More Images Of Abu Ghraib - "There's a new batch of photos from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, and these are reportedly far worse than the sickening originals. Naturally, the Pentagon is trying to block their release."
American Legion Declares War on Protestors -- Media Next? - "The American Legion, which has 2.7 million members, has declared war on antiwar protestors, and the media could be next. Speaking at its national convention in Honolulu, the group's national commander called for an end to all “public protests” and “media events” against the war, even though they are protected by the Bill of Rights."
Our mission in Iraq has mutated - "One of the oddest features of our strange, strange war in Iraq is that we're still trying to figure out the mission. Oil? Religious zealotry? Revenge? Glory? What?"
Britain's Itemized Hate List - "The Home Office today published a list of "unacceptable behaviours" which will lead to the deportation or exclusion of any foreign national who commits them from the UK. According to the Home Secretary the list is indicative rather than exhaustive and covers any non-UK citizen whether in the UK or abroad.",,22989-1748674,00.html
MTA earmarks 212M to beef up security - One thousand new video cameras. Three thousand new motion detector sensors. A new police command center. These are the key elements of a $212 million security enhancement meant to make New York commuters safer from terrorist attacks. But will they work?
Is Pat Robertson Out of His Mind or in the Loop? - "On Monday the iconic American Christian using the language of gangsters endorsed the assassination of Hugo Chavez so we could save 200 billion dollars. The assumption was that the only two alternatives to dealing with an elected leader who is critical of the military industrial complex running our country is to "take him out" or to wage a war. He presents the options and then chooses the less expensive one. One does pause to wonder if he is not a loose cannon but that the direct line to the White House runs both ways. If in fact Venezuela and Iran are considering an oil embargo against the US, this may not be a random Christian perspective from the baby- faced aw-shucks father figure for the consumers of sign-on-the-dotted-line religion. Could this be a request from the top?"
'Gas rage' leading to thefts, violence - "With gasoline prices soaring, industry experts predict the number of drive-offs — and violence — will increase."
Obesity in America Continues to Expand - "Obesity rates continue to climb in every state except Oregon, and government policies and actions offer little hope of reversing the trend, according to a new report Tuesday from the Trust for America's Health. ... More than 25 percent of adults in 10 states are obese -- Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana and South Carolina."
The Climax of Humanity - "Demographically and economically, our era is unique in human history. Depending on how we manage the next few decades, we could usher in environmental sustainability--or collapse."
Academic libraries empty stacks for online centers - " When students wander into the former University of Texas undergraduate library this fall, gone will be the "Quiet Please" signs, the ban on cheeseburgers or sodas, the sight of solemn librarians restocking books. The fact is, there will be no more books to restock. The UT library is undergoing a radical change, becoming more of a social gathering place more akin to a coffeehouse than a dusty, whisper-filled hall of records. And to make that happen, the undergraduate collection of books had to go."
Warner Music readies CD-free 'e-label' - "Warner Music's chairman and CEO, said Monday that the new mechanism will be called an "e-label," in which artists will release music in clusters of three songs every few months rather than a CD every few years."
Unified DVD format effort reportedly kaput - "Groups headed by Toshiba and Sony offering competing technologies for next-generation DVDs have given up efforts to develop a unified format."

Quote of the Day
"As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it."
~ Dick Cavett
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