Saddam may never come to trial - "Saddam Hussein may never come to trial, Iraq's former Special Tribunal director said this week." -- Does this mean "they" don't have any proof?
U.S. Marines Engaged in Mock Executions of Iraqi Juveniles and Other Forms of Abuse, Documents Obtained by ACLU Reveal - "U.S. Navy documents released today by the American Civil Liberties Union reveal that abuse and even torture of detainees by U.S. Marines in Iraq was widespread. One Navy criminal investigator sent an e-mail in June 2004 describing his Iraq caseload "exploding" with "high visibility cases." "Day after day, new stories of torture are coming to light, and we need to know how these abuses were allowed to happen," said ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero. "This kind of widespread abuse could not have taken place without a leadership failure of the highest order." The documents the ACLU released today, posted online at, describe substantiated incidents of torture and abuse by U.S. Marines, including: holding a pistol to the back of a detainee’s head while another Marine took a picture (Karbala, May 2003); ordering four Iraqi juveniles to kneel while a pistol was "discharged to conduct a mock execution" (Adiwaniyah, June 2003); severely burning a detainee’s hands by covering them in alcohol and igniting them (Al Mumudiyah, August 2003), and; shocking a detainee with an electric transformer, causing the detainee to "dance" as he was shocked (Al Mumudiyah, April 2004). ... "Abuse of detainees was not aberrational," said ACLU staff attorney Jameel Jaffer. "The Defense Department adopted extreme interrogation techniques as a matter of policy.""
Shield Law Sponsor Lugar: Bloggers 'Probably Not' Considered Journos - "Bloggers would "probably not" be considered journalists under the proposed federal shield law, the bill's co-sponsor, U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar (R.-Ind.), told the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Monday afternoon. ... A key reason some journalists oppose the popular federal shield proposal is fear that giving Congress the power to define who is and isn't a journalist could lead effectively to the licensing of journalists. In other remarks about the legislation at IAPA's 61st General Assembly, Lugar acknowledged that the legislation could amount to a "privilege" for reporters over other Americans."
Feds Prepare for Super-Flu Disaster - "The Bush administration has spent the last year updating its plan for how to fight the next flu pandemic. While it is impossible to say when one will strike, the fear is that the bird flu in Asia could trigger one if it mutates to start spreading easily among people."
Request for Domestic Covert Role is Defended - "As part of the expanding counterterrorism role being taken on by the Pentagon, Defense Intelligence Agency covert operatives need to be able to approach potential sources in the United States without identifying themselves as government agents, George Peirce, the DIA's general counsel, said yesterday. ... "I'm pretty alarmed" by the proposal, said Timothy Edgar, the American Civil Liberties Union's national security policy counsel, saying it could conceivably be used by Pentagon intelligence officers "as a loophole to attend political or other meetings as part of an initial assessing contact.""
THE WORKERS: Take a 63% cut in pay? First reaction is anger - "Delphi Corp. union workers across the country grappled Friday with how they would make ends meet if their employer, the nation's largest auto parts supplier, followed through on pay cuts of up to 63% to reduce costs and avoid filing for bankruptcy. ... Making matters worse, Friday's news of increased severance packages for Delphi's top 21 executives, whose pay is as much as $1 million a year, caused workers like Randy Burley, 56, of Lockport, N.Y. to curse."
Work Hard, Earn Less? - "One of the reasons the rich are getting richer is because they have more control over our number one expense: Taxes."
Deficit drives N.J. to consider selling roads - "New Jersey, the state with the most highways per square mile, may sell the best-known of them all -- the 148-mile New Jersey Turnpike." -- Now, if private companies own these roads that were payed for by our taxes, then these roads will be turned into toll roads.
Unauthorized Reproduction bill has been drafted - "Republican lawmakers are drafting new legislation that will makemarriage a requirement for motherhood in the state of Indiana,including specific criminal penalties for unmarried women who dobecome pregnant "by means other than sexual intercourse."" -- Posted because this type of thinking concerns me. Then later in the day the following story came out. Seems I'm not the only one concerned.;sid=2005/10/3/223530/406
Legislator drops controversial plan - "A controversial proposed bill to prohibit gays, lesbians and single people from using medical procedures to become pregnant has been dropped by its legislative sponsor."
Americans playing risky game of sexual roulette: survey - "Americans are playing a risky game of sexual roulette, according to a new poll that found only 39 percent of respondents always ask a new lover if they are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS."
Job fears? Don't open e-mail - "Employees once had to fear a tap on the shoulder or a pink slip in their mailbox. Now, their e-mail inbox may give workers everywhere the jitters. Opting for the efficiency of technology, the state this week sent out a mass e-mail to 2,582 Health and Human Services Commission employees alerting them they'll likely be sacked."
Bar sign runs afoul of state - "A tavern's sign, "For Service Speak English," violates Ohio civil rights law, a commission ruled Thursday - as the sign still sat in the window of the Pleasure Inn on U.S. 42. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission says that, because of the sign, the Pleasure Inn "engaged in discriminatory practices.""

Quote of the Day
"Freedom of expression is a meaningless concept if everyone thinks the same."
~ Richard M. Dolan
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