Babies Caught Up in 'No-Fly' Confusion - "Infants have been stopped from boarding planes at airports throughout the U.S. because their names are the same as or similar to those of possible terrorists on the government's "no-fly list.""
Montana Supreme Court justice warns Orwell's 1984 has arrived - "Believe it or not, it's perfectly legal for police to rummage through your garbage for incriminating stuff on you -- even if they don't have a warrant or court approval. ... What's remarkable is the concurring opinion of Montana Supreme Court Justice James C. Nelson, who reluctantly went along with his colleagues but warned that George Orwell's 1984 had arrived. We reproduce his concurring opinion in full:" -- Worth reading for those of you who think you have privacy.
Bush makes history - a five-year streak without saying 'no' - "Like pardons and executive orders, vetoes are among the cherished privileges of the Oval Office. Ike liked them. So did presidents Truman and Cleveland - and both Roosevelts. But apparently not George W. Bush. In fact, well into the fifth year of his presidency, he has yet to issue a single veto. It's a streak unmatched in modern American history, one that throws into question traditional notions of checks and balances."
Roberts scoffed at equal-pay theory - "As an assistant White House counsel in 1984, John Roberts scoffed at the notion that men and women should earn equal pay in jobs of comparable importance, and he belittled three female Republican members of Congress who promoted that idea to the Reagan administration."
Phone message from doomed plane was hoax - "Greek police on Monday arrested a man they said had hoaxed TV stations by saying he had received a mobile phone message from a cousin on an airliner which said the passengers were freezing cold shortly before it crashed."
Are the Bush Twins AWOL? - "Thanks in large part to Cindy Sheehan, people are starting to raise the issue of why Jenna and Barbara Bush aren't serving in the military. It's a tough question, but I think it's a fair one. The President of the United States is calling on American young people to volunteer to go to war, but his own daughters, who are certainly of the appropriate age, are better known for their drunken nightclub escapades than for any acts of patriotism."
More homes in U.S. go solo - "Single-adult households have displaced two-parent families with children as the most common kind of U.S. household, the Census Bureau reported yesterday. The change demonstrates "the growing complexity" of American households, researchers said in a new report, "Examining American Household Composition: 1990 and 2000." "It's breathtaking how many people still think that the 'mom, pop and two kids' is the majority of households," said Peter Francese, the founder of American Demographics magazine."
Debate opens on choosing baby's sex - "The issue of couples being allowed to choose the sex of their babies to "balance" their families is to be discussed in a public consultation. The Government's review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act of 1990 said it was seeking views from the public on sex selection for non-medical purposes. It asked whether the practice should be banned - as it is currently - or be allowed for family balancing reasons."
Requiem for the Future - "Where Are the Interplanetary Wonders We Read About When We Were Kids? Where'd the future go? You remember it, don't you? It's the one with moon bases and intrepid Mars colonists and asteroid miners, with spaceports and space elevators and sprawling habitations up at the Lagrange points. The one we read about when we were kids, the one written about by the likes of Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Heinlein, with thrilling chronologies that had us on Mars or beyond by now, or at least heading that way. You know, the future.",,SB112370259710910021-MHWdDdhTjCAvoB3BCDKqqc1aJcU_20060814,00.html?mod=blogs
Thin skin will help robots 'feel' - "Japanese researchers have developed a flexible artificial skin that could give robots a humanlike sense of touch. The team manufactured a type of "skin" capable of sensing pressure and another capable of sensing temperature. These are supple enough to wrap around robot fingers and relatively cheap to make, the researchers have claimed."
Scottish scientists grow pure human brain cells - "Human brain cells have been grown artificially in the laboratory in a world first for Scottish scientists. A team at Edinburgh University managed to turn embryonic stem cells into stable nerve stem cells used in the brain by adding a cocktail of chemicals."
Why the US wants to end link between time and sun - "Word of the U.S. proposal, made secretly to a United Nations body, began leaking to scientists earlier this month. The plan would simplify the world's timekeeping by making each day last exactly 24 hours. Right now, that's not always the case."
Bush administration objects to .xxx domains - "The Bush administration is objecting to the creation of a .xxx domain, saying it has concerns about a virtual red-light district reserved exclusively for Internet pornography. ... "The Department of Commerce has received nearly 6,000 letters and e-mails from individuals expressing concern about the impact of pornography on families and children," Gallagher said in a letter that was made public on Monday."

Quote of the Day
"A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider God-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side."
~ Aristotle
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