The new pornography of war - " is the most horror-filled website I have ever seen; and if you are reading this at breakfast, or anywhere near a child, you should stop right now. It is a site for trophy pictures, originally a place where men could trade pornographic pictures of women they knew. But in wartime the definition of trophy changes, so when you look at the forum now you are likely to see something such as this: ... The scandal at Abu Ghraib showed that modern armies are full of people with digital cameras who will document everything they see, no matter how shaming it might be in the outside world. Some of these pictures are far worse than anything that came out of the prison but they show the same tangle of lust for flesh, power and killing.",2763,1579864,00.html
FBI to get veto power over PC software? - "The Federal Communications Commission thinks you have the right to use software on your computer only if the FBI approves. No, really. In an obscure "policy" document released around 9 p.m. ET last Friday, the FCC announced this remarkable decision."
FBI Admits to Making Mistakes in Wiretaps - "The FBI would not say how often these mistakes happen. And, though any incriminating evidence mistakenly collected is not legally admissible in a criminal case, there is no way of knowing whether it is used to begin an investigation.",2933,170940,00.html
Top Officials Told to Testify in Muslims' Suit - "The officials had sought to have the lawsuit dismissed without testimony, arguing in part that they had governmental immunity from its claims, that the court lacked jurisdiction because they live outside New York State, and that the Sept. 11 attacks created "special factors" outweighing the plaintiffs' right to sue for damages for constitutional violations. But the judge, John Gleeson, of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, rejected those arguments, allowing the case to proceed - and opening the door to depositions of Mr. Ashcroft and the F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III, by lawyers for the two plaintiffs."
Times Online - "So I was over in "The Fall of Humanity" (you can find a link under Links), and I was perusing the stories. ... Ahhh... here we are. "Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'""
Not chance, but design, ISU professor says - "An Iowa State University professor faced skeptics and supporters of his theory of intelligent design, which maintains that an unidentified force is responsible for certain events in nature, during a packed lecture here Wednesday."
American Graffiti: Signs of the Times - "Feel like getting something off your chest against that iniquitous warmonger in the White House? Well, you can write a letter to your newspaper, tune in to liberal talk radio, or click to a reliably leftie website. Alternatively, you can take a drive on the highways of the United States."
Army Faces Worst Recruiting Slump in Years - "The Army is closing the books on one of the leanest recruiting years since it became an all-volunteer service three decades ago, missing its enlistment target by the largest margin since 1979 and raising questions about its plans for growth.";_ylt=A9FJqY53Tj1DnDsACgCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY
A Sick, Dying Elephant - "DeLay’s indictment is far more than just the nailing of another corrupt politician. It is a signal that GOP dominance in the Capitol may be an endangered species, a sign that 11 years of running roughshod over the Constitution, allowing extremist elements to run the party and arrogantly thinking they are above the laws of the nation and decency are over."
10 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Quotes by Tom DeLay - "1) "So many minority youths had volunteered…that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like myself." --Tom DeLay, explaining at the 1988 GOP convention why he and vice presidential nominee Dan Quayle did not fight in the Vietnam War."
Dutch 'marriage':1 man, 2 women - "The Netherlands has legalized polygamy in all but name, granting a civil union to a man and two women."
When You Suspect That Your Newspaper is "Just Not Into You" - "Dear New York Times Head Honchos, I never thought it would come to this. ... And what do I get for my loyalty? As of last week, if I want to access your Oped columnists online and a few other sections of your paper, I am now expected to cough up $49.95 a year or $7.95 a month because some genius at your newspaper decided this was a good idea."
Biologists Observe Gorillas Using Tools - "For the first time, biologists have documented gorillas in the wild using simple tools, such as poking a stick in a swampy pool of water to check its depth. ... "This is a truly astounding discovery," he said in a statement. "Tool usage in wild apes provides us with valuable insights into the evolution of our own species and the abilities of other species.""
Chip Helps Electric Outlet Go Broadband - "The common electric socket will serve as your home's connection to broadband with a new chip developed by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. — doing away with all the Ethernet cables or the hassle of hooking up to a wireless network device.";_ylt=A9FJqZ4mTz1DZm0A4QWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cjE0b2MwBHNlYwM3Mzg
EU Wants Shared Control of Internet - " The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance. A senior U.S. official reiterated Thursday that the country wants to remain the Internet's ultimate authority, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting in Geneva for a U.N. body to take over.";_ylt=A9FJqajLTj1Ds.UAaQqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY
Baring It All for Breast Cancer - "And as soon as I decided to participate in this year's Blogger Boobie-Thon, I knew I couldn't do it halfway. ... The Blogger Boobie-Thon began in 2002 when its founder, Robyn of Shutterblog fame, launched a campaign to bring her friend to Florida for the holidays. Thanks to a growing collection of "rack shots" -- pictures of breasts in various states of undress -- the donations mounted quickly. Robyn soon realized she had an effective fund-raising method on her hands. She donated to breast cancer research all monies above and beyond the cost of the plane ticket. It's a clever event, with a strong geek appeal. Both men and women are encouraged to submit pictures of their breasts, either bare or clothed or otherwise decorated. Creativity counts.",1284,69021,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2
Welcome to the killing fields cafe... - "Newly opened across the road from Phnom Penh's notorious Tuol Sleng "S-21" Khmer Rouge interrogation and torture center, the cafe is meant to remind Cambodians of the 1975-1979 genocide in which an estimated 1.7 million people died.";_ylt=A9FJqaeLTz1DVvoASQ6s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc
Probe set for asteroid touch down - "Japan's Hayabusa spacecraft will soon move into place for an historic attempt to collect a sample from an asteroid."

Quote of the Day
“The citizen who sees his society’s democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry it out, is not a patriot, but a traitor.”
~ Mark Twain
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