senate."
Man files suit over Cheney encounter - ""Many of us fantasize what would we do if we had the opportunity to really tell Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney how we feel," said Howards, 54, of Golden. "And to be honest, when I passed him, my initial thought was to keep walking. And then I said, I couldn't with a clear conscience let this opportunity pass." So Howards approached the vice president and told him, " 'Your policies in Iraq are reprehensible.' And I moved on. I didn't want to give anybody any excuses to come after me." ... The agent, Howards said, "came out of the shadows and literally said, 'Did you assault the vice president?' ... Howards denied touching Cheney, repeated for the agent what he had said to the vice president, and promptly found himself being handcuffed and taken to the Eagle County Jail, where he said he remained cuffed for three hours prior to being bailed out by his wife."
Awaiting the Rebellion - "Eventually however (and it won't be long now) it's the grunts who will begin to revolt, first in small ways (as in the 101st in late 1968, "No sir. We are not going up that hill again.") and then, quickly thereafter (As in 1973, "F___ you, asshole.") By that time the media may get wind of things and spin it exponentially out of control. That’s what I think.” So do I."
Men And Women Of Faith: Sweep Out Morally Corrupted Republican Congress - "It what may be one of the greatest disgraces in Congressional history there are now senior Republicans, including the Speaker's best friend Congressman Lahood, suggesting the page program be abolished. ... Punish the pages and protect the politicians? No. Let's keep the pages and get rid of the politicians who threaten them. Let's respect the pages and get rid of the politicians with such little confidence in their own moral bearing they no longer believe they can protect them. Let's get rid of those who treat this sordid episode as just another example of one party corruption in Washington."
$20 million Iraq victory party - "The funds for ''commemoration of success'' in Iraq and Afghanistan were originally tucked into last year's defense measure, but they went unspent amid an uptick in violence in both countries that forced the Pentagon to extend tours of duty for thousands of troops."
More Finger-Pointing - "So you had the top aide to the House's senior GOP campaign guy trying to keep the seedy details out of the media. No wonder some critics are charging cover-up. That's what's driving this whole thing, the sense that key Republicans were more concerned with the politics of the Foley mess than protecting the teenagers he was hitting up online."
Fox had Foley emails, chose not to run - "Fox News had copies of emails written by Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) to a Louisiana boy, but chose not to run the story, according to a passage in an Associated Press report."
NEW LOWS FOR DRUDGE: PLAYING THE FOLEY VICTIM CARD - "Are there no lows to which Drudge won't stoop? The headline reads: "CLAIM: FILTHY FOLEY ONLINE MESSAGES WERE PAGE PRANK GONE AWRY." Oh, really? You mean Foley didn't ask about penis length? Or masturbation? Or wonder if he "made him a little horny?" No, actually — even Drudge can't deny that Foley did all those things. His point is that those sneaky, evil pages tricked the poor hapless six-term Congressman into writing lurid sexually-charged messages. What? You mean Foley didn't make the pages horny? Well, I never!"
HR 4239 Could Label You as a Terrorist - "If HR 4239 becomes law, anyone who causes an animal industry to lose 10,000 in revenues by exposing their abusive practices could be fined, jailed and labeled a terrorist." -- Huh? Terrorist? The umbrella gets larger.
Closeted Gay Republicans and a Party in Political Free-Fall - "The LA Times has outed Kirk Fordham today. He will not be the last closeted gay Republican outed by this scandal." -- Nail them all for their hypocrisy.
Court temporarily OKs domestic spying - "The Bush administration can continue its warrantless surveillance program while it appeals a judge's ruling that the program is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday."
Unlikely Terrorists On No-Fly List - "60 Minutes, in collaboration with the National Security News Service, has obtained the secret list used to screen airline passengers for terrorists and discovered it includes names of people not likely to cause terror, including the president of Bolivia, people who are dead and names so common, they are shared by thousands of innocent fliers."
US set to cut deal with Taliban - "Alarm bells are going off in the US political and strategic community over the Bush administration's weighing the option of bringing Taliban back into the power equation in Afghanistan."
Google Again Censors, Stifles 9/11 Film's Growth - "Google Video has re-imposed a crass censorship policy to intentionally stifle the growth of Alex Jones' Terror Storm documentary and prevent it from reaching tens of millions of people by covertly editing viewer statistics and blocking the film from entering its popular categories."
'Too Many Guns' Wreaking Havoc at Schools, Group Says - ""This shooting -- and the ones last week in Colorado and Wisconsin, and every school shooting in the past 10 years -- all had one thing in common," Gottlieb observed. "They all happened in so-called 'gun-free school zones,' where students and adult staff are essentially helpless."
