Army Planning for 4 More Years in Iraq - "The Army is planning for the possibility of keeping the current number of soldiers in Iraq _ well over 100,000 _ for four more years, the Army's top general said Saturday."
The Trillion-Dollar War - "THE human cost of the more than 2,000 American military personnel killed and 14,500 wounded so far in Iraq and Afghanistan is all too apparent. But the financial toll is still largely hidden from public view and, like the suffering of those who have lost loved ones, will persist long after the fighting is over."
GOP Senator Says Iraq Looking Like Vietnam - "A leading Republican senator and prospective presidential candidate said Sunday that the war in Iraq has destabilized the Middle East and is looking more like the Vietnam conflict from a generation ago. Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel, who received two Purple Hearts and other military honors for his service in Vietnam, reiterated his position that the United States needs to develop a strategy to leave Iraq. Hagel scoffed at the idea that U.S. troops could be in Iraq four years from now at levels above 100,000, a contingency for which the Pentagon is preparing."
Iran, Venezuela discuss oil embargo - ""Oil is the lifeline of the West, and most of the West's military industries are dependent on it,” the Tehran Times suggested in an editorial last week. Irritated by a recent resolution by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that called for a halt to Iran’s uranium conversion program, the newspaper suggested that oil-rich states form a united front and use oil as a tool to confront "western neocolonialist countries." In Venezuela, Pres. Hugo Chavez has taken the idea a step further, threatening to halt oil exports if alleged attacks on his country continue, according to Agence France Press."
Pat Robertson calls for assassination of Hugo Chavez - "Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested on-air that American operatives assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country from becoming "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."" -- Is this a Christian thing to do?
Imparting Faith in Christ? -- You'll love this.
UTAH RAVERS TREATED LIKE TERRORISTS! - " This was one of the scariest things I have ever witnessed in person. I can't even begin to describe how surreal it was. Helicopters, assault rifles, tear gas, camoflauge-wearing soldiers.... why? Was that really necessary?"
Frist Backs 'Intelligent Design' Teaching - "Echoing similar comments from President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said "intelligent design" should be taught in public schools alongside evolution.";_ylt=A9FJqYOHOQZD4EcBew5vzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
Footage Contradicts London Police Reports - "A Brazilian shot to death a day after botched bombings in London had walked casually onto a train before being gunned down by undercover officers, according to leaked footage that appeared to contradict earlier police reports that said the man disobeyed police orders.";_ylt=AhPplBvLpPYRYHcwRXplLf69Q5gv;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
Big game 'could roam US plains' - "If a group of US researchers have their way, lions, cheetahs, elephants and camels could soon roam parts of North America, Nature magazine reports."
Scientists Mess with the Speed of Light - "Researchers in Switzerland have succeeded in breaking the cosmic speed limit by getting light to go faster than, well, light. ... Using a technique called Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, the researchers were able to slow down or ratchet up the speed of light like the gas pedal on a car. They succeeded in reducing the speed of light by almost a factor of 4 (although that’s still plenty fast at 46,500 miles per second), but even more dramatically, the team was also able to speed up the speed of light. Light in a vacuum travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second, but a popular misconception is that, according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, nothing in the universe can travel faster than this speed."
I can read you like a book: Swedish library launches 'borrow a person' - "If you're one of those people who thinks all lesbians are sexually frustrated or all animal rights activists aggressive, then a Swedish library project that allows you to "borrow" a real live human being rather than a book may provide some useful insight.";_ylt=A9FJqag1OgZDsM0A_Qp4hMgF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
New house-sitter robot hits stores in Japan; will cost $3,100 - "Worried about leaving your house empty while you go on vacation? Japan has the answer: a house-sitter robot armed with a digital camera, infrared sensors and a videophone."
Project aims to create 3D television by 2020 - "Imagine watching a football match on a TV that not only shows the players in three dimensions but also lets you experience the smells of the stadium and maybe even pat a goalscorer on the back.";_ylt=A9FJqZH9OAZDCkwACgESH9EA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

Quote of the Day
"Violence is as American as apple pie."
~ H. Rap Brown
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