Who's the Bigger Hawk, George or Hillary? - "You'd have to pull out a microscope to differentiate between George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton. Both want a continued occupation of Iraq. Both want sanctions on Iran. And they both claim to want democracy in the Middle East. Yet neither will accept a democratic outcome if it doesn't favor U.S. interests."
Poll: Growing Number of People Fear Iran - "Americans' fears about Iran have grown sharply over the last few months as efforts by the United States and Europe to slow Tehran's nuclear program have been firmly rejected, a poll found. More people in this country now rate Iran as the biggest threat to the U.S., 27 percent, than say that about any other country, including North Korea, China and Iraq, according to the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press." -- The propoganda appears to be working.
Strong Leads and Dead Ends in Nuclear Case Against Iran - "CIA analysts, some of whom had been involved only a year earlier on the flawed assessments of Iraq's weapons programs, initially speculated that a third country, such as Israel, may have fabricated the evidence. But they eventually discounted that theory."
U.S.: Iran sanctions without UN backing would be legitimate - "Imposing economic sanctions on Iran without United Nations backing would be legitimate if other efforts failed to convince Tehran to halt uranium enrichment, a senior U.S. State Department official said on Monday." -- Another unilateral move by a rogue country.
"You know what happened to Nixon when he broke the law" - "White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan got in a heated row with a White House correspondent at Monday's press briefing over President Bush's warrantless domestic spying program."
Paying The Iraq Bill - "Shortly before the current Iraq war, when Bush administration economist Larry Lindsey suggested that the costs might range between $100 and $200 billion, other officials quickly demurred. For example, Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels put the number at $60 billion. It now appears that Lindsey’s numbers were a gross underestimate. Concerned that the Bush administration might be misleading everyone about the Iraq war’s costs, just as it had about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and connection with Al Qaeda, I teamed up with Linda Bilmes, a budget expert at Harvard, to examine the issue. Even we—opponents of the war—were staggered by what we found, with conservative to moderate estimates ranging from slightly less than a trillion dollars to more than $2 trillion."
How offensive - "No one has a right not to be offended. Getting all worked up over imaginary harm distracts from the very real harm that is happening all around us."
Someone Get Bush a Gross Of Toilet Paper......... - ".......so he'll stop wiping his ass on the Constitution."
Newfane Resolution Seeks to Impeach President - "Among votes to approve the budget and education spending at Town Meeting, residents will wade into national waters and vote from the floor for the impeachment of President George W. Bush."
Every move you make ... they'll be watching you - "It's getting harder to cover your tracks as even the most everyday activities -- from running a Google search to using the E-Z Pass lane -- leave a lengthy digital trail."
We are moving ever closer to the era of mind control - "The military interest in new brain-scanning technology is beginning to show a sinister side."
Sweden plans to be world's first oil-free economy - "Sweden is to take the biggest energy step of any advanced western economy by trying to wean itself off oil completely within 15 years - without building a new generation of nuclear power stations." -- This is progressive thought.
Exxon: America will always rely on foreign oil - "The United States will always rely on foreign imports of oil to feed its energy needs and should stop trying to become energy independent, a top Exxon Mobil Corp. executive said on Tuesday." -- This is not.
Young and old losers in President's budget - "The US President's $US2.8 trillion ($3.74 trillion) 2007 budget, proposed to Congress on Monday, would increase military spending by 4.8 per cent to $US439 billion, while cutting 141 government programs."
Election officials fear '06 season of the glitch - "More than 30 million Americans will be looking at new and unfamiliar voting machines when they cast their ballots this year, perhaps the most rapid changeover of voting equipment in history. With that change comes an increased risk of errors and confusion, election officials say."
County To Suspend 'Cheating' Sheriff's Deputies - "Sheriff's deputies who get caught cheating on their spouses or sleeping with another person's spouse in Pinellas County, Fla., will be suspended from work for the behavior, according to a Local 6 News report."
Calif. County Bans Tattoos for Employees - "Public employees in San Bernardino County are being asked to cover up tattoos and remove visible facial piercings in the workplace. A dress code adopted by the county Tuesday also bans jeans and T- shirts with logos."
Study Finds Low-Fat Diet Won't Stop Cancer or Heart Disease - ""They should put a stop to this era of thinking that we have all the information we need to change the whole national diet and make everybody healthy.""
Flu Shots and Alzheimer's Disease - "According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (nearly 850 papers in peer review journals): If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times higher than if he/she had one, 2 or no shots."
Japan lab develops humanoid robot that can run house errands - "Though his movement is a bit stiff, slow and voice monotonous, he willingly turns on the television with a chest-mounted remote control, and brings a can of drink for you. Within years, a humanoid robot HRP-2, currently under development by a Japanese national technology institute, could be a little domestic helper."
American dream putting homeowners in deep debt - "If your home is a castle of debt with ramparts of low-cost loans to keep the empire secure and separated from economic reality, you are not alone. In this, the golden age of financing, Americans have been encouraged to borrow and to trade up and up to more-expensive houses and lifestyles -- but the bill is coming due."

Quote of the Day
"You can prove your point, but your kids will still be dead."
~ Roger Waters (Folded Flags)
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