Values Voter Summit: Is the Anti-Christ Gay? - "McKissic denounced as “insulting, offensive, demeaning, and racist” the gay right’s movement trying to “hitch itself” to civil rights. Gays, he said, can’t “compare their sin to my skin.” He repeated the classic charge that gays “can’t reproduce so they have to recruit.” But he was just warming up. The civil rights movement, he said, was grounded in moral authority, truth and righteousness, the impetus to freedom, constitutional authority, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In contrast, he said, the gay rights movement was inspired “from the pit of hell itself,” and has a “satanic anointment.” The gay rights movement was birthed and inspired by the anti-Christ. He suggested that the anti-Christ is himself gay, citing a verse from the book of Daniel saying the anti-Christ will have no desire for a woman."
Little terrors on rampage in "Jesus Camp" - "The compelling documentary "Jesus Camp," which Magnolia Pictures opened in select cities Friday ahead of its New York and L.A. bows September 22, demonstrates how those qualities are being cultivated in a generation of pintsize proselytizers. Beyond their deadly earnestness, these children of the evangelical Christian right are being groomed as soldiers in a self-declared culture war to reclaim America for Christ."
'Jesus Camp' is the year's scariest movie - "WANNA SEE something really scary? Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady's truly frightening documentary Jesus Camp shows extreme evangelicals at work, indoctrinating the children of tomorrow. At a South Dakota camp, operated by Becky Fischer, director of Kids in Ministry International, some 50 children assemble, not learning Christ's message so much as being exposed to political fury. An unidentified minister—a ringer for Harvey Keitel—brings rubber fetuses for the children to fondle. The kids are scared until they weep. They absorb the message that just as some Muslim children are being prepared to trade their lives for their faith, so too must they be ready to fight. We see a ceremonial blessing of a cardboard stand-up of George W. Bush, placed on a mantle of fleecy cotton representing heaven; this idol is saluted in a gabbling oratory of worshippers speaking in tongues." -- Jesus.
TX Supreme Court Takes Up Church Case - "Theologians are watching to see if a ruling could make it easier for church members to sue a pastor with a professional counseling license who talked to them as a religious leader."
At Church, an 'ATM for Jesus' - "It was one of Stevens Creek's three "Giving Kiosks": a sleek black pedestal topped with a computer screen, numeric keypad and magnetic-strip reader. Prompted by the on-screen instructions, Marshall performed a ritual more common in quickie marts than a house of God: He pulled out a bank card, swiped it and punched in some numbers.The machine spat out a receipt. Marshall's $400 donation was routed to church coffers before he had found his seat for evening worship."
Atheists blamed for societal corruption - "Religion has gained major importance in the lives of many Americans. A Sept. 11 Newsweek article cited a poll that found Americans believe in God by a margin of 92 to six. These numbers are up significantly from previous years. But the increased emphasis on faith has brought unnecessary suspicion and prejudice toward those not so religiously inclined. In fact, a study conducted at the University of Minnesota found a large portion of the American public views atheists as a threat to the American way of life. The prejudice that this belief suggests toward atheism is ridiculous and offensive as well as dangerous. The pretense of this opinion is laughable. Can a nation who prides itself on freedom of religion really view atheism—which can be labeled a religion—as dangerous? The statement that atheism is a threat implies some action should be taken against atheists to eliminate the danger. And this would go against the American way as dictated in the Constitution, a tangible guideline for American society." -- I am honored to be a member of the minority.
Wisconsin lawmaker urges arming teachers - "It might not be politically correct, but it has worked effectively in other countries, Republican Rep. Frank Lasee said Wednesday."
Bush signs the fence bill - "President Bush yesterday signed into law the annual homeland-security spending bill that provides the first down payment for 700 miles of fence along the U.S.-Mexico border."
Bush Dismantles Child Care - "America's child care crunch is more dire than ever, thanks to Bush's gutting of government programs that assist working families."
Will Bush Pardon Scooter Libby? - "The case against the Valerie Plame leaker is alive and well, but Republicans are working hard to get Cheney's right-hand man off the hook."
Time Warner Gives Bush-Bashing Comic the Hook - "Is Time Warner getting into the censorship business? A host of Showtime at the Apollo claims he got the hook for angering top brass at the media megaconglomerate with jokes about President George W. Bush. Comic Paul Mooney (most recently of Chappelle's Show) was midway through a taping of the famed Harlem theater's weekly variety show when the plug was abruptly pulled."
