US setting up new spying agency - "The US has announced the creation of a new intelligence agency led by the CIA to co-ordinate all American overseas spying activities."
U.S. military to buy huge quantities of Anthrax- Director of the Sunshine Project - "It has been revealed that the U.S. army plans to buy large quantities of Anthrax, raising questions over its commitment to treaties aimed at controlling the spread of biological weapons."
Torture and misery in name of freedom - "The great poet Wilfred Owen articulated the tragedy, the horror - and indeed the pity - of war in a way no other poet has. Yet we have learnt nothing. Nearly 100 years after his death the world has become more savage, more brutal, more pitiless. But the "free world" we are told, as embodied in the United States and Great Britain, is different to the rest of the world since our actions are dictated and sanctioned by a moral authority and a moral passion condoned by someone called God."
Bush Among Biggest Spending Presidents - "After nearly five years in office, the record is clear: President George W. Bush ranks among the biggest spending presidents in American history! With such a record, no person can honestly categorize G.W. Bush as a fiscal conservative. By comparison, Dubya's spending habits make Bill Clinton look like a conservative!"
Auditor: Detroit may go broke - "The city is spending $15 million more a month than it brings in, Harris' report says. Most of these costs are in salaries and benefits."
Scandals Take Toll On Bush's 2nd Term - "Beyond the short-term problems, Republicans are particularly anxious about the sprawling investigations of conservative lobbyist Jack Abramoff, whose business and political dealings regularly brought him into contact with dozens of lawmakers and top White House officials. Among insiders, he was one of the most familiar faces among the generation of operatives and lobbyists who came of age when Republicans took control of Congress after the 1994 elections. "The one that people are most worried about is Abramoff because it seems to have such long tentacles," said former congressman Vin Weber (R-Minn.), a lobbyist with close ties to the White House. "This seems to be something that could spread almost anywhere . . . and that has a lot of people worried.""
Former Naval Physicist: Government Can Control Hurricanes - "Many scoff at the possibility of weather control and simply refuse to believe it exists. Attempting to even engage such people in conversation on the subject is fruitless because their mind is set. Yet the reality is that weather modification has been in operation and continual development since the 1960s."
Are Americans Ruder Than They Used To Be? - "A slippage in manners is obvious to many Americans. Nearly 70 percent questioned in an Associated Press-Ipsos poll said people are ruder than they were 20 or 30 years ago. The trend is noticed in large and small places alike, although more urban people report bad manners, 74 percent, then do people in rural areas, 67 percent. ... More and more, manners are taught less and less."
Political Screening For All Park Service Managers - "The National Park Service has started using a political loyalty test for picking all its top civil service positions, according to an agency directive released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Under the new order, all mid-level managers and above must also be approved by a Bush administration political appointee."
Spokane Mayor Tries to Block Release of Computer Files - "Lawyers for embattled Spokane Mayor James E. West told a judge Wednesday that the contents of his City Hall laptop computer were not public records and should not be released." -- But it was not his private computer. It was a state owned computer.
A Polling Free-Fall Among Blacks - "In what may turn out to be one of the biggest free-falls in the history of presidential polling, President Bush's job-approval rating among African Americans has dropped to 2 percent, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll."
GAO calls Medicare video news releases illegal propaganda - "The investigative arm of Congress has found that parts of a Bush administration video explaining changes to Medicare violate the government ban on publicity and propaganda."
Study Says Software Makers Supply Tools to Censor Web - ""There's a cat-and-mouse game going on between states that seek to control the information environment and citizens who seek to speak freely online," said John Palfrey, the director of Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society and a researcher with the OpenNet Initiative. "Filtering technologies, and the way that they are implemented, are becoming more sophisticated." Not surprisingly, repressive governments have been eager buyers of those technologies."
Scientists unearth 4,000-year-old noodle dish - "A 4,000-year-old bowl of noodles has been discovered at an archaeological site in western China — possible proof for the argument that China invented pasta before Italy."
Lost Beethoven score discovered - "A working manuscript of one of Beethoven's final compositions has been rediscovered in a seminary library and could fetch more than $2 million (U.S.) at auction."
'I'm in the nude for dancing' - "Hundreds of clubbers are descending on the country's only nude disco every Saturday night."
Musical breast implants - "One boob could hold an MP3 player and the other the person's whole music collection." -- I can't make this shit up.

Quote of the Day
"We are all accountable for our own era."
~ Whitley, WARDAY by Whitley Streiber and James Kunetka
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