Nuclear War against Iran - "The launching of an outright war using nuclear warheads against Iran is now in the final planning stages. Coalition partners, which include the US, Israel and Turkey are in "an advanced stage of readiness"."
Iran and the jaws of a trap - "Judging from the rather frantic behind-the-scenes efforts of Russia and China in Iran, they seem to appreciate that the Iranian leadership is in for a big and probably deadly surprise. The Bush administration has not only handled its Iran dossier much more skillfully than Iraq, but also managed to set up Iran for a war it can neither win nor fight to a draw."
U.S. may have to go it alone in Iran - "Policy experts warn that the United States may not be able to rely on perennial ally the United Kingdom for support over Iran's nuclear program."
Don't Be Fooled This Isn't an Issue of Islam versus Secularism - "What we're witnessing is the childishness of civilisations. ... In any event, it's not about whether the Prophet should be pictured. The Koran does not forbid images of the Prophet even though millions of Muslims do. The problem is that these cartoons portrayed Mohamed as a bin Laden-type image of violence. They portrayed Islam as a violent religion. It is not. Or do we want to make it so?"
Danish paper rejected Jesus cartoons - "yllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad that have caused a storm of protest throughout the Islamic world, refused to run drawings lampooning Jesus Christ, it has emerged today. The Danish daily turned down the cartoons of Christ three years ago, on the grounds that they could be offensive to readers and were not funny." -- Hmmm. So, the Muhammad cartoons are not about free speech but rather a planned agenda.
Muslim Riots Aid Neo-Con Global Agenda - "The riots that are currently sweeping across Europe and the Middle East in response to caricatures of Mohammed that were originally printed in Danish newspapers are staged managed and are helping the Neo-Cons advance the "clash of civilizations" that they need to impose world order and imperial hegemony."
American-style "Globalization" Bound to Go Bust - "As was known already, the World Social Forum denouncing the U.S. "neo-liberalist" policy was held in Caracas from Jan. 24 to 29. The forum discussed the construction of "socialism in the 21st century" and the ways of countering the U.S. strategy of "globalization" for aggression and plunder. A resolution calling on the international community to conduct a widespread movement against American-style "globalization" was adopted there. During the forum tens of thousands of delegates of political parties and public organizations from different countries made an international march in Caracas under the slogan of "Against War, Imperialism and Neo-Liberalism." This clearly proves that the struggle of progressives against American-style "globalization" has become an organized one with their clear direction and way of socialism."
Ex-President Carter: Eavesdropping Illegal - "Former President Jimmy Carter criticized the Bush administration's domestic eavesdropping program Monday and said he believes the president has broken the law."
FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders - "There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached."
Rumsfeld: Military must adapt - ""No nation, no matter how powerful, has the resources or capability to defend everywhere, at every time, against every conceivable type of attack," said Rumsfeld in remarks prepared for delivery to the Senate Armed Services Committee. "The only way to protect the American people, therefore, is to provide our military with as wide a range of capabilities, rather than preparing to confront any one particular threat.""
Lab officials excited by new H-bomb project - "For the first time in more than 20 years, U.S. nuclear-weapons scientists are designing a new H-bomb, the first of probably several new nuclear explosives on the drawing boards. If they succeed, in perhaps 20 or 25 more years, the United States would have an entirely new nuclear arsenal, and a highly automated fac- tory capable of turning out more warheads as needed, as well as new kinds of warheads." -- Because that's what we humans love to do; war, war, war, war, war, war, ...
Who Will Save America? - "Americans have forgotten what it takes to remain free. Instead, every ideology, every group is determined to use government to advance its agenda. As the government's power grows, the people are eclipsed. We have reached a point where the Bush administration is determined to totally eclipse the people. Bewitched by neoconservatives and lustful for power, the Bush administration and the Republican Party are aligning themselves firmly against the American people. Their first victims, of course, were the true conservatives. Having eliminated internal opposition, the Bush administration is now using blackmail obtained through illegal spying on American citizens to silence the media and the opposition party."
What more will it TAKE for Americans to AWAKE? - "These are the workings of a MADMAN. ... No, good Senator. It's unconstitutional. Our nation is being led at an accelerated pace to the arms of destruction. ... If this does not make your blood boil and your hair stand on end, then you should not call yourself American."
Doomsday For The Internet As We Know It? - "Several developments that are coming to the fore indicate a noticeable advance towards a government regulated, taxed and controlled system that spells doomsday for the Internet as we know it. ... The end game is a system similar to China, whereby no websites even mildly critical of the government will be authorized."
Councilman Wants To Ban Smokers From City Jobs - "Councilman Richard Contreras wants to ban smokers from taking jobs at City Hall, parks and even with the police department in Melbourne, Fla. Current workers would not lose their jobs but applicants would be asked about tobacco use and smokers would be dropped from consideration, according to the report."
A Million Little Pieces - "Man, I’d love to write a bestseller. Sell a million copies and appear on prime time TV. ... Even mediocrities who’ve never written anything before, who fuck up whole countries and leave them in a million little pieces (for future generations to fix), get huge book deals. George Tenet, former CIA director and Neocon yes man, received a $4 million book deal. Retired general Tommy Franks, who led the ill-advised US invasion, got $5 million. ...
So I’m in a million little pieces. Miffed over a million various lies that pass for truth, many I swallow myself. Miffed over my literary failings, certainly, but I can look myself in the mirror each morning and thank God I’m not Rumsfeld or Cheney. But mostly I’m miffed that the Bill of Rights is being ripped and torn into a million little pieces and that a million little future citizens will never put the pieces back together again. Not in my lifetime."
Drug combination prevents HIV infection in monkeys - "An injection of two drugs normally used to treat HIV patients completely protected monkeys from becoming infected with the AIDS virus, U.S. researchers reported on Monday."
Scientists hail discovery of hundreds of new species in remote New Guinea - "An astonishing mist-shrouded "lost world" of previously unknown and rare animals and plants high in the mountain rainforests of New Guinea has been uncovered by an international team of scientists."
'Banned' Aphrodisiac Soda To Be Sold In Stores - "A new soda promising to sexually arouse the person drinking it will soon be available in stores nationwide, according to a Local 6 News report. The drink, called Turn On, is made with guarana, ginseng and caffeine. The soda was banned in France and Denmark, but makers insist it is safe and works as an aphrodisiac. People who have tested the soda said it tastes like cherry soda."

Quote of the Day
"Life is just one damned thing after another."
~ Elbert Hubbard
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