Teen ticketed for Hacky Sac - "A 17-year-old Boulder High senior faces a $250 fine — stiffer than a ticket for speeding through a school zone — for playing Hacky Sac. His offense: "releasing projectiles" on the Pearl Street Mall."
The century of drought - "One third of the planet will be desert by the year 2100, say climate experts in the most dire warning yet of the effects of global warming. ... It is one of the most dire forecasts so far of the potential effects of rising temperatures around the world - yet it may be an underestimation, the scientists involved said yesterday."
U.S. Northeast could warm drastically by 2100: study - "If greenhouse gas emissions continue on their current course, Massachusetts may feel more like sultry South Carolina by century's end, researchers said on Wednesday in a report on clear signs of global warming in the U.S. Northeast. The region, comprising nine of the 50 U.S. states, is critical, since it alone is the world's seventh-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, just behind the entire nation of Germany and ahead of all of Canada, said Cameron Wake, a University of New Hampshire climate scientist and a co-author of the report."
Privatize the Amazon rainforest says UK minister - " The scheme, which has been endorsed by Prime Minister Tony Blair, would seek to protect the region's biodiversity while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions to fight global warming. According to The Telegraph the plan would "involve the creation of an international body to buy the rainforest before setting up a trust to sell trees" and buyers would become "stake-holders" in the rainforest."
Software to monitor overseas opinions of U.S. - "A consortium of major universities, using Department of Homeland Security money, is developing software that would let the government monitor negative opinions of the United States or its leaders in newspapers and other publications overseas."
Scientists teleport two different objects - "Beaming people in "Star Trek" fashion is still in the realms of science fiction, but physicists in Denmark have teleported information from light to matter bringing quantum communication and computing closer to reality."
Study: Vaccine promising for hay fever relief - "Could the sneezy, runny-eyed misery of hay fever one day be a thing of the past? Scientists are reporting encouraging results from early tests of a vaccine they hope will give long-lasting relief from this seasonal scourge."
Scientists to create 'frankenbunny' in big research leap - "Scientists are planning to create a "frankenrabbit" by fusing together human cells with a rabbit egg."

Quote of the Day
"The cosmos is a gigantic flywheel making 10,000 revolutions a minute. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning to give him the ride."
~ H.L. Mencken
1 comment:
Hello Randy and readers,
If they're going to go around attacking others for not living up to their professed values, it's a damn good idea to be truthful and actually walk the walk. Logs and motes in the eye, camels through the eye of a needle, glass houses, kettle's and pots, and what goes around comes around, et al. Karma's a bitch when She finally decides enough is enough! This wouldn't have been so bad on Republicans if they hadn't been such arrogant hypocrites in order to corner the so-called values voters! Now the Two Candlesticks and Two Witnesses (Truth and Justice) are breathing fire and raining hailstones!
Christian Political Leadership, Hypocrisy, Duplicity, and Purposeful Evil
The current scandal involving Congressman Foley is merely the latest in an amazingly long list of blatant deception and duplicity by Republicans and the Christian Right in recent years. While bedeviling us all with their holier-than-thou pretenses, they consistently support and/or perform blatant greed and abominable evil. Never forget the extent of their arrogance over the last two decades and especially the last 6 years. It is beyond amazing that Christians continue to blindly support such obviously blatant scoundrels, even as they are repeatedly exposed going against the most basic of human values. The level of hypocrisy and duplicity boggles the mind. There is no longer any doubt, whatsoever, that Christianity is little more than a purposeful deception used by political and religious leaders to dupe, manipulate, and coerce entire populations into giving them wealth and power, which they always use for greed, injustice, and abominable evils.
The actions of Foley and those who covered up for him directly parallel the actions of scores of priests that have raped innocent children, preyed upon others for centuries, and had their actions hidden and abetted by the Vatican. Now, in eerie repetition of Vatican history, we have a power hungry Christian Emperor (GW) working closely with the Vatican and Judeo-Christian aristocrats to lead crusades in the so-called Holy Land. Furthermore, to leave little doubt about the reality of this assessment, the USA, as the new Holy Roman Empire, is about to legalize the torture it has perpetrated in recent years while steadily reversing many of the democratic and civil freedoms that people gained when the Vatican and royalty lost control of their European empire at the turn of the nineteenth century. Now we see them following the same old path of evil as they strive to cement the status of the USA as the latest proxy Vatican empire. Make no mistake about it, the new dark ages are looming on the horizon unless we do something proactive to prevent it.
Remember that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it!
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Here is Wisdom !!
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