What it Means to be a Republican - "Alberto Gonzales helped come up with the program that rejected the Geneva Conventions, that permits torture, that says that the president is above the law and that “I was only following orders” should be a defense against a charge of war crimes. Ah, if only the Nazi war criminals who were hung at Nuremberg had Gonzales there to defend them. The president nominates Gonzales to be his new Attorney General. He is confirmed with little debate and no outrage. That’s what it means to be a Republican. This needs to be understood. What it implies is that Republicans can’t be dealt with as if reason and facts will sway them. Because it wont. It’s hard for reality based people, regular Democrats and Liberals to understand that. What it let’s us know is that reality based people, Democrats, Liberals, real Conservatives, old-fashioned Republicans and non-profit Christians have to take more vigorous and rigorous stands. Or reality and real American values and the American landscape will disappear, not just temporarily, but forever."
Bin Laden Vows Never to Be Captured Alive - "Osama bin Laden promised never to be captured alive and declared the U.S. had resorted to the same "repressive" tactics used by Saddam Hussein, according to an audiotape purportedly by the al-Qaida leader that was posted Monday on a militant Web site."
AP Recycles Old Bin Laden Tape For New Propaganda - "Using the justification that it was 'complete' - the Associated Press reported on a month old alleged bin Laden audio tape as if it was a new story. Either it was a quiet weekend or this is another branch of Rumsfeld's black propaganda campaign."
Iran clerics back nuclear weapons - "One senior mullah has now said it is "only natural" to have nuclear bombs as a "countermeasure" against other nuclear powers, a reference considered to be the United States and Europe."
We Must Defend Our Nation's Principles - "What is troubling is not merely the spying or the torture. Rather, by claiming to be above the law, President Bush is undermining the very thing that distinguishes us from our terrorist enemies."
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots - "Bush dropped this bombshell: "The enemy has not lost the desire or capability to attack us." Well excuse me, Mr. War President, but what exactly have you been doing since 9/11? You've had four and a half years, countless billions of dollars, and sacrificed the lives of more than 2,200 of our soldiers, and you haven't managed to degrade the enemy's desire or capability to attack us? What the hell?"
Chavez threatens to cut off oil to US if it ‘crosses the line’ - "Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez warned late Friday he was taking potential steps to cut off oil shipments to the United States, in the event Washington “crosses the line.”"
Dependence on Foreign Oil Has Increased Under Bush - "Sixty-six percent of oil consumed in the United States comes from foreign sources, up from 58 percent in 2000. Americans now spend $200,000 a minute on foreign oil and more than $25 billion annually goes to Persian Gulf states for oil imports."
Military plots a 'long war' on terror - "Joint Chiefs of Staff planners have produced a 27-page briefing on the war on terror that seeks to explain how to win the "long war" and says Islamic extremists may be supported by 12 million Muslims worldwide."
Daley wants security cameras at bars - "Surveillance cameras — aimed at government buildings, train platforms and intersections here — might soon be required at corner taverns and swanky nightclubs. ... The proliferation of security cameras — especially if the government requires them in private businesses — troubles some civil liberties advocates. ... "We require shopping centers to put railings on stairs and install sprinkler systems for public safety. This is a proper next step," says Baltimore County Councilman Kevin Kamenetz, who sponsored the ordinance. ... "The safer we make the city, the better it is for everyone," says Chicago Alderman Ray Suarez, who first proposed mandatory cameras in some businesses. "If you're not doing anything wrong, what do you have to worry about?"" -- The short-sightedness of this last comment is disgusting.
This dog don't hunt - "Cheney refused. He claimed the story was too complicated to tell the press until he and his team got all their ducks (or in this case quail) in a row."I've been in the business for a long time and never seen a situation quite like this," Cheney said. "We've had experiences where the president has been shot. We've never had a situation where the vice president shot somebody." Actually, that's not true. Aaron Burr was vice president when he shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in 1804 but Cheney has never let facts get in the way of his revisionist history."
Historian Pleads Guilty in Holocaust Trial - " A verdict was expected later Monday, with a conviction almost certain because of Irving's guilty plea. He faces up to 10 years in prison under the 1992 law, which applies to "whoever denies, grossly plays down, approves or tries to excuse the National Socialist genocide or other National Socialist crimes against humanity in a print publication, in broadcast or other media.""
Congressmen threaten probe of U.S. seaports deal - "Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle yesterday threatened a congressional investigation of a deal to give control of six U.S. seaports to an Arab company, while one key Republican said the Bush administration's security reassurances were not adequate."
Sounding the alarm on U.S. trade deficit - "A Miami economist shares his thoughts on what impact the growing gap between U.S. imports and exports will have on the economy."
Rice rises, Clinton slips in poll - "Growing numbers of Americans oppose a presidential bid by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., in 2008 -- and favor a run by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice -- amid broad public willingness to elect a woman president, according to a nationwide poll released Sunday." -- Neither are worthy of having the presidency.
Industries Get Quiet Protection From Lawsuits - "The surprise move seeking legal protection for automakers is one in a series of recent steps by federal agencies to shield leading industries from state regulation and civil lawsuits on the grounds that they conflict with federal authority."
TV reporter to seek God in real-life crucifixion - "THE Scottish TV presenter and journalist Dominik Diamond is considering undergoing physical crucifixion as part of a controversial television documentary about Christianity."
Has bias pendulum swung against men? - "While some social scientists may see these facts as harmless – or possibly even necessary reconditioning of society to correct past injustices against women – others are beginning to conclude that men are the real victims of discrimination so virulent it is shortening their life spans, causing them to be self-destructive and suicidal, crippling their educational opportunities and destroying a generation of fatherless children. Here are some sobering facts:"
Science invents invisible buildings - "EVER since Superman wowed the world by using x-ray vision to fight crime, the ability to see through walls has been a dream. Now scientists believe they may have discovered the first steps towards making it happen. Research involving microscopic crystals has prompted the theory that walls could be built using materials which homeowners could render transparent at will."
Wildlife group claims proof of Bigfoot colony - "Sasquatch fever has struck Malaysia, where an animal-protection group now claims to have "scientific evidence" to prove the existence of the legendary creature known as "Bigfoot." ... "We will make public the evidence soon," the society's secretary Tay Teng Hwa told Bernama, the Malaysian National News Agency."

Quote of the Day
"In joining battle, seek the quick victory . . . in war, I have heard of foolish haste, but I have yet to see a case of cleverly dragging on the hostilities. There has never been a state that has benefited from an extended war."
~ Sun Tzu – The Art of War - Chapter 2
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