Cheney resignation rumors fly - "Sparked by today's Washington Post story that suggests Vice President Cheney's office is involved in the Plame-CIA spy link investigation, government officials and advisers passed around rumors that the vice president might step aside and that President Bush would elevate Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice."
Rumsfeld: China Sowing Suspicion Over Army - "In an interview aboard his plane en route from Washington, Rumsfeld questioned China's motives in underreporting its defense spending. He mentioned no figures, but the Pentagon said last summer that China may be spending $90 billion on defense this year _ three times the announced total." -- So let me get this straight. The U.S. spends $450 billion a year on its military (and that's what is reported) but is pissed off because China may be spending $90 billion a year on its military. Does anyone else see the hypocrisy?
Are we going to war with Iran? - "Shortly after the US elections, the vice-president, Dick Cheney, warned that Israel might attack Iran. Israel has the capability to attack Iranian targets with aircraft and long-range cruise missiles launched from submarines, while Iranian air defences are still mostly based on 25-year-old equipment purchased in the time of the Shah. A US attack might be portrayed as a more reasonable option than a renewed Israeli-Islamic confrontation." -- Huh?,12858,1594977,00.html
Rice: U.S. May Still Be in Iraq in 10 Years - "Pushed by senators from both parties to define the limits of U.S. involvement in Iraq and the Middle East, Rice also declined to rule out the use of military force in Iran or Syria, although she said the administration prefers diplomacy. "I don't think the president ever takes any of his options off the table concerning anything to do with military force," Rice said." -- Which really means that military force is never taken off the table.
The Iraq War Runs Through It - "The day after Wilson's Times piece appeared, the White House retracted its Niger story. It was the first admission of falsehood or distortion in its case for the war. Actually, Cheney, in public appearances, still insists occasionally that the administration's original claims of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) were based on solid intelligence and will eventually turn out to be true. The war is more than two-and-a-half years old, and still no WMDs have been discovered.",schanbergweb,68945,6.html
History lesson for a military superpower - "Meanwhile America is moving backwards. It refuses to learn from its ugly past, so today it is in another ugly mess."
Film rolls as troops burn dead - "US soldiers in Afghanistan burnt the bodies of dead Taliban and taunted their opponents about the corpses, in an act deeply offensive to Muslims and in breach of the Geneva conventions." -- Just another breach of the Geneva conventions.
World is a safer place despite people's fears - "Widespread fears about a world in a perpetual state of war are unfounded, a study says today. It emphasises that the number of conflicts between nations, civil wars, battle deaths, coups and genocides has been falling steeply for more than a decade."
Rocks into Gas - "Geologists have long believed that the world's supply of oil and natural gas came from the decay of primordial plant and animal matter, which, over the course of millions of years, turned into petroleum. But new research coauthored by Dudley Herschbach, Baird research professor of science and recipient of the 1986 Nobel Prize in chemistry, questions that thinking."
Navy, Marines Block Commercial Email Sites - "Hotmail account not working? Or Yahoo!? It’s not a glitch with the computer connection",13319,78905,00.html?
Yes, people like this exist in the world
Bill would keep dogs safer in cars, no ears flapping in the wind - "Rep. Tom Stevenson, R-Mt. Lebanon, has introduced a bill that would require dogs and other pets to be buckled up or battened down in pet seat belts or in crates. It would be illegal for an animal to put its head or even its nose out the window of a moving motorized vehicle." -- Why is this even a topic for debate when the country has so many other issues that need to be addressed?
The Pledge Revisited - "What’s wrong with the Pledge of Allegiance? Doesn’t it promote patriotism? Isn’t it a beloved and proud tradition that has for over a century become woven into the very fabric of national pride and love for flag and country?The very fact that it has become such a tradition and symbol of patriotism is what’s wrong with it. That’s what has always been wrong with it. It promotes fake patriotism while undermining true patriotic understanding and the right to be left alone by Big Brother and the fake patriots.The very fact that school children, from the youngest to the oldest, are required to recite it goes against the sense of individual liberty and freedom which is at the very heart of what our Republic stands for."
State tells insurer to pay - "Adams' odyssey into insurance hell started last March when a man named Michael R. Testa rammed his girlfriend's truck from behind to run it off the road. Testa bashed the truck across the centerline and into oncoming traffic, where it crashed into the Hyundai Adams was driving, squashing it. The 60-year-old Everett woman spent nine days in a coma and five months in a hospital and a nursing home. Testa had no insurance. But Farmers decided that the $2 million uninsured-motorist policies covering Adams didn't apply to anything Testa did because he caused the wreck on purpose. In Farmers' view, the wreck therefore was not an accident — even for Adams, who was just driving by, minding her own business." -- You know, this is screwed up on so many levels.
Secret Code in Color Printers Lets Government Track You - "The U.S. Secret Service admitted that the tracking information is part of a deal struck with selected color laser printer manufacturers, ostensibly to identify counterfeiters. However, the nature of the private information encoded in each document was not previously known." -- A deal?
Abnormal brains wired for lies - "Researchers have found that individuals who habitually lie and cheat have less grey matter and more white matter in their prefrontal cortex than normal people."
The All-New Devil's Dictionary! - "Evildoers. Anybody not with the US (and more than half of all Americans, according to recent polls). All foreigners, foreign-born, foreign-looking people, or the group Foreigner. All doers and thinkers of evil." -- This has some good ones.
Vaccine may target obesity in the future - "When babies receive shots against diseases like polio and measles, their vaccinations may in the future include protection against getting fat, according to researchers."

Quote of the Day
"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people."
~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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