Dubya on the Defensive - ""The economy is good, but it hasn't improved for everybody," said Mark Zandi, chief economist of, an economics research firm. "The gains have predominantly gone to higher-income and higher net-worth households. Lower net-worth households are still struggling.""
Germany rejects Iran military option - "German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has rejected the threat of military force against Iran, hours after US President George Bush said he would consider it as a last resort to press Tehran to give up its nuclear program. ... "This morning I read that military options are now on the table. My answer to that is: 'Dear friends in Europe and America, let us work out a strong negotiating position. But let's take the military option off the table. We have seen it doesn't work'," he said."
"Thank You for Your Sympathy"? - "After my office was destroyed on September 11, 2001, the people of Tehran, Iran left their offices and homes. They gathered in the streets holding candles to demonstrate condolence, sympathy and goodwill towards us, the people of New York, and indeed, all of America. I remember the film footage from Tehran at the time and will never forget. Now, the Bushling and his puppet-masters plan to bomb them."
War Plans Drafted To Counter Terror Attacks in U.S. - ""It could be a challenge for the commander who's a Guardsman, if we end up in a fairly complex, dynamic scenario," Keating said. He cited a potential situation in which Guard units might begin rounding up people while regular forces could not." -- Rounding up people?
Pentagon to host 9/11 march, concert - "The Pentagon will hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary of 9/11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an unusual announcement tucked into an Iraq war briefing yesterday."
Letter From an Iraq War Vet - "I participated in the invasion, stayed in Iraq for a year afterward, and what I witnessed was the total opposite of what President Bush and his administration stated to the American people. The invasion was very confusing, and so was the period of time I spent in Iraq afterward. At first it did seem as if some of the Iraqi people were happy to be rid of Saddam Hussein. But that was only for a short period of time. Shortly after Saddam's regime fell, the Shiite Muslims in Iraq conducted a pilgrimage to Karbala, a pilgrimage prohibited by Saddam while he was in power. As I witnessed the Shiite pilgrimage, which was a new freedom that we provided to them, they used the pilgrimage to protest our presence in their country. I watched as they beat themselves over the head with sticks until they bled, and screamed at us in anger to leave their country. Some even carried signs that stated, "No Saddam, No America." These were people that Saddam oppressed; they were his enemies. To me, it seemed they hated us more than him. At that moment I knew it was going to be a very long deployment. I realized that I was not being greeted as a liberator."
Rumblings Increase About Trucking Protest To High Gas Prices - "Truck drivers are telling KOMO 4 News they are hearing increasing discussion about parking rigs to protest high diesel prices. Several drivers say the talk is "all over the CB" across the country."
It Takes a Village to Smear Cindy Sheehan - "The right wing attacks on Cindy Sheehan -- desperate, pathetic, and grasping at straws -- expose much less about their target than about the attackers. I mean, trying to slime a grieving Gold Star mom because she is inconveniently questioning the reasons her son was sent off to die in Iraq? Why that would be like trashing a much-decorated war hero or outing an undercover CIA agent…Oh, right…How much longer can the Bushies get away with mauling the very values they profess to stand for before their supporters start getting wise to the fact that the only value they really value is power?"
Erotic and Violent Images Cloud Vision, Study Finds - "When people see violent or erotic images, they fail to process whatever they see next, according to new research. Scientists are calling the effect "attentional rubbernecking.""
Scientists' Belief in God Varies Starkly by Discipline - "About two-thirds of scientists believe in God, according to a new survey that uncovered stark differences based on the type of research they do. The study, along with another one released in June, would appear to debunk the oft-held notion that science is incompatible with religion. Those in the social sciences are more likely to believe in God and attend religious services than researchers in the natural sciences, the study found."
Mutant mice helping cure diseases - "They're being bred now by the millions, the mutants, created to carry the ghastliest of diseases for the benefit of the human race. ... There's the Schwarzenegger mouse -- injected with muscle-building genes. The marathon mouse, which never seems to tire. Researchers recently engineered some mice to be extremely addicted to nicotine, and others to be immune to scrapie, a close cousin to the brain-wasting mad cow disease. And scientists are in hot pursuit of a Methuselah mouse, able to cheat death long after its natural brethren meet their maker."
When meat is not murder - "Would you eat steak if it had been grown in a petri dish? ... Researchers have published details in a biotechnology journal describing a new technique which they hailed as the answer to the world's food shortage. Lumps of meat would be cultured in laboratory vats rather than carved from livestock reared on a farm." -- Soylent Green?,2763,1548451,00.html

Quote of the Day
"My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel."
~ Cindy Sheehan
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