New Abu Ghraib Photos Released - "Australia's SBS Dateline and Sydney Morning Herald will show and publish some of the Abu Ghraib photos which have been until now supressed by the Bush Administration. UPDATE: Several of the pictures have now been released. They are shown below the fold AND ARE DISTURBING - PROCEED WITH CAUTION." -- Oh, these will make you proud to be an American. There are 13 pictures.
SBS broadcasts graphic Abu Ghraib images - "The Bush administration is reportedly attempting to prevent release of the images in the US, arguing that their publication could provoke antagonism towards the US."
Poll: Americans fear Iran will develop, use nukes - "Nearly 7 of 10 of those surveyed over the weekend say they are concerned that the United States will move prematurely to use force, but they also seem to recognize the quandary that policymakers face. There is almost as much concern that the Bush administration won't do enough to prevent Iran from gaining a nuclear arsenal."
U.S. Money Aids World’s Worst Dictators - "Parade magazine recently ranked the twenty worst dictators currently in power. Many names are familiar—Fidel Castro, Muammar Qaddafi, Kim Jong-Il, Robert Mugabe and others. They are all guilty of human rights violations and in some cases have committed outright genocide. But there’s another trait common to all twenty leaders—every single one has received foreign aid from wealthy Western countries."
Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt - "Congress appeared ready to launch an investigation into the Bush administration's warrantless domestic surveillance program last week, but an all-out White House lobbying campaign has dramatically slowed the effort and may kill it, key Republican and Democratic sources said yesterday." -- If you did nothing wrong, Dick, then why not allow the probe?
Secret Saddam WMD Tapes Subject of ABC Nightline Special - "Secret audiotapes of Saddam Hussein discussing ways to attack America with weapons of mass destruction will be the subject of an ABC "Nightline" program Wednesday night, a former federal prosecutor told Cybercast News Service. The tapes are being called the "smoking gun" of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq. The New York Sun reported that the tapes have been authenticated and currently are being reviewed by the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence."
Bin Laden tapes are as phony as Sept. 11's connection to Islam - " The trouble is, it's all based on a Big Lie. Take the recent "bin Laden" tape, please! That voice was no more bin Laden than it was Rodney Dangerfield channeling my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown bin Laden tape, a real one from the early '90s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy's flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape wasn't him."
325,000 Names on Terrorism List - "The National Counterterrorism Center maintains a central repository of 325,000 names of international terrorism suspects or people who allegedly aid them, a number that has more than quadrupled since the fall of 2003, according to counterterrorism officials."
Detention Camp Jitters - ""Almost certainly this is preparation for a roundup after the next 9/11 for Mid-Easterners, Muslims and possibly dissenters," Daniel Ellsberg remarked."
the STRAW that BROKE the camel's back - "This CANNOT be just over cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad.Sure, the cartoons are offensive. But, a Danish paper printed them. Why would they torch McDonalds and KFC and storm banks?"
The Missing Beer Or Two - ""This was a hunting accident," said Gilbert San Miguel, chief deputy of the Kennedy County Sheriff's Office. "There was no alcohol or misconduct." How do we know there was no alcohol? Cheney refused to talk to local authorities until the next day. No point in giving him a breathalyzer then. Every lawyer I've talked to assumes Cheney was too drunk to talk to the cops after the shooting. The next question for the White House should be: Was Cheney drunk? ... This was the missing paragraph: Armstrong also told NBC News that she does not believe alcohol was involved in the accident. She says she believes no one that day was drinking, although she says there may have been beer available during a picnic lunch that preceded the incident. "There may be a beer or two in there," she said, "but remember not everyone in the party was shooting.""
Media Ignores Cheney 'Smoking Gun' - "Amidst the swirl of outrage, obfuscation and wisecracking, one fundamental flaw in the White House's Cheney shooting story remains. How can a 28-gauge shotgun fired from supposedly 30 yards away cause pellets to become lodged in someone's heart?"
Secret Service stalls and delays for Cheney - "The only way that birdshot could have possibly penetrated into Whittington's heart, given the minimal force impact capacity of the shot is if he was shot from incredibly close range. This then means that the whole event requires a greater level of scrutiny. If they lied about the distance of the shot, its probably one of many lies."
Marriage Plays Starring Role in Politics… Again - "You can see why Victoria Cobb became executive director of the Family Foundation of Virginia at the tender age of 26. She's a woman with a passion: When the Virginia legislature is in, she's in her office in Richmond by 7 a.m., and often stays until nine at night. Her mission: to defend family values. Right now, that means passing an amendment to ban gay marriage. "This is about so much more than two individuals who might love each other but don't happen to be a man and a woman," she says. "This is about redefining an institution that has been a bedrock of society for all of history."" -- I wonder if that is a true statement.
Editorial: Jew Gotta' Friend At Google - "Well, last night an un-named member of The Google Team offered an explanation for the most recent removal of OfficialWire from Google News. Hate Speech. The Google Team member wrote: "We do not allow articles and sources expressly promoting hate speech viewpoints in Google News". Hate speech? I had to read it a couple times before it sunk in... I mean, I'm a Jew, for Christ's sake! I am fairly confident that I have never written what might be considered "Hate Speech". Hate Speech? The Google message continued... To be honest, I couldn't recall any of these articles, but after a minute or two of re-reading them, I was shocked—not by their content—but by the revelation that Google would consider them "Hate Speech". One article merely discusses the ongoing legal problems experienced by Ernst Zundel. I don't think there is anyone on the planet who would deny that his problems were instigated by a small group of Jews. In other words, the article is factual. The problem with Google executives like Larry Page and Sergey Brin labelling OfficialWire as a "source expressly promoting hate speech viewpoints" is that it's alittle like the pot calling the kettle black. All of these links and many millions of others that might represent far worse examples of objectionable points of view (to some people) are found within Google Search and yet they do not filter their search engine's content, except in China. Shame on Google."
Britain gives up smoking - "SMOKING will be banned in all pubs, clubs and workplaces from next year after historic votes in the Commons last night."
Woman May Have Exposed 100 Sex Partners To HIV - "A woman in Missouri who was charged with knowingly exposing her boyfriend to HIV may have had as many as 100 sex partners, according to the girl's mother."

Quote of the Day
"I only hope that future Americans judge us with the harshness we deserve."
~ Luis Fernandez
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