Bush gives new reason for Iraq war - "President Bush answered growing antiwar protests yesterday with a fresh reason for US troops to continue fighting in Iraq: protection of the country's vast oil fields, which he said would otherwise fall under the control of terrorist extremists." -- Why do we continue to let this administration stay in office?
How to Identify Misinformation - "How can a journalist or a news consumer tell if a story is true or false? There are no exact rules, but the following clues can help indicate if a story or allegation is true." -- I think it's been proven that conspiracies happen. http://usinfo.state.gov/media/Archive/2005/Jul/27-595713.html
Pot, Kettle, Black: State Department Tells Us How to Identify Misinformation - "We all need to be extremely grateful that the State department has it's own advice section on what we should and should not believe. I for one find it incredibly difficult to believe straight facts, even when they put the government in a bad light. Thank goodness that everything the government does and says is accurate. It is important to have a bench mark of truth against which we can formulate our beliefs. Of course I am being sarcastic."
Breaking: Thousands dead in New Orleans - "Mr Nagin said there were significant numbers of corpses in the waters of the flood-stricken city, while many more people may be dead in their homes."
Mayor: Katrina May Have Killed Thousands - "Police officers were asking residents to give up any guns they had before they boarded buses and trucks because police desperately needed the firepower: Some officers who had been stranded on the roof of a motel said they were being shot at overnight."
The National Guard Belongs in New Orleans and Biloxi. Not Baghdad - "The men and women of the National Guard shouldn’t be killing in Iraq. They should be helping in New Orleans and Biloxi. The catastrophic hurricane was an act of God. But the U.S. war effort in Iraq is a continuing act of the president. And now, that effort is hampering the capacity of the National Guard to save lives at home."
`Engineering Nightmare': Water Keeps Rising in New Orleans - "Army engineers struggled without success to plug New Orleans' breached levees with giant sandbags, and the governor said Wednesday the situation was worsening and there was no choice but to abandon the flooded city."
Officials Helpless Against Looters - "With law officers and National Guardsmen focused on saving lives, looters around the city spent another day Wednesday brazenly ransacking stores for food, beer, clothing, appliances _ and guns."
Nation of Fools - "My entire family is being played for fools by the power brokers in Washington; and they don't even have a clue about how they are being manipulated. I am embarrassed for them. The truth is out there; but no one is bringing it to our door step. You have to look hard. You have to want to know the facts. You have to care about social justice; and that requires effort; it

Hurricane hits just before homosexual event - "Hurricane Katrina walloped New Orleans just two days before the annual homosexual "Southern Decadence" festival was to begin in the town, an act being characterized by some as God's work. Southern Decadence has a history of "filling the French Quarters section of the city with drunken homosexuals engaging in sex acts in the public streets and bars," says a statement from the Philadelphia Christian organization Repent America." -- Christ in a basket, these people.
Truck stops ration fuel - "Two days after Hurricane Katrina struck the oil-laden Gulf Coast, many of the nation's truck drivers are encountering unprecedented fuel rationing as they brace for a spike in prices."
Reuters cameraman to be held in Abu Ghraib - "A cameraman for Reuters in Iraq has been ordered by a secret tribunal to be held without charge in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison until his case is reviewed within six months, a US military spokesman said today. ... The US military has refused Reuters requests to disclose why he is being held. He has not been charged. His brother, who was detained with him and then released, said they were arrested after Marines looked at the images on the journalist's cameras."
Christianity taking over planet? - "What is the fastest-growing religion on Earth? Most news reports suggest it is Islam. But a new book makes a compelling case it is a new, or, perhaps, old form of biblically inspired evangelical Christianity that is sweeping through places like China, Africa, India and Southeast Asia. ... "The growing core of Christianity crosses theological lines and includes 707 million born-again people who are increasing by 8 percent a year," he says. So fast is this group growing that, under current trends, according to Rutz, the entire world will be composed of such believers by the year 2032. "There will be pockets of resistance and unforeseen breakthroughs," writes Rutz. "Still, at the rate we're growing now, to be comically precise, there would be more Christians than people by the autumn of 2032, about 8.2 billion.""
Blogger Faces Lawsuit OverComments Posted by Readers - "In a legal case being watched closely by bloggers, an Internet company has sued the owner of a Web log for comments posted to his site by readers."
Quote of the Day
"New Orleans is sinking man, and I don't want to swim."
~ The Tragically Hip
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