Cheney and the Media - "So Cheney went a huntin', and Cheney shot a buddy. ... Did anyone notice that there is genocide occuring in the Sudan?"
Goodbye Iraq, hello Afghanistan - "Baghdad - which accounts for 25% of the country's population - has virtually no water or electricity. The Americans for their part may have become more "invisible", retreating from main urban centers, but their air war is even more devastating. The White House/Pentagon policy is now a "back to the future" of turning Iraq into Afghanistan, where warlords, religious or secular, and tribal sheikhs defend their mini-states armed to their teeth, and criminal gangs run parallel to death squads. There isn't a remote possibility of forging a government of national unity under these circumstances. Which suits Washington fine. The only way for the United States to prolong its Iraqi adventure is to perpetuate chaos; Iraq as the new Afghanistan. Few dispute that the US invaded Iraq for its oil resources, mostly untapped, and that it's located in the heart of the world's energy system. Thus, if the US controls Iraq, it extends its strategic power."
Iran has the U.S.’s number - "I have been asked “why people are so reluctant to consider” the validity of “Holocaust” revisionism. I shall try to answer that, showing the relationship to Iranian President Ahmadinejad. The principal obstacle to the propagation of revisionism is, simply, fear. ... For me, the most painful instance of that intellectual terror is the incarceration of my chemist friend Germar Rudolf, presently being held in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison near Stuttgart. His heinous crime? As a chemistry graduate student he did a forensic analysis of the walls of the alleged gas chambers, didn’t find the cyanide residues that ought to have been there and concluded they weren’t gas chambers. The lack of such forensic evidence is well known in the field. For example, in the Wall Street Journal of July 7, 2004, Timothy Ryback wrote that “there is little forensic evidence proving homicidal intent” in the ruins of Auschwitz."
U.S. and Israelis Are Said to Talk of Hamas Ouster - "The United States and Israel are discussing ways to destabilize the Palestinian government so that newly elected Hamas officials will fail and elections will be called again, according to Israeli officials and Western diplomats." -- Can you believe this? It's only "democracy" if you vote for the people we want you to vote for. I can not accurately express my anger right now.
That's what FRIENDS are for - "Just in case anyone still believes that they hate us for our freedoms. The United States and Israel are considering a campaign to starve the Palestinian Authority of cash so Palestinians would grow disillusioned with their incoming militant Hamas rulers and return ousted Fatah moderates to power, The New York Times reported on Tuesday. ... Isn't that what friends are for - destabilizing democracies all over the world?"
"They Hate Us Because We Are Free And They Are Not" - "Once again proving they are utterly clueless, the Bush administration, whose idea of democracy is voting in their people, has devised a plan to destabilize the Palestinian government. ... Do you think maybe it's shenanigans like this that cause the US to be so hated in the Middle East?" -- Um, yeah. I do think that.
Whistleblower says NSA violations bigger - "A former NSA employee said Tuesday there is another ongoing top-secret surveillance program that might have violated millions of Americans' Constitutional rights."
Billions Wasted In Iraq? - "The United States has spent more than a quarter of a trillion dollars during its three years in Iraq, and more than $50 billion of it has gone to private contractors hired to guard bases, drive trucks, feed and shelter the troops and rebuild the country. It is dangerous work, but much of the $50 billion, which is more than the annual budget of the Department of Homeland Security, has been handed out to companies in Iraq with little or no oversight. Billions of dollars are unaccounted for, and there are widespread allegations of waste, fraud and war profiteering."
The Pentagon’s War on the Internet - " The Pentagon has developed a comprehensive strategy for taking over the internet and controlling the free flow of information. The plan appears in a recently declassified document, “The Information Operations Roadmap”, which was provided under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and revealed in an article by the BBC. The Pentagon sees the internet in terms of a military adversary that poses a vital threat to its stated mission of global domination. This explains the confrontational language in the document which speaks of “fighting the net”; implying that the internet is the equivalent of “an enemy weapons system."" -- It appears the U.S. government is an enemy of humanity.
Bush Tags Bloggers As Terrorists - "And, given that the major national security fear of our government is terrorists, then it looks like bloggers have made our government’s hit list of potential terrorists. But, what is the nature of this “terrorist crime” that was the subject of these wargames? ... There are other indications that the Bush administration deems bloggers well within the reach of any definition of terrorist, if for no other reason than the crime of dissent and criticism. There are also indicators that relevant parties would be somewhat prepared to assist in the nabbing of terrorist bloggers:" -- "And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm fr--" -- Oh, shut up Lee Greenwood.
The Dream State - "The difificulty is that the ordinary person isn't able--or willing--to acknowledge when his habitual consciousness (the dream state) leads him astray; when his view of the world causes him to mistake a dictatorial police state for a democracy, a mindless tyrant for a "fearless leader," and a pre-emptive, unjustified war for a struggle against terrorism and the spreading of democracy." -- The saying at the bottom of the picture of Bush, next to this quote, is great.
Hidden history of US germ testing - "Fifty years ago, American scientists were in a frantic race to counter what they saw as the Soviet threat from germ warfare. Biological pathogens they developed were tested on volunteers from a pacifist church and were also released in public places."
Blair wins key vote on ID cards - "In a politically charged vote in the House of Commons on Monday, the government of Prime Minister Tony Blair faced down opposition to a plan to introduce mandatory identity cards."
Detectives got sex services as part of prostitution probe - "The Spotsylvania County Sheriff's Office is under fire this morning for the way they investigate certain prostitution cases. Undercover detectives have reportedly been having sex when they bust massage parlors for prostitution. Sheriff Howard Smith says the detectives are just doing what needs to be done in order to build a case and get a conviction. He says they are not doing anything illegal or new."
A Taser shotgun for long-range electrifying - "Taser International will move into production on a projectile that can disable someone up to 98 feet away with a quick blast of electricity."

Quote of the Day
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who think they are free."
~ Johann W. von Goethe
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