President taps Texan who's never been judge - "President Bush today nominated a Texas lawyer who serves as White House counsel, Harriet Miers, to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court – a pick that apparently was pre-approved by Senate Democratic leadership."
Permanent Military Occupation - "On April 13, 2004, President Bush said, "As a proud and independent people, Iraqis do not support an indefinite occupation and neither does America." On February 17, 2005, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, testifying before the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate, said, "We have no intention, at the present time, of putting permanent bases in Iraq." The circumstances on the ground, however, tell another story. On March 23, 2004, the Chicago Tribune reported on the construction of 14 "enduring bases" in Iraq. The May 22, 2005, Washington Post described the military's plan to consolidate military personnel in Iraq into four massive "contingency operating bases.""
Torture of Iraqis was for ‘stress relief’, say US soldiers - "For the first time, American soldiers who personally tortured Iraqi prisoners have come forward to give testimony to human rights organisations about crimes they committed." -- Worth the read since there is way too much to copy here.
Christianity and the Demise of America - "Real Christians would not tolerate presidents who make war on defenseless people based upon lies and innuendo. Bush and his imperialist polices should be openly and powerfully denounced from every pulpit in every church in the United States, every day. But they are not. In fact, just the opposite occurs. Bush and his minions are cheered on by the apostates, the dogs of war and poverty. Rather than acting as a counter friction to the machine, the church acts like a cheer leader for grotesque acts of atrocity against the world. By allying itself with fraudulent ideologues like the ‘Christian Right,’ the church has itself become the anti-Christ. Being Christian, it seems to me, requires asking of oneself in times of crises, ‘What would Christ do?’ But this is a question that makes those who call themselves Christians uncomfortable. It is the kind of question that demands everything of them. It is the kind of question that makes it hard to look at oneself in the mirror."
Giuliani to Mull 2008 Decision Next Year - "Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said Sunday he will contemplate next year whether to run for president in 2008."
Run, Rice, run: Fans seek Condi candidacy - "Devoted admirers of Condoleezza Rice bought time for a television commercial during the premiere last week of "Commander in Chief," backing the secretary of state for the White House in 2008."
Proposed law: Companies can't keep employees from bringing guns to work - "Florida businesses could soon face criminal charges if they try to stop employees from bringing guns to work in their cars, thrusting the state into a growing national debate pitting individual freedom against job safety.",0,4768146.story?coll=sfla-news-florida
Dogs used as shark bait - "Stray dogs are being skewered on hooks and dragged behind boats as live shark bait. ... A six-month-old labrador pup was recently found ALIVE with a huge double hook through its snout - like the dog above - and another through a leg." -- Yes, there is a picture.,,2-2005450117,00.html
Florida city considers eminent domain - "Florida's Riviera Beach is a poor, predominantly black, coastal community that intends to revitalize its economy by using eminent domain, if necessary, to displace about 6,000 local residents and build a billion-dollar waterfront yachting and housing complex." -- Does eminent domain = ethnic cleansing?
Toddlers looked after by mothers 'develop better' - "Toddlers who are looked after by their mothers do significantly better in developmental tests than those cared for by nurseries, childminders or relatives, according to a study to be published today. The findings will show that those given nursery care fared worst. They exhibited higher levels of aggression and were inclined to become more compliant, withdrawn or sad. Those looked after by grandparents and other relatives fared a little better."
Five-year-olds to be given careers advice - "Primary school children should receive careers advice and be encouraged to question their dreams of becoming pop stars and fairy princesses.",6903,1582913,00.html
A symmetrical face isn't just prettier - it's healthier too - "For the perfectly proportioned face is also an indication that the body it sits atop is well prepared to fight off infection. The common cold, asthma and flu are all more likely to be combated efficiently by those whose left side matches their right."
Newly discovered '10th planet' also has a moon - "The recently discovered object on the fringe of the solar system, which has triggered controversy over whether it counts as the "10th planet", has now been found to have a moon."

Quote of the Day
"Our president is a Christian? So was Adolf Hitler."
~ Kurt Vonnegut
1 comment:
Ms. B mentioned the dog as shark bait image to me and she said she's mad at you for putting that on there. I told her I hadn't read your blog yet and that, yes, you sometimes put disturbing articles on your blog but that, really, the world was a distrubing place.
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