The Most Important Criminal Case in American History - "Patrick Fitzgerald has before him the most important criminal case in American history. Watergate, by comparison, was a random burglary in an age of innocence."
Secrets, Evasions and Classified Reports - "The CIA leak case isn’t just about whether top officials will be indicted. A larger issue is what Judith Miller’s evidence says about White House manipulation of the media."
Bush calls domestic problems "background noise" - "President George W. Bush, hit by a series of domestic woes that have eroded his popularity, said on Thursday he was focused on his job and not on what he called "some background noise.""
Don't Play Innocent, Democrats - "Bush is an easy target; but let's not be shortsighted and limit our actions to Bush. We will soon reach 2,000 U.S. soldiers dead, more of a millstone than a milestone on the road this quagmire has traveled. I hope we can hold those responsible accountable for the senseless deaths of both U.S. soldiers and Iraqi civilians. I want to make it clear: George Bush did not send our families to Iraq by himself; Congress allowed George Bush to send our families to Iraq. Congress continues to give money to keep our families there."
SILVER KILLS VIRUSES, STUDY FINDS - "In a groundbreaking study, the Journal of Nanotechnology has published a study that found silver nanoparticles kills HIV-1 and is likely to kill virtually any other virus. The study, which was conducted by the University of Texas and Mexico University, is the first medical study to ever explore the benefits of silver nanoparticles, according to Physorg."
The Blue and Red State Minimum Wage Divide - "With Senate Republicans once again rejecting a modest increase in the federal minimum wage this week, it seemed like a good time to take a look at how the different states behave in providing workers with a better standard of living then mandated by the federal government. ... Does that list of states look familiar to you? It should:" -- Check out the maps.
Death Watch at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - "But holding the White House together behind what has been one of the better Presidential propaganda machines is proving next to impossible as the American public and even members of Bush’s own party desert him over the war in Iraq, the nomination of White House counsel Harriett Miers to the Supreme Court, the Hurricane Katrina debacle, rising gas prices and the Valerie Plame scandal. “The façade is gone and we are now seeing the Bush White House in all its incompetent glory,” says retired political science professor George Harleigh. “They’ve ignored reality for too long.”"
Disasters feed fears of apocalypse - "Recent famines, flood and earthquakes make believers, nonbelievers wonder if the end is near. ... Apocalyptic beliefs have long been an American staple. A June 2001 survey by the Barna Research Group, for instance, found that 40 percent of adults in the United States believe the physical world will end as a result of supernatural intervention. Fifty percent disagreed, and 10 percent didn't know."
The Rapture Index -- Just in case you want to know if the end really is near.
Arctic Map Vanishes, and Oil Area Expands - "Maps matter. They chronicle the struggles of empires and zoning boards. They chart political compromise. So it was natural for Republican Congressional aides, doing due diligence for what may be the last battle in the fight over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, to ask for the legally binding 1978 map of the refuge and its coastal plain. It was gone. No map, no copies, no digitized version."
No water for you - "Wendy Oshima says the three flags flying outside her small, tidy home in a south Chico community symbolize her support for people of Cuba, Palestine and Iraq. Apparently the folks at Mt. Shasta Spring Water see the flags as proof that Oshima doesn't support American soldiers fighting overseas and for that does not deserve delivery of the company's product."
Inequality in America: Version 2.0 - "The United States is now the third most unequal industrialized society after Russia and Mexico. This is not a club we want to be part of. Russia is a recovering kleptocracy, with a post-Soviet oligarchy enriched by looting. And Mexico, despite joining the rich-nations club of the Organization for Economic and Community Development, has some of the most glaring poverty in the hemisphere. In 2004, after three years of economic recovery, the U.S. Census reports that poverty continues to grow, while the real median income for full-time workers has declined. Since 2001, when the economy hit bottom, the ranks of our nation's poor have grown by 4 million, and the number of people without health insurance has swelled by 4.6 million to over 45 million."
Students show almost no gains in reading - "In the latest snapshot of how well American schoolchildren are learning, national test results showed a small gain in math proficiency in the past two years but nearly zero improvement in reading scores since 1992 despite more than a decade of focus on boosting student achievement."
Justices question Southern Nevada anti-prostitution ordinance - "State Supreme Court justices questioned Wednesday whether high school cheerleaders trying to flag down motorists for a car wash might run afoul of a broadly written ordinance targeting pushy Las Vegas-area prostitutes."
God Does Not Want 16 Kids - Arkansas mom gives birth to a whole freakin' baseball team. How deeply should you cringe? - "And furthermore, who are you to suggest that her equally troubling husband -- whose name is, of course, Jim Bob and he's hankerin' to be a Republican senator and try not to wince in sociopolitical pain when you say that -- isn't more than a little numb to the real world, and that bringing 16 hungry mewling attention-deprived kids (and she wants more! Yay!) into this exhausted world zips right by "touching" and races right past "disturbing" and lurches its way, heaving and gasping and sweating from the karmic armpits, straight into "Oh my God, what the hell is wrong with you people?""

Quote of the Day
"There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows."
~ Katherine Graham, former publisher Washington Post
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