New graphic Abu Ghraib images - "While some of the photographs are similar to the images made public two years ago, the latest photographs apparently reveal further abuse including new incidents of killing, torture and sexual humiliation." -- Even more pictures.
UPDATED New images of Abu Ghraib abuse aired-- Still more.
CNN Blames the Photos, Not the Torture - " What? Here I thought the "scandal" was that the U.S. military was systematically abusing prisoners. These new photos, with their documentation of violently inflicted, open wounds, obliterate any notion that what occurred at Abu Ghraib was anything short of torture by all accepted definitions of the term. They reveal some horrifying scenes of naked, humiliated, bloodied prisoners, some with apparent gunshot wounds. In a video broadcast on Australia's SBS, naked, hooded prisoners were seen being forced to masturbate in front of the camera. But, according to CNN's Starr, the real transgression was that some soldiers documented the torture in violation of "U.S. military law and practice." In a report later in the morning, Starr returned to her outrageous characterization of the "scandal," beginning her report:" -- Oh, this is disgusting.
Iraqi government denounces Abu Ghraib abuse - "American officials have said the pictures and video should not have been released, with Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman telling The Associated Press their airing "could only further inflame and possibly incite unnecessary violence in the world."" -- Shouldn't have used torture to begin with.
US to devote $75 mn to promoting democracy in Iran - "Accusing Iran of "political subversion," terrorism and support for Islamic radicals, Rice said: "The Iranian regime is a strategic challenge to the United States, to the world, and a destabilising influence in the Middle East." The United States will actively confront the aggressive policies of the Iranian regime," she told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "At the same time, we will work to support the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy in their country.""
An Arrogance of Power - "There is a temptation that seeps into the souls of even the most righteous politicians and leads them to bend the rules, and eventually the truth, to suit the political needs of the moment. That arrogance of power is on display with the Bush administration."
Rep. Ron Paul CLEANS House - "In a stunning speech last night before the House, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) finally gave the US government the formal and thorough thrashing it deserves for wreaking decades of economic destruction at home and abroad through a corrupt and debased fiat DOLLAR backed by a massive military industrial complex. He detailed everything that's wrong with US economic and foreign policy in a single speech. Here are some highlights:"
The End of Dollar Hegemony -- Ron Paul's full speech from last night.
Saddam warned terrorists would hit US: tapes - "Saddam Hussein told aides he warned America before 1990 that terrorists would launch a huge strike on US soil, even raising the spectre of a nuclear attack, according to secret tapes obtained by ABC News. The toppled Iraqi leader is heard on the recordings he made in his presidential office during the 1990s, ruling out any such strike by Iraq."
Syria switches from dollars to euros - "Syria has switched the primary hard currency it uses for foreign goods and services from the U.S. dollar to the euro in a bid to make it less vulnerable to pressure from Washington."
Cheney Says He Has Power to Declassify Info - "Vice President Dick Cheney disclosed Wednesday that he has the power to declassify sensitive government information, authority that could set up a criminal defense for his former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby."
Cheney and shooting victim were hunting illegally, officials say - "Vice President Dick Cheney was hunting illegally - without the required $7 stamp on his license for quail - when he accidentally shot one of his hunting partners, Texas Parks and Wildlife officials said Monday." -- But, but, but he's Dick Cheney. Laws don't apply to him.
Officials in U.S. deny plot on Hamas - "U.S. officials said yesterday that they want the future Hamas-led Cabinet to "succeed" and denied any intention of "thwarting the will" of the Palestinian people by undermining their legitimately elected government." -- We'll see.
In Defense of the Culture Clash - "Because of the internet, clashes between the sensibilities of different societies will only increase. Offended parties will press publishers to keep offensive communications off the network. However, if people only publish what's acceptable to most everyone in the world, then the internet will be a far less effective tool for social and political change than it might otherwise be."
Couple's implant chips take love to a new level - "Jennifer Tomblin and Amal Graafstra have made the most modern declaration of their affection for each other, with implanted electronic chips that allow them unfettered access to each other's lives. It's called Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID. Both have had a small electronic chip embedded under their skin that grants access to each other's front doors and home computers. ... Like a tattoo, Tomblin said, it's a unique way of connecting with her significant other." -- Really? Do I need to comment here?
Calabasas no smoking law begins next month - "The new Calabasas secondhand smoke ordinance, which would prohibit smoking in all public areas of the city including parks, sidewalks and outdoor businesses, will take effect by the middle of March, city officials said."
Britain has new weapon against loitering youths -- Sonic Teenager Deterrent - "Shopkeepers in central England have been trying out a new device that emits an uncomfortable high-pitched noise designed to disperse young loiterers outside their stores without bothering adults. ... "The noise can normally only be heard by those between 12 and 22 and it makes the listener feel uncomfortable," she added."
Test Helps You Predict Chances of Dying - "It sounds like a perfect parlor game for baby boomers suddenly confronting their own mortality: What are your chances of dying within four years? Researchers have come up with 12 risk factors to try to answer that for people who are 50 and older. ... This test is roughly 81 percent accurate and can give older people a reasonable idea of their survival chances, Lee and his colleagues say."
Student finds toilet water cleaner than ice at fast food restaurants - "New Tampa, Florida - 12-year-old Jasmine Roberts is a seventh-grade student at Benito Middle School in New Tampa. When it came time for her to choose a science project, she wondered about the ice in fast food restaurants. ... "I found that 70-percent of the time, the ice from the fast food restaurant's contain more bacteria than the fast food restaurant's toilet water.""
Study: Sick Spouse Bad for Your Health - "A husband or wife with a debilitating illness can hasten your own death, a study suggests. The researchers blame the stress and the loss of companionship, practical help, income and other support that can occur when a spouse gets sick."
Quote of the Day
"So remember, a country becomes what it chooses."
~ Robert Freeman
And we have not chosen wisely.